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Everything posted by TIR669

  1. Awesome read, thx for taking the time to write it up. Fraher indeed looks unreal and might just be off limits realistically, you're right. I'd still bother him with scouting his every match, praising him etc., just in case. Can't hurt. I like your transfers this season and this was exactly my point honestly, nothing too excessive but still strengthening first XI with some older players that have the CA high enough to help out either domestically, continentally or both, while you chase that first euro trophy.* Antonazi is great, Gourley is rotation material too, and Brass6 is much more "meh" than I expected. Guy from Qatar would be my choice too once he reaches final contract year. Shame about Brownlie. *Now I'm picky but can you give us an overview of European results per season, that club history - Europe screen or something that lists what stage you got knocked out each year. Shame about youth facilities, I thought all were maxed out. It must be hardcoded to reputation as you say. To that point likely even winning the Cup year in year out is important.
  2. Antonazi is obviously very worth any sizeable investment, same as Rodger imo. I'd always bring them back, look at how Arthurs helped. What's Brass6 looking like these days, and what's your wage structure currently? Also I'd suggest you remove the transfer interest filter. First of all, from my experience it doesn't realistically depict the player's interest at all - unless its set to the lowest interest value. And I've signed many uninterested players by scouting them, assigning them as top targets, asking similar media/personality styled/favorite players in my squad to pressure them into joining... My biggest "disappointment" in this save is your incoming transfer policy, where I feel you're much more interested in wages and transfer balance. Why? Domestic success means at worst you don't lose any money during a season after prize money from UCL and Prem. And any continental success just boosts it further. You facilities are maxed out IIRC, stadium got expanded so..what's the point of the money except to avoid El Chieftain to accept bids over your head. So on that note, I think you should maybe pay more attention (and on time) to key players' contracts, e.g. Porojan has 3yrs left - why not 5+? How's Brownlie looking like anyway? And why he's refusing your offers, is it reputation or? And yeah new forum font is a disaster.
  3. I would be surprised if Arthurs didn't step up in some games. Dude has immense quality and natural fitness to last him 2-3 years with solid pace. Plus reputation boost as well... No brainer signing. Stop looking at balance that much when there's nothing to spend it on anyway
  4. How did Mackie score just 3 with those stats?
  5. Curious what is your next goal? European trophy I guess, I honestly don't recall if you won it already, though I kind of remember you playing in a final ? Or is it still "just" maintaining dominance in domestic football? Asking since you seem to spend way too much time on looking at a €50k clause while having €140M in the bank haha What about feeder clubs, are you still asking them on a regular basis to make use out of youth players in a bulk?
  6. We waited 30 years. Stop with the suspense
  7. At this point it might just be a bug. Because after promotion with my Elgin side into Prem, I got a Reserves team, can appoint staff and set training, but I can't even "pick" a team or select a tactic, and they don't have a training schedule at all. While they play in reserves league, I don't know why as I declined that option in preseason... And because of this inability to select anything, mr. Cameron here plays his preferred 4-4-2 tactic. Depending on staff responsibilities (i.e. if you have any training, team or individual handled by yourself) you'll be able to change schedules. But nothing regarding tactics. U18 team I have all menus enabled and by default they're using my first team tactic, but I'm able to switch between any 3 of mine OR the U18 manager preferred one. If I take over a different club with a reserves manager, not touching any responsibilities, I can change reserves' tactics to whatever. And if I retire & take over my same team, I can change it again. But by default my team they're all greyed out for example. Likely same in your case.. So might just be a bug? Might be worth checking with SI, although I don't expect anything to happen from it until 2029 or so...
  8. The great sacking of 2050. Never seen this U21 issue you have. I was always able to delegate both U21/reserve and U19/18 squads, hire coaches etc. Maybe they're not involved in any league so it doesn't allow to hire anyone. Two things I'd suggest here: - first get your badges done, its just a button click to get to Pro license & few extra attributes everywhere - get few feeder teams in lower leagues. I would assume you'd be able to avoid a lot of micromanagement in the summer by just grabbing few levels of U21s that potentially didn't even get any training so far (????!!!!) and mass shipping them off to L1, L2 clubs. That's what I'd do at this point at least. Can you get a Reserves team from interact with board? Or ask for more U21 coaches there perhaps?
