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Posts posted by Dozman

  1. Hi does anyone know where you can see the graph showing the opponents pass direction in their previous game. I'm talking about the graph that shows the players position then thick arrows and direction which goes bolder with the amount of continued passes between two players. The one where you can identify the way they play more often so you can try to disrupt their game when you play them?

  2. Hi, I've just bought the game on ps5 last night and started at Everton. Budget was only 2 million so I sold Anthony Gordon to Lazio for 47 million. News item said board agreed to add 47 million to transfer budget on completion of deal. Deal done, he now plays for Lazio but my budget is still 2 million. Same with Tom Davies, am I missing something, I can't play like this?


    Si please respond as I don't know what's causing this to happen


  3. 6 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    The intensity of the training for a player can be seen on their profiles training section - it should show the level the assistant is using for it, if you're getting a load of injuries then consider over-riding him and setting it lower for specific players who might be overly injury prone?

    Thanks Marc, I'll check this out

  4. 27 minutes ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    I'm afraid you don't give a lot of information which would be required to give an educated answer I'm afraid:

    What club/league are you in?
    Do you have physios?
    What training level are the players on?

    Generally speaking the higher up the leagues you go the more rigorous the matches and training will be and the more important physios will become in avoiding injuries.

    Thanks Marc, I'm in the Budesliga 2nd div with Hamburg. I have a 3.5 star physio and my assistant manager is 2 star. I'm not sure what you mean by training level, my assistant does it but I can't see what box (Training focus) he uses as it doesn't show. From an individual perspective, the training rating is high. Highest is 9.35, average 8.35 some 7.55, 7.80's.

    I believe I'm getting a lot of injuries, I worry every time I hit continue. If 3 or 4 days pass, it generally comes up with a first team player having an injury in training. 

  5. (Sorry I originally posted this in the wrong forum mobile rather than touch). This post is related to touch


    I'm getting first team injuries, regular from training. Mostly by sprints.

    I also get injuries in games. 

    Right now, I have 6 first team players out with the lowest 6-8 weeks and when I hit continue, I start getting training injuries from sprints.


    I'm at the point that I'm stopping the game and re-loading as it's taking away the realism, even then it's 1 in 4 re-loads that I don't get one.


    I really don't want to be doing this, I took it at first and sucked it up but it doesn't look like it's going to stop so I have to manage it this way which I really don't like. My idea is to take any in games, and let the odd training one slip through on a more realistic basis.


    Now it could be that my assistant manager is training them to hard but the report says otherwise and that everyone is enjoying training. Not sure if this is wrong or if the injury algorithm needs tuning?


    Anyone else have issues with regular injuries?

  6. I'm getting first team injuries, regular from training. Mostly by sprints.

    I also get injuries in games. 

    Right now, I have 6 first team players out with the lowest 6-8 weeks and when I hit continue, I start getting training injuries from sprints.


    I'm at the point that I'm stopping the game and re-loading as it's taking away the realism, even then it's 1 in 4 re-loads that I don't get one.


    I really don't want to be doing this, I took it at first and sucked it up but it doesn't look like it's going to stop so I have to manage it this way which I really don't like. My idea is to take any in games, and let the odd training one slip through on a more realistic basis.


    Now it could be that my assistant manager is training them to hard but the report says otherwise and that everyone is enjoying training. Not sure if this is wrong or if the injury algorithm needs tuning?


    Anyone else have issues with regular injuries?



  7. Back in the late 70's I became aware of a German team called SV Hamburg when Kevin Keegan left Liverpool to do make an, at the time, unusual decision to move abroad to play football. As an Everton, this was very pleasing and I started to become aware of a whole new level of football. I was only a young kid.

    With fm21 touch I wanted to create a save and immerse myself in it rather than  power through like usual. I wanted to take my time, absorb everything, learn a new team by taking time to do this rather than  rush in, sell sell sell then buy buy buy. 

    I wanted to pick a team with a challenge and start total immersion. When looking for a team of this nature, I found out that SV Hamburg were now in the German 2nd division, they needed someone to take them back into the bundesliga and the success they enjoyed in the late 70's and early 80's when Keegan transferred to them. That was that then.


    So I took control of Hamburg in the German 2nd division as an unknown manager. The 5 year vision was very clear,in year 1, they wanted promotion back to the bundesliga by winning the league. Not sure if they will take promotion  without the title but hopefully I won't get to find this outing all goes well.

    My first aim was to not hit continue until I was well acquainted with my squad, the club, it's history and the staff. I wanted to know everything. Every little detail about every player, every point from the squad report in order to fully assess my squad. It's weaknesses and it's strengths. 

