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Everything posted by decapitated

  1. I meant I personally can't have the sound on because my family is watching the tv in the same room at the same time.
  2. I just got this email https://www.youtube.com/footballmanager I can watch but I can't have the sound on tonight, so I'll be watching it tomorrow.
  3. It's still slanderous/libellous to ask it! If you've no actual proof then you have to be careful as such slurs against LGBT celebrities are sadly not unknown.
  4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-62970523 Hopefully he gets the help he needs and recovers. Shame on those on social media who used this incident to stir up islamophobia.
  5. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11227425/Man-arrested-trying-jump-barriers-Queens-coffin-emerges-procession.html
  6. My friend is queuing with his mother (to accompany her rather than out of choice) in the accessibility queue and it sounds like a shambles. Their slot was 8pm-9pm, so they've been queueing two hours. The point of the accessibility queue is it was for people who couldn't queue for long periods. My friends mother is OK, but some of people with walking frames and walking sticks are in visible pain and getting really upset due to that. Tempers are getting frayed with the police and attendants (well as frayed as a queue full of disabled and elderly middle class people can get). It sounds like a right balls-up.
  7. A lot of us like Tony have relatives or older family friends prone to saying ridiculously reactionary/conservative things. I have in the past, but I wouldn't post that particular bilge in here because a lot of the time it's said to wind up the 'liberal/socialist' relative more than solid conviction or anything else and there is no point in allowing more people to be wound up by proxy.
  8. All playable in case I want to manager there. Weirdly the 2nd best performing nation in South American club football on the save from memory is Paraguay who aren't loaded. On the subject of Newcastle.
  9. When I did a two year stint at Real, I was shocked at the state of the finances upon joining and that's the main reason I left. Sorry for the late response. It's been a busy week. If there's anything else you want to know, just mention it.
  10. Interesting signage in Jaki's Fish and Chip shop window. I'm guessing she had a reputation locally long before her latest outburst.
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/sep/09/shamrock-rovers-condemn-fans-for-chants-about-queen?
  12. It won't be the 20th (at least I hope not) as that's when a lot of disability benefits like PIP and DLA get paid and if its a bank holiday (and Tuesdays usually are never bank holidays for this very reason) then vulnerable people already struggling with both disability and the cost of living crisis may go without a months payment.
  13. Planet Rock played classical funeral music for 12 hours after the announcement of the Queens passing and is now playing the same two dozen classic rock ballads on a loop from the look of things. https://planetradio.co.uk/planet-rock/playlist/ Usually they go for a no repeats in 24 hours policy so this is quite a departure even without adding in the musical restrictions. I can see them and plenty of other radio stations losing both listeners and advertisers (for no one is running ads) for the next fortnight so they'll be losing quite a lot of money.
  14. There was talk that he would take the name George IX after his grandfather, but I'd be surprised if he didn't go for Charles III.
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