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Posts posted by djorg

  1. So I've encountered frustrations with FM22 that I saw in FM21 and caused me to not play much, which is that I'm completely unable to understand why some players are developing and some aren't. In FM21 I could not get Erling Haaland's CA to increase at all. Over multiple years. I just wanted to see how awesome he would become. The answer: he didn't.

    For FM22 I'm managing Arsenal.

    Nketiah, Odegaard, Sambi Lokanga, and Tomiyasu are showing promising increases in CA

    Martinelli, Rowe Smith, and Saka are showing NONE

    * It's not their hidden personalities
    * It's not the amount of 1st team games, they're all getting loads
    * It's not their in-game ratings (Nketiah and Sambi Lokanga have the worst ratings of the 7)

    I hate not being able to predict what players will improve. I hate the thought of it just being random. Developing young players and seeing them get good is the thing I enjoy most about FM. 

    The only thing I have noted is that Nketiah, Odegaard, Sambi Lokanga and Tomiyasu have on occasion showed up in "green" on the weekly training report as having the best training performances, where as Martinelli, Rowe Smith, and Saka have not (but they're not in "red" either)

    Does this suggest, unlike previous versions where getting games and good ratings was most important, it's only high training numbers, say over 8, that causes the increases?

    What causes specific players to have good training sessions? I can't pin it to an attribute (besides hidden ambition/professionalism, I thought of checking work rate, for example).




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