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Posts posted by LordTC

  1. I'm not quite sure how the points on attribute improvements convert to growth, but I've seen hyper focused schedules not produce much results so having a bit of gain everywhere seems more likely to generate overall improvements since any stat could improve.

    A few key questions I have about training:

    1.  Can focusing an attribute improve a strength or can it only cover up a weakness?  That is to say when you get the warning to change the individual training is that a warning that your training will be ineffective or is it suggesting another attribute might be more beneficial to how the coach wants to develop a player.  I'm not sure whether I should ignore these warnings and build players the way I want or heed them and build well rounded players to get more growth.

    2.  Does playing a player at too high a level hurt their growth if they have good performance? 

    3. Do match scores and overall ratings of a player have an effect on growth?

    4. If we edit the U23 and U18 leagues to have high reputation will this allow players to grow to a later stage? Or does the fact that they all get treated as unofficial matches mean that reputation won't impact growth?  I'm looking for hacks to not have to loan players so that I can train them the way I want to.  I currently hate that sending players on loan tends to ruin their training as the AI teams don't have good routines. I also like doing well in the minor events like the U23 league and all the U18/U19 leagues and cups and such, which means I prefer to have complete teams of prospects for those leagues.

    5. Is league reputation the relevant variable for growth that should be considered for loans in addition to playing time? That is to say am I better off lending players to the Spanish top league than other leagues because it's a 4.5 star league?

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