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Posts posted by Redmundo

  1. Just now, Neil Brock said:

    Anyone still without the pre-game editor - where did you buy your game from?

    It has been released and should be there, but we did have an instance once whereby certain keys from a certain region didn't have the editor unlocked - if we can narrow this down we may be able to find a cause for this.

    Either that, or it's just being slow to populate through Steam, which does sometimes happen when it's very busy as it is now. 

    I have purchased the game via Steam, in Australia. Thanks for looking into it.


  2. Hi. I've downloaded the full version of the game but the Editor has not automatically downloaded/become visible with it (in Steam). I have restarted Steam on numerous occasions over the last 30 minutes with no success. Can you advise when the Editor is available please, and if it already is, where I need to look to find it? Simply ticking the "Tools" box and 'searching' for it by name, is not successful.

    Thanks very much

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