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Posts posted by milnerpoint

  1. The Mods/Developers/Fan boys always vigorously deny the fact that some matches are fixed. Most sane people know that there is something not quite right, it is pretty obvious unless you trying not to believe it. It's not like they are going to come out and admit that some matches are fixed though is it, it would make the game kind of pointless and sales would drop, but we all know it is, and if you try denying it then you are just deluding yourself.

    The only people deluding themselves, are people like yourself.

    This is now heading exactly where most would have predicted it, now facts have been shown, by official SI dev's, the insults have started coming.

  2. It's not a competition against someone else, I'm not saying I'm the best manager of the world and there's always someone better than you and it's true.

    If you say that is normal to have a winning team with a winning tactic that suddenly can't score a single goal in 10 replays vs a 17th position team so I think you're right and I'm not going to go on this thread, everyone will keep its own opinion, all in all it's not vital importance because simply I don't use to replay games. :)

    When you accept your failing to score in ONE game not 10 then you will get over this apparent issue.

    Surely this can be closed now.

  3. That would be obvious if I weren't talking about scoring in the first minutes of the match, where no subs or brutal adjustmenets happened.

    Is it so hard to say it's somehow strange? :)

    The links in the post a few up give you the explanation of how the game works, yet you seem to refuse to believe it as it wont fit into your theory. Read what has been said and come to peace with the fact that the assistant was able to win and you were not.

  4. There are so many people who have experienced the "lost multiple times in a row" thing that there must be something going on. Similarly, every time it comes up, uploading a save produces a win for someone else, so the result is absolutely not "fixed".

    Ill tell you whats going on. The person re-loading is not very good at the game. After the first couple of re-loads they stop trying, or they make wild sweeping tactical changes that messes up everything. The reason someone can win the game first time is they think about it for a minute, make a few small changes that are needed and react in game.

    Im amazed these threads come back around every year, only now a days people dont upload their games, probably because they know someone will win the game first time and prove them completely wrong. Infact i think there should be a rule, if you make a thread like this, you should be forced to upload your save in the OP or it gets closed down. Its so pointless.

  5. But none of the games are decided from a fixed point. What is set a few days before a game are the effects of the previous game, events during the week prior to the next game, press conferences and various other things. Even then, every single game is still winnable even if all of those things have gone against you (which they very rarely do). There are no fixed points of results in FM as things change constantly, from a single tactical change, even changing one player from defend to support can change the outcome of a game.

    That is why these threads are always quickly stamped out. There is no fixing in FM, every game to an extent is winnable, if things are done right.

  6. Even if they are not different games but THE SAME MATCH replayed, there are random facts that occour minutes and seconds AFTER the match has been restarted, so every match cannot be identic to the previous, so I still say that results have to be different.

    Two or three seconds after THE SAME MATCH has been replayed, they will be different career. No doubt about it.

    Unless he got the same score line 17 times in a row, with the same scorers at the exact same times, from the exact same type of goals, then each result is different. The final result is one part of a game of football.

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