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Posts posted by paconaifas

  1. 8 minutos atrás, sebastian_starttrbts disse:


    Hello @paconaifas,

    I feel like I understand what you're thinking about.

    The skin is developed in Full Screen Window Mode with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 (Standard Size 100%). The different "panels" are arranged using a specific ratio. For example, the player overview panel has a layout of "-100,-208,-192". This means that the three vertical sections are arranged using a height-ratio of 100 for the top section, 208 for the middle and 192 for the bottom section (total height=500 and rescaled for different resolutions). Given your laptop-screen with a smaller height, each section will be in the same ratio but due to fixed heights for specific elements some parts unfortunately won't appear at the moment.

    There might be an approach to change the containers to hide elements that exceed the maximum height or width, but this would require some more editing than just removing one part and replace another one. And in addition some elements won't be visible anymore. I'll have to think about a possible solution.

    Oh, that´s a pity,

    Thanks anyway.



  2. Hi @sebastian_starttrbts,


    I would really like to try out your skin, and play with the stars on the attributes, however, I have a problem, and would like to know if you can help me...

    The skin has a bigger resolution, than the one that my laptop has, which makes it difficult for all the information on the club, and player panels, for example, to appear correctly. That said, is there any way for us to delete some of those information, and make the skin more "friendly", for the resolution tht I use?

    I hope I explained well, what my idea is...



  3. Hi guys,

    I wonder if you could help me with something. 

    I would like to make FM more challenging, and replace the numbers on the attributes, with stars, on the base skin. I know there is a skin that has stars instead of numbers, but it is for bigger screens than mine (I play on a laptop), and there is too much information on players and teams panel, for example.

    That said, could you please tell me how I could do it, or which files should be replaced on the skin folder, for this to happen.



  4. I´ve noticed that FM 23 has even less custom formations, than FM 22 had. No 4-3-1-2 or 4-3-3 narrow, for example. And that made be think that with less custom formations, AI managers have less options to change their teams formations, when they need to mid game for example (I think they only use the custom formations in the game, but correct me if I am wrong). Doesn´t it give us an advantage, if we use other formations, made by us, that no other AI manager uses, or may use in the future. Doesn´t it make the game easier for us?

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