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Posts posted by Jasonxx

  1. I have not played "full FM" a lot this year, but I am now around one and a half season into my long-term FMT save, and I have not seen too many injuries. I can only recall one incident where one of my players was out for around three months, the rest were just minor issues anywhere between a day or two up to a week at most. I do however rotate where appropriate, and I make sure I give my players days of rest during fixture-heavy weeks.

    With regard to training - my club´s facilities are not state of the art (though not poor either), and my staff has 3 stars each, but most of my players keep improving very nicely.

    Could it be a case of some of your players being low on determination or lacking professional/ambitious personalities?

  2. Welcome back to FM :thup: .

    Getting back into the game after so many years may be a bit intimidating, I feel you.

    Set up the game via Options (or "Preferences" I think it is), then take your time and familiarize yourself with every screen. Maybe take over a club that you support so you´re familiar with the players and staff. If you select "inexperienced manager" before the start, you will get some (mostly useful) tutorials covering many parts of the game. Don´t expect your first save to go as planned, just take your time to get used to everything before you start "seriously".

    Maybe search for some useful basic guides on YouTube. I know that the videos of Bustthenet, etc. are extremely helpful with regard to understanding tactics/training as well as some other aspects, you might want to start out with something more basic though :) .

    As you chose to go with FMT (since you posted here and mentioned the iPad), that choice will certainly help. The game is not any easier than the full version, but it is way more streamlined and less overwhelming. Feel free to ask in case of specific questions.

  3. 9 hours ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    Sweden is your friend. 

    Short seasons, no real dominant club, deep league system out the box. Great newgens at a  lot of clubs.

    100% this.

    6 hours ago, Bry said:

    Maybe I should wean myself off with the decaffeinated version (FM Touch?).

    Give it a go, mate. You might be surprised how focussing on the core elements of the game can bring back so much fun :thup: .

    10 hours ago, DeepsFM said:

    I'm constantly starting new games and over the years I can probably count my trophy haul on one hand - as I can the number of seasons that I've completed - ok maybe two for that.

    The "trophy hunt" has somehow become less of a thing for me in recent years. Mostly, I´m just happy bringing a lower league side to the top flight, surviving there in the first season, and then more often than not, that´s the end of the save for me. Of course, there´s not many trophies to be won that way (unless you count lower league titles as "real trophies"), but I guess I´m having more fun that way than I would trying to make top level teams even stronger.

  4. 1 hour ago, right_winger said:

    By the way, is FMT included in the full FM2020 (boxed version)? I just spotted it for a good price so might buy it and only play Touch. Cheaper than anywhere I've seen online for FMT download atm.

    FMT for PC is included in the full version, at least on Steam - should be the case for the boxed version as well, I guess. FMT for tablets or Switch will need to be bought separately, though.

  5. 17 minutes ago, henryzz said:

    Doesn't FMT not have fluidity. This probably makes it easier assuming that fluidity is always full.

    Do you perhaps mean tactical familiarity? That is not included in FMT indeed. However, in full FM that has never been an issue for me either, as usually a pre-season with a number of friendly matches should be enough to ensure tactical familiarity, and otherwise it´s being improved "in the background" via training. I´m not too sure about the concept anyway, as most formations and playing styles (perhaps apart from some very extreme styles of pressing, etc.) should be familiar to professional footballers.

    12 minutes ago, henryzz said:

    Team talks are the sort of thing that could be optional.

    That would be fantastic :thup: .

  6. 32 minutes ago, tyro said:

    In a sense, FMT is more fluid but I would actually argue that FMT is more difficult than FM. There are less complicated concepts, however, because of that, you also have fewer tools to influence the game: no team talks to improve morale, no press conferences to unsettle people, streamlined training so you cannot get the last ounce of your players' potential, streamlined staff and scouting which does not let you maximize the potentials either, no during the match shouts.

    If you look at all these tools that you don't have in FMT, it actually is more of a challenge.

    This is actually a very good point. Basically all you have to influence your match results is the way your tactics work, which makes it more "difficult" indeed. I have become used to not having pre-match or half time team talks to boost morale, or mid-match shouts to gain some influence over the outcome of the match (although I don´t really know how much of an influence they really are). These are probably two of the very few things I would like to see added to FMT, although I can see why people don´t care too much for them (team talks especially, as players´ reactions sometimes can be just ... well, let´s say weird :rolleyes: ).

  7. 38 minutes ago, rich10 said:
    On 12/12/2019 at 20:58, FelixLeon said:

    Its defo FMT-Lite, better than FM mobile but not the full FMT experience.


