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Posts posted by brightonrock

  1. I have two right backs in my team; one is very short, quick and a good tackler; the other is a converted centre half who is tall and good in the air. When I make a sub to bring one on for the other, I would want them to have different roles without having to manually re-assign responsibilities every time - so my quick tackler stays back when we have an attacking corner, whereas by tall DR would be in the box/attacking a post etc.

    I figure this could easily be done. Instead of saying my DR should always "stay back" or "attack near post" (i.e. assigning responsibilities by position on the pitch), we could instead set responsibilities by the team's attributes. This would work by first picking a priority order of responsibilities at a set piece (1-10 priority, excluding GK) and then assign each responsibility by certain attributes. Each one could have an attribute drop-down to "sort" the remaining players by, for example tallest, shortest, fastest, slowest, best long shots, best header, highest jumper, best marking, best dribbler etc.

    Example below for an attacking corner:

    As I select each one, the remaining players on the pitch are then re-sorted. So I could pick "best header" for 2nd priority - my best header would have this role. If I choose Best Header again as #7, 6 players have already been assigned (1-6) so of the remaining 4 outfield players on the pitch, the best header of those 4 gets this responsibility.

    1 Taker

    2 Challenge keeper - Best Header

    3 Stay back - Shortest

    4 Lurk outside area - Best long shots

    5 Stay back - Quickest

    6 Attack near post - Tallest 

    7 Stand on far post - Best Header

    8 Go forward - Tallest

    9 Come short - Best crosser

    10 Stay back if needed - Best tackler

    In this way, the team would naturally sort themselves out at set pieces regardless of formation changes or substitutions, and as a manager I don't have to go through every single set piece (4 types of free kicks plus corners, left & right, defence & attack) every time I make a tactical change - or just "put up with" random mis-matches where my striker ends up staying back for an attacking corner or a 5'4 winger is marking their 6'3 centre half.


  2. Slightly Off Topic to the question but it seems when you get far into the game above average nations get a lot weaker as the regens they produce get a lot worse. For example a good country like Croatia, or Nigeria, don't seem to produce anyone that special

    Nigeria are ranked no1 in the world for me, having won ACON & the World Cup. Slovakia are ranked no2 having won the Euros and lost to Nigeria in the WC final. Meanwhile Brazil/Argentina/France etc have amazing regens but are all languishing in the 20-30ish sort of rank, and barely get through group stages of major tournaments. My save has definitely got a bit weird, I have a Japanese ST who is the world's best (most expensive) player atm, a world class Swiss GK and a ridiculously good, 5* potential (although very injury prone) Greek AML. It's gone beyond the stage where I can argue about realism any more! :D

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