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Posts posted by SynergyIso7

  1. Find players? Like do my own searching around the globe? It only allows me to search for players that have been scouted. I'd like to find potentially great players using the search function but it doesn't seem to allow it anymore. Even when I look at teams in South America, players are greyed out, do I need those leagues loaded?

  2. How do I play a short free-kick from a shooting position or a spray the ball to a player in a wide position? I'm trying to do something different with set-pieces and essentially lay it off to someone else or to knock the ball wide, I couldn't see the options to set this up. 

  3. 19 hours ago, kiingallen said:

    Disappointing that in press conferences/pre-match interviews the journalist knows that a player role has changed before a game.
    The journalist (potentially AI managers?) essentially knows every tweak you’ve made to your tactic and even tell you when you’ve changed a player role before they’ve even kicked off.

    E.g. “can you tell me why x player appears to have been asked to play a different role in today’s game?” (Before the game).

    then I have to pretend like I haven’t changed anything… 

    This kills immersion instantly. 

    Yes, this needs rectifying instantly. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, lpcinder said:

    I'm sorry if this has been brought up already, but in my Arsenal save, a lot of players seem to suffer from constant tiredness. I rest them for a week, they play 1 match and instantly go back to "need a rest". As I tend to not play them then, this has cost me a lot of points. 


    I think that's ridiculous. Players should be dying to get out there every week. This player entitlement has existed in the game for years and it is quite off putting. "I'm playing too much, I need a rest" absolutely ridiculous. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    More wonky interactions

    Still playing my FM23 journeyman save, but now ported to FM24

    Took over Marseille and within a week, had an Argentinian player approach me saying he's unable to settle here and wants to go back to Argentina. 

    He's been at the club 13 years. :lol:


    Well it could be true. You don't know what's going on in the man's personal life. He could have been approaching the previous manager with the same problem. He could be going through one hell of a toxic relationship or marriage. 

  6. Is there a way the GK injuries can be treated as it would be for anyone else in the squad. The high number of keeper injuries seems to be a problem within the squad so is there no way to manage it like you would if an outfield player got injured?

    The high scoring games has been mentioned quite a bit. Freak results do happen but we don't see many throughout the season and we are seeing a high number of goals in any given game week. 

  7. 23 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    I have to say I haven't seen much difference in this, there was supposed to be more contextual information about different levels of unhappiness, but I've not seen much, if any, evidence so far. I am running an FM23 save in the new game, so no idea if that would have any effect or not. 

    There's a lot of black and white context. There's frustration when trying to get your point across and there's not an answer available to explain what you want to say. 

    All this player power stuff doesn't happen in real life like it does in the game. It's a rare occurrence, not every player is hellbent on destroying a manager. 

  8. Can anyone tell me if interactions with a player have improved in the sense that when they ask for more playing time, you can offer them time off the bench or in cups and they're happy about it?

    Also, if player comes to you about playing time and has been playing badly, why do they think they deserve more game time? 

    If a player wants a move to a bigger club but doesn't understand that you are building something and they can't see the potential and are only concerned about your current club ranking. 

    It's hard to programme I suppose. 

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