    I wanted to understand the depth of squad to see if there was positions I needed to bolster or improve.

    Cash is tight and wage bill pretty much reached.

    Squad was not big either and I had injuries.

    It took two and half hours before I moved on from my analysis and setting up a tactic, and I loved it. Once moved on I spent time absorbing the world and local news and taking note of the social media posts. Paying attention to those pleased with my appointment and those raging about the board appointing someone unknown in charge of their beloved club. Immersion.

    After playing a couple of friendlies, actual time was mounting up and I'm enjoying this way of playing. I picked up a couple more light injuries which with my small squad, and tactic/formation in place, llowed me to realise the area I had no inadequate depth. Attacking midfield.

    With little money and limited wages, recruitment was a challenge. I had my scouts out looking but I had to go looking myself and send out scouts to any that filled the bill to get their expert opinion.

    I finally found what was a quality signing from a German third division club. I signed him for 800k, he scored a magnificent volley in the next friendly and set up chances for others to score. His value is 3.9M now (signing below)

    I played my first game and won 5-1 fantastic, enjoyed reading the social media feeds after that. I'm now preparing for game 2 Padaborn away (screen below). I've had a couple more injuries in training which has now disrupted my prep. One may be back in time but the other out for 4-6 weeks, both key players but this is the challenge and I'm enjoying it.

    Last game I had two central defenders on a yellow and none on bench to replace, big risk of a red and further issues. Main cd out for months.

    With transfer deadline day approaching, I'll have to look for cover with what I have left. I'll need to spend time with the scouts while preparing for a tough away game.

    I'll let you know how I get on.




  8. When viewing the post match analysis data, the data is blank so shows no arrows or indicators on the pitch view. See screen attached, currently set to passes.


    If I change to shots or anything else it's also blank.


    I also can't click on any of the buttons at the bottom (I assume they're buttons anyway) or move the timer bar either (May be the zero data is at 0 minute, but I can't move it to see)


  9. 1 hour ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    Hi - this sounds like an issue with something having been put in the manual which is from the main game and not the touch version (the manual is edited from the PC equivalent I believe).

    Apologies for any confusion.

    That's no problem Marc, I understand that these things happen.


    The dugout is in the game though but I can't seem to have any control regarding toggling this on screen or not? When it flashes up by itself, it goes off very quickly when a highlight kicks in and I can't toggle it back on as an overlay. I play comprehensive highlights so not being able to read dugout advice is a problem.


    Also, is the 'show me' , 'ask for' aspect of the dug out meant to be in touch or is this only in the main game?

  10. It's all in the manual which is specifically for the touch version and accessed from within the game.


    Anything in their should be in the game, it also clearly states control over dugout, feedback and game flow.


    Can someone from SI please comment, no problem if it's  a bug that can be fixed it's must annoying not being able to use the features.


    I now have scout reports, it appears you don't get them for friendlies (which differs from other versions) but I'm now getting them for official games

  11. Firstly, I'm on android and loving the game, I'm just missing a few significant features and wondered if I was missing something or do I g something wrong.

    The game manual for touch (accessed within game under preferences) says under the playing a game section, it  speaks about a pre match staff meeting where a backroom team provide an opposition report which includes expected line up and tactical advice. This is before team selection.


    So far, I have never seen this and I do have a scout assigned to scout next opponents.

    My game goes straight to team selection, and nothing is provided about the next opponents. 

    It then says that after submitting team selection you get instant feedback (pre match meeting) from the players just before kick off so you can asset any positivity and negativity from players to tactically use with your shout. It says pay close attention to this.

    I don't get this at all, it goes straight to team sheets.

    Once I continue from this the match starts. 

    The manual describes the dugout where I can ask the staff for specific information. It says I can select 'show me' and 'ask for'

    I can't see this at all, the dugout appears between highlights (I have max highlights) but quickly disappears before I can read when another highlight comes on. I have to pause to read it but cannot still see a 'show me' or 'ask for' even when it's up.

    I can bring up the tablet display on the far right on demand due to button on bottom of screen but cannot see anything to bring the dug out up on demand.

    The manual also talks about widgets that I can configure and use but this is under the 'show me' which I can't see.


    Finally, under advanced gameplay it talks about custom game flow. It only applies on a save (not from title scfeen) and is accessed via preferences and you search for custom game flow in order to configure. I cannot see this anywhere on any tab or even using the search panel within preferences.


    Can anyone help or advise Please?


  12. Can anyone tell me how to get the dugout showing on your match screen? I can get the panels either side to show but can't get to toggle the dugout on and off. It appears on the screen from time to time then goes off quickly, I have to pause the game when it's on in order to read it.


    I just can't seem to have control over it if anyone can help?

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