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Posts posted by Elwood

  1. Hi friends, long time player since fm 07, stopped watching football completely, and now I'm back with 18.

    Shameful to admit that I still have no idea what different team shapes do exactly.

    I understand that mentalities for players are more staggered in structured while more universal in fluid. Am I wrong to assume that it affects the team's compactness vertically and fluid moves more as a unit then? Since width controls horizontal compactness.

    My question is, is there any reason to actually not want your team move as a unit? Which essentially is asking is there any reason to use structured over fluid? Cause to me it seems vertical compactness is just better in almost every tactical situation I can think off, passing, pressing, transitioning, defending, good players/bad players

    Must be something I'm not seeing.

  2. Hi guys, I really need some of you great tacticians to help replicate a style of play that I tried and failed many times to implement.

    To give you some background information, I have a natural AML that is really, really great at scoring goals (think Ronaldo). And I have a striker whose strengths is really in creating chances rather than finishing them. So in other words, instead of my winger creating for my striker, I need to be the other way round.

    So how best to go around doing it? Instead of giving me player roles can I have which specific instructions to best do this?

    First, I'm guessing balanced philosophy if my winger is on attack duty and striker on support duty? So that the winger will have a higher mentality than the striker? Or at least fluid so they will have the same mentality?

    Next, give my striker roaming and wideplay moves into channels? So he will move wide to create space in the box for the winger to attack? And give my winger maxed runs from deep and wideplay cut inside so he can exploit said space? Is that correct?

    Is mixed RFD necessary for my striker to creating even more space?

    Should I think hold up ball for my striker? Because I read somewhere that HUB makes the striker hold the ball in high positions more and less mobile?

    What if I add another CAM into the equation? Will an attacking midfielder take up the same space as my winger and a playmaker that sits and play passes better?

    Sorry for the trouble and thanks for the help!

    Sorry, to clarify I want my striker to create space by primary drifting wide not dropping deep. Create space with horizontal movement not vertical. So a simple false 9 is not what I'm looking for.

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