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Posts posted by mwjfm2011

  1. Just thought I would say how good the Touch version is for the Switch. I can’t find any positive reviews for the game so I thought I would say how much I’m enjoying it. People are moaning about the controls. It’s a bit fiddly. However, once you get used to it, it’s fine. I was worried about Touch not being available for the IPad at first. It looks great on a big tv too. Well done SI I say.

  2. 59 minutes ago, mwjfm2011 said:

    I’m rubbish with laptops. Does anyone know if the below would be good enough for 5-8 leagues and a large player database? My budget is about £600 


    Any responses are appreciated.

    I will only be buying it for FM. I won’t be using the 3d match engine too

  3. I'm quite happy with the game overall. It gets better and better for me every year. It's so addictive too. My wife hates the game.

    Here are some improvement that I think could take place. Nothing major really apart from the player stats (stamina).

    1: Managers contracts would be a nice feature. Not a must but would add even more realism to the game.

    2: The loan system needs looking at. No one ever loans a player for a month or so. Also, the clubs always pay the wages even if you don't select it. They always put the recall clause on too.

    3: There needs to be a feature where the board give you more time. If your a team like Plymouth and win the Premier League like I did, you wouldn't be under pressure for losing your job during the next season despite achieving 5th and losing in the semi final of the Champions League. The board gave me no warning either. I could understand this situation for Man U but not Plymouth!

    4: Older players stats really do go down hill quickly unlike other versions of the game. I won't sign anyone over the age of 33 as they just lose all their stats within a season and the stamina one is a massive problem as the older players can't manage 70 mins it seems. This needs looking at.

    5: PLEASE let us delete old saved games. I can't understand why this has never been added.

    6: Unhappy players need to go AWOL or refuse to play to demand a transfer away from a club. If I have a unhappy player on a five year contract then I'll just keep him and the performance hardly suffers. In fact, I've rarely had a unhappy player struggle with form to be honest. For me this is a must. Look at the Southampton FC situation in real life. They can't do anything to stop the players leaving. The only reason I won all the leagues with Plymouth was the fact that nobody could get near my players. I just refused the bid for a few years as they were all on five year contracts. Most of them were unhappy but we ended up winning the Premier League despite the players wanting to move to bigger clubs. Add scenarios like the Osvaldo situation. He refuses to play for Saints. For me it adds more realism. This is a big issue for me that needs addressing. The game is way too easy as you don't need to sell players.

    7: Get rid of this the pitch with dots. This is a waste of time. Other features could be added if this was taken away. I'll be surprised if anyone is using it. I'm quite happy with the commentary.

    Keep up the good work guys. The handheld versions along with the PC ones are terrific.

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