    Is this true? I think it is the full FMT codebase + ME, the only difference being the UI as it's been slightly modified to fit the smaller screen.

    In addition the only couple of difference I see is that you won't be able to edit the graphics at all.

    It has touch screen enabled too, which is nice.

    It is definitely the "full FMT" experience. Okay, on PC you could load more than three nations if you so choose, and you could probably install graphics/face packs if that´s what floats your goat, but other than that, I don´t see any difference.

    On the plus side, on the Switch you don´t have to worry about minimum requirements in terms of processing and/or 3D representation, since these are tailored specifically to the Switch´s hardware :) .

  8. On 09/12/2019 at 12:24, bartepd said:

    Im just thinking about buying. I'm afraid to start the game and see that 2D does not work smoothly and days fly slowly even with one league. Let me know how it looks.

    The presentation in both 2D and 3D on the Switch is very smooth. The game with three nations and ten to twelve leagues proceeds quickly as well. If FMT is your preferred choice, then you certainly won´t go wrong with the Switch version. Maybe check out some Youtube videos of FMT on the Switch (doesn´t really matter whether it´s FMT19 or FMT20) before you purchase :) .

  9. On 14/12/2019 at 12:05, shirajzl said:

    That's why we see that a lot of people feel it's beneath them, even though FMT seems like a perfect fit for their preferred style of play. I've seen that SO MANY times it makes me sad.

    True indeed. Maybe people are still confusing FMT with FMM, I don´t know (one of the reasons they should rename it "Classic", as I said before - as that is basically what it is). I honestly cannot see why anybody would feel like they´re playing an "inferior" game when switching from full FM to FMT. I made the transition myself over the past couple of iterations, and to me it feels as immersive as ever. I think most of the immersion is created in our minds anyway, as we spin the stories accompanying our saves.

    I spent quite a couple of hours over the weekend playing the Switch version, and it felt so smooth, being able to do just the things that I deem important and fun (though of course, both is subjective). The time I spent playing out the first matches of the season, tweaking things here and there, making small adjustments to get the most out of my players felt so rewarding. In full FM, I would have spent that same amount of time just looking for and then hiring and firing various staff, handling coaching assignments, etc.

  10. I only ever do tactics on my own.

    To me, it´s a huge part of the fun of playing FM/FMT. I have a preferred style of football, a kind of philosophy, if you will, and I try to implement that as best I can. I could never download a tactic and just be done with it, it just wouldn´t feel right, all the more so as many of those tactics seem to simply exploit certain aspects of the ME. Although I do respect if people prefer it that way, to each their own.

    I start with implementing the basic layout, then I usually try to finetune my ideas over the course of preseason so I can enter the first competitive matches with a tactical setup that is founded on the football I want to see my team play, although some adjustments may be necessary depending on the players at my disposal. Then over the course of the season, I try to spot any possible issues during matches and make minor tweaks accordingly, no drastic changes though. This approach usually works for me.

    On 14/12/2019 at 07:29, Svenc said:

    It is well documented how many shy away from playing FM Classic / Touch as they deem the game to be "beneath them".

    Apparently, this really seems to be the case, something I will probably never understand. It is the same game after all, simply made a bit more streamlined by the omission of certain aspects that many seem to find tedious and non-impactful anyway. But again, to each their own :) .

    On 14/12/2019 at 07:29, Svenc said:

    What I am not surprised by is how few so far leave the match managementn to the assistant manager, as imo it's a very undercooked area of the game that could be so much more interesting.

    At this point I feel like the assistant manager and his "tactical advice" mainly serves as a source of entertainment.

  11. On 13/12/2019 at 07:53, Prej said:

    Just compare the crossing behaviour. Definitely not like in FM19, way less players trying the good ol' "let's see if I can cross through a defender".

    I also find crossing to be vastly improved compared to FM19, where sometimes i didn´t even bother to finish watching the highlight when i knew my winger/overlapping full back was going to cross into the nearest defender anyway. Of course it still happens, but that´s football, and in happens IRL as well. In FM20 i see way more successful crosses or even some beautiful low passes back from the byline to onrushing midfielders just entering the penalty area :thup: .


    On 13/12/2019 at 09:41, sovy666 said:

    Now they score some 1vs1 but the crossing game is almost useless because the header often is over the bar even with little to no pressure from good position.

    Keep in mind that with regard to pressure from defenders, the 3D representation might be misleading here. It might look as if there was no pressure when your striker went for a header, when indeed there was.

  12. In response to a strong start or any strong run of form for a longer period of time, the opposition AI will start to approach matches against you in a different way, i.e. sit deeper, offer less space, etc.

