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Posts posted by SamheinWitchKilla

  1. On 28/10/2021 at 10:15, ernemann said:

    So it seems that our good old friend Bernhard Peters is gone in the game and our other friend Filippo Galli now is at Parma U18, so who would you go after as your HOYD ? I know if you are in a huge club we can always go after the best, but if we are a smaller team who would you pick? A regen or is there someone you have found allready?

    Peters is still in the game.

  2. @pr0 some changes needed to Ajax in your new staff file.

    Mitchell van der Gaag - Ajax coach (replacing Poulsen)
    Christian Poulsen - possibly free agent for now


    John Heitinga - Reserve manager (replacing van der Gaag)
    Michel Kreek - Reserve assistant manager
    Dave Vos - U18 manager (replacing Heitinga)


    Also Jermaine Defoe at Rangers needs changing to a player / coach



  3. 17 hours ago, Par7yPoison said:

    I would take some screenshots of the laptop (it clearly says in the title and also in the description it's gaming) and take that up with Quidco. If they don't have a live chat option then drop them a tweet. I spoke with them on twitter before now and they are really helpful.

    Spoke to them via twitter and because I ordered it to collect in store rather than for home delivery then I can only receive 1%. Main thing is I'm getting a new laptop though.

  4. 10 hours ago, Par7yPoison said:

    The one from Argos is cheaper here and if you go through Quidco there is a 15% cashback on HP gaming laptops at the moment.

    HP Pavilion 15-bc550na 15.6" Intel® Core™ i5 GTX 1050 Gaming Laptop - 512 GB SSD

    Ordered and requested to collect from store tomorrow, however I don't seem to have received the right amount of cashback via Quidco. It seems to have only went through as 1% despite being a HP Gaming Laptop.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Par7yPoison said:

    Yep, according to the specs on the site. And its an SSD rather than a HDD so you get a small speed increase for loading things from the hard drive. But its easy enough to add storage space to laptops if that would be an issue - you can probably get a 1 or 2 Tb external drive with the money you save.

    Appreciate it. Not too bothered about the space as I have about 3 or 4 external drives anyway :)

    Saw they have a Black Friday price promise until tonight too so I might as well just grab it today.

  6. 3 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

    Honestly, I couldn't say as I don't run quite that much.  However, the CPU on that laptop is pretty close to top of the range currently based on https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i5-8300H+%40+2.30GHz&id=3254, so although you can get slightly better than that, you are then getting into a considerably higher price range.

    For example, the next laptop I can see on box.co.uk which offers any kind of upgrade on the CPU compared to that on is here: https://www.box.co.uk/30026124-Medion-Erazer-P6705_2614018.html.

    That's an extra £200, and I couldn't say with any certainty you would gain enough of an upgrade on performance to make the extra price worth it.  It will be an improvement, but I simply don't know how much.

    Installing graphic packs does come with a slight performance hit I believe, but again I'm not sure how much.  I've always installed logo packs myself as I hate the generic logos for the non-licenced teams, and FM20 will be the first time I'm also extending that to face and kit packs as well.  Will be an interesting experiment to me.

    Out of interest, what are you using currently (specs etc, and which version of FM), and how do you find the speed?  I would say if you're running that kind of setup on FM19, and you're using an old laptop which handles it then these new ones also shouldn't have an issue with it.

    Appreciate the input.

    Current laptop.

    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2350M CPU @ 2.30GHz

    8GB RAM

    Running FM19. Honestly the speed at times seems fine, but other times not. Like I said, my laptop generally sounds like a jet engine whenever I'm playing FM or Sims and it really gets to me.

    I've had this laptop now for at least 5 years.

  7. 2 hours ago, kevhamster said:


    This would enable you to run a decent number of leagues in FM and is also capable of running the Sims 4 at the recommended settings.

    Apologies for asking about this one again.

    Just checked FM and how many leagues I usually have loaded etc.

    Says player count is 154,370 (recommended is 125,000)

    This laptop still be enough to run all that?

    Do having graphics such as player faces and logos slow down performance too? I use both of those.

    Thanks again. :)

  8. 2 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

    Thanks for that, I'll probably give it a skip then.  Given how expensive the DLC is, I don't want to be spending a huge amount of money just to be making a game part-way enjoyable lol.  Maybe just stick with the Sims 3 and buy expansions for that when I find them cheap!

    No problem mate. I didn't play the Sims 3, so I can't really compare the two either to give a better judgement.

  9. 6 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

    How is The Sims 4 by the way?  I've often been tempted, but get put off by the huge number of high-priced DLC packs.  I seems EA have shipped half a game at full price, and then release it in dribs and drabs and charge the player for that too!

    I quite enjoyed the Sims 3, but I only ever bought the game and add-ons when I found them cheap.

    I enjoy it from what I can play, since I do struggle with this laptop. I get all the DLC when it's on sale and it does help make the game more enjoyable.

    I'd say as a game on its own, it isn't very good, but with the DLC it is much better.

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