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Pete Sottrel

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Issue Comments posted by Pete Sottrel

  1. On 20/10/2022 at 22:53, dactz said:

    For Leeds Rene Maric and Franz Schiemer aren't appearing in the coaching team only Ewan Sharp (they are there and are doing training etc just not in the coaching team list)

    Also not sure i'd say Ian Harte is still favoured personnel some of his actions post retirement as an agent haven't gone over well

    Thanks very much @dactz - the three Leeds assistants are looking OK in the (more recent) build that I have looked at.  Could you please tell us which screens look wrong, and perhaps provide a screenshot?

    I have asked the Leeds researcher about Harte, ta.

  2. On 20/10/2022 at 21:53, TheInvisibleMan said:

    A few issues with Newcastle backroom staff:

    Daniel Garcia switched from coach to goalkeeper analyst: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielgarciavallejo?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_miniProfile%3AACoAABdDnVEBIpxdN8u_4soERqNpj2GiOwdPHKA&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_search_srp_all%3Bx4HPN29mQnCJQmrJ4deXAw%3D%3D

    Joe Friar moved from academy analyst to first team analyst (Seems like when Howe arrived). Also needs one season with U23 team in profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joefriar21?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_contact_details%3BvaAfuyeuS2CJ6nMmmKiNaw%3D%3D

    Haydn Rockall moved from first team analyst back to U23 analyst in the summer: https://www.linkedin.com/in/haydn-rockall-504a4759?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_miniProfile%3AACoAAAxvPhQB9xgLD1WfkoR9KTr-zFocj4XcjA8&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_search_srp_all%3BK6g1ZrpoT8yVC4vczj%2FG0Q%3D%3D

    Matthew Hutchinson joined last year as U18 analyst: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-hutchinson-0019331a2?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_miniProfile%3AACoAAC9600EB-HaqY6254quYZh6lOqrTE5mf3Lc&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_search_srp_all%3B8SRfsbaBStea7wKdRvn9Tg%3D%3D

    Tom Coffield is the head of performance analysis at the club but doesn't feature in the game: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-coffield-208352246?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_miniProfile%3AACoAADzrZ6gBpdENuLrcv89IsUiklLbyeAH8voA&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_search_srp_all%3BPzkYr8EnTD6urH8yhXKDmw%3D%3D

    Maybe as a result Mark Leyland would be better as an analyst with a secondary role as a coach? He's been described in articles as a coach-analyst: https://trainingground.guru/articles/newcastle-land-liverpools-head-of-post-match-analysis

    James Newton has moved to Leeds United: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-newton-107717114?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_miniProfile%3AACoAAByVFNcBVcs6k_gfS2YxOvaw1zdV0nilyfE&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_search_srp_all%3BAmNNFIQ5R4KDJekPBsxNRA%3D%3D

    Peter Ramage is assistant loan manager: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-ramage-0001a152?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_miniProfile%3AACoAAAsP3MABdrDvpq39XcBuc24UM51J-qNeowk&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_search_srp_all%3B1vDr5YJATlKuf0ftXvqWew%3D%3D

    Thanks very much @TheInvisibleMan - that's really useful.  I am afraid that we cannot accomodate an assistant loan manager (Peter Ramage), in-game, currently.  I have sorted all the others.

  3. On 20/10/2022 at 20:49, qzjegg said:

    Couple issues with Tottenham's backroom staff:

    1. Tottenham appointed Leonardo Gabbanini as the new chief scout. I understand Leonardo Gabbanini was never in any previous Football Manager database. (Source: https://theathletic.com/3508852/2022/08/15/tottenham-leonardo-gabbanini-watford-scout/)

    2. Andy Scoulding (previously worked for Rangers) joined as a head of football strategy (similar to recruitment analyst I think) and Jeff Vetere joined as a scout. (Source: https://www.football.london/tottenham-hotspur-fc/news/fabio-paratici-real-madrid-tottenham-25066662)

    3. Three coaches are missing: Former Manchester City head of academy coaching Simon Davies (currently not in the game database, he is not the Simon Davies in Peterborough) was appointed in mid-August as head of coaching methodology for the academy (U21); Jermain Defoe (currently unemployed in the game) is now coach for Tottenham U17-U21 teams; Yaya Toure (currently unemployed in the game) is mainly working as the U16 team coach (any chance to put him in Tottenham's U18?). (Source: https://www.football.london/tottenham-hotspur-fc/news/fabio-paratici-real-madrid-tottenham-25066662)

    Thank you!

    Thanks very much @qzjegg - much appreciated!

  4. 19 hours ago, SL19 said:

    Hi @SL19 - great to hear from you, and thanks!  Both the Ferguson and the Butland injuries have been set in the database (must have missed the Tomkins one), so not sure why they are not starting the game injured.  I will investigate.

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