    Watch how the matches unfold and tweak your tactics accordingly, then you should be fine. I think it´s fairly sensible for the AI to approach "on fire" teams differently.

    On 10/12/2019 at 16:54, eencae said:

    I also avoid signing players with low determination/leadership and try and sign ones with high ratings.

    This is a very important thing to keep in mind, not just regarding slumps, and one that is probably overlooked all too often. Especially depending on your preferred style of play (i.e. high pressing, physically intense), determination and work rate can be so hugely important.

  13. 4 hours ago, craiigman said:
    On 12/12/2019 at 11:47, Jasonxx said:

    I feel you, mate. With the release of the Switch version, I went back to FMT as well. I did enjoy my hours in the "full game", but for me, it has become a bit bloated throughout the years. It can literally take me months to get through a single season, so even though I do enjoy it, it is no longer for me. Add time restraints and the fact that I enjoy tactics/transfers/squad building way more than handling training or media-related stuff, it´s an easy choice for me.

    Plus, with the excellent Switch version (that, from my playing experience, does not seem to have the issues others have with FMT for tablets) I get to squeeze in a bit more playing time.

    I do however think they should go back to calling it "FM Classic", the way they used to until what, four or five years ago? Playing FMT does feel like the smooth, yet-even-better-now, experience of FM back in like 2008 or so :) .

    what issues are you referring to?

    In some of the posts here users seem to have issues with the 3D performance during matches, with players constantly moaning about training, and with PPM´s of players not at the club invisible, if I got that right, just off the back of my head. I at least did not encounter any of this in the Switch version.

  14. 5 minutes ago, EggDaddy06 said:

    Is it also correct that there are no sounds or background music, and the only noise is crowd noise during a match?

    That is true indeed :) .

    It may certainly take a bit to get used to the controls, especially if you have been out of touch (no pun intended) with FM in general, but once you figured out where the information you mostly need is hidden and how to access it, I find it is actually pretty comfortable.

  15. 11 hours ago, Lashley said:

    Tried a save in regular FM, managed 2 seasons before remembering why I enjoy FMT so much: Not having to press continue all the bloody time.

    I feel you, mate. With the release of the Switch version, I went back to FMT as well. I did enjoy my hours in the "full game", but for me, it has become a bit bloated throughout the years. It can literally take me months to get through a single season, so even though I do enjoy it, it is no longer for me. Add time restraints and the fact that I enjoy tactics/transfers/squad building way more than handling training or media-related stuff, it´s an easy choice for me.

    Plus, with the excellent Switch version (that, from my playing experience, does not seem to have the issues others have with FMT for tablets) I get to squeeze in a bit more playing time.

    I do however think they should go back to calling it "FM Classic", the way they used to until what, four or five years ago? Playing FMT does feel like the smooth, yet-even-better-now, experience of FM back in like 2008 or so :) .

  16. I am very happy with FMT20 for the Nintendo Switch. I had spent quite some time with last year´s version, and I believe I can safely say that the new one is definitely an improvement.

    Controls are fine, the game runs smooth and quick and 3D matches look fine. Everything is perfectly readable on the screen. I had been a bit hesitant before release because of the issues I had been reading of concerning FMT on tablets especially, like the delayed updates, no PPM´s visible for scouted players (which, by the way, is not the case in the Switch version), etc., but I truly love FMT on the Switch, very enjoyable.

    Keep up the good work SI, even though a small but vocal minority might not be perfectly happy with things - as far as the Switch version goes, I certainly am :) .


    16 hours ago, EggDaddy06 said:

    1. No official logos, kits or photos for Premier League teams - is this correct?

    Yes, this is correct, and btw, this is the case across all platforms and all versions of the game.


    16 hours ago, EggDaddy06 said:

    2. Controls seem very unintuitive. There appears to me three systems to control the game - touchscreen, left stick controller cursor or D-Pad and buttons. I have found that no one system will let you do everything you need to do so have had to use a hybrid of all three methods.

    Of course I can only speak for myself, but I think they really nailed the controls. You can do everything and access every aspect of the game using the sticks and the shoulder buttons, it is to be expected to have to use more than a single button to access all the information that comes with the game.


    16 hours ago, EggDaddy06 said:

    3. It is very hard to find stuff. This may just be because I am overwhelmed as a new user, or it may be bacuse the interface / controls need improvement.

    I really do believe that you might simply be a bit overwhelmed. You opened your post saying that you had not picked up FM in many years, so that is probably to be expected. Give it some time, mate, dig in and you will be rewarded with a fine game. I really hope you find your FM enjoyment again!

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