  9. Not necessarily defensive, just overall. Yes of course centrebacks will (or should) be tall, but 2xMCs and 3xSTs have fairly poor jumping reach. But that's just my two cents, been struggling with below-average height forwards that tend to get low ratings, have poor morale etc compared to their taller counterparts, even if they're worse. You have a lot of attacking talent for sure, imo Gourley and Brass4 are miles ahead of everyone else. Rest of them I'd rank something like this: S+ - Courts, Donald S - Smith, Currie, Halkett, Forbes A - Poboril, Dick (below ones are irrelevant at this point) B - Morrison C - Rodger, Banner D - Findlay, Warnock E - Neill, Edwards But I see you wasn't able to properly manage that many talents which is fully expected, so some were left playing in positions that are not relevant to them (A/MRL), thus wasting CA instead of it going into attributes. That's just how FM works, regen attribute distribution is abysmal in some cases. Still would be curious to see few of "S" ones on loan for a year and for sure agree that Smith plus my Currie dude should get playing time. Some I'd advise selling as 12m in the bank isn't looking much when a giant offers 10m for any of your top talents, and it would be a shame to lose them, while having at least 5-6 strikers that are below par and pure and simple not needed at all.
  10. I'd cash in on the Czech player, and try Currie instead? Curious what's he like now: found this on p.18 Provided he progressed fairly fine in last 3+ years, I'd expect his finishing/composure to be around 10 or so, but more importantly his physical attributes to be much greater now - jumping 14+, strength 12 or so. He'd be 18 by now, I'm sure he would make a fine addition to your striker force. Not ideal for PF role likely due to quickness and agility, but he does (or should) have solid defensive stats as well - aggression, anticipation, bravery, decisions were fine at 15yrs already. Is he worth anything by now? How are you handling set pieces, how much did you score last year? From a quick look I see most of your first team squad is fairly short apart from GK and Wilson, I expect a tall player would mean more goals from set pieces as well.
  11. Best attack in the league AND least defeats? What's that Jimenez 46a like?
  12. Wow, very unlucky first in the Cup then in final stages in the league to miss out on top 6 and possible continental debut. Nonetheless the best players in the squad are proper strong now. Bentley & Quinn are a star duo and hopefully no chairman shenanigans anymore... Defense is again far too leaky, CB problems or? Who will take over once Antonucci leaves in the summer? Any chance of sold players returning this year? GL!
  13. Those mentals... Decisions 2, concentration 3, anticipation 5, positioning 2 Future MVP of League 2... Antonazi looks class. Now that you have 15m in the bank accounting for prize money post season, and gate receipts likely keeping your projected balance well above 10m mark, I wonder what is the chairman's sell value for him. He's only on a 1 year contract though? How did that happen? Also how come you're paying them that low for their value? Can you even extend him and Potter or are they rejecting already?
  14. Bad overall but you got your two fullbacks with positive personalities at least. What's O'Sullivan like, I see defensive winger is suggested, can he be retrained to WBR maybe?
  15. Congrats on a very very solid first season. I expect you to do the Blues Brothers now and bring the band back together over the summer... Maybe a recap of how well some of your best sold players are doing now wouldn't hurt too. But the money is there to use. Curious how your income differed this season, how much impact did sales/fees have compared to everything else?
  16. You have the third best attack in the league! But second worst defence is 20+ goals clear from you
  17. Hope that now with 20m in the bank, chairman won't accept 4-5m offers so easily. You seem pretty safe in the Prem as of now. Curious how & why you didn't try to bring back anyone? Or is it just because of the messed up budgets for now?
  18. Congratulations. You dominated the league, not sure what happened exactly since you lost couple of regulars in last few seasons as well... But for sure having proper strikers helped. Club history screenshot please, I wanna see how long you stayed in Championship. Youth intake looks good again, that not-really-Australian DC has a weird skills distribution, not a pure stopper imo. Very excited for summer transfer window, I expect you'll be able to bring some old faces at least on a loan.
  19. LOL perfectionist 5 finishing, 5 pace and 2 strength striker. At least Wills at LB looks fantastic, plus a tall CD in Strachan and a BWM in Severin. I'm baffled you'd play them in the playoffs though, surely they're not stronger than your starting XI!? Shame about the finals but an obvious step up from all previous seasons.
  20. This is what worries me. OK I don't recall how many seasons ago you bought out the clause, but whether he was/is worth 500k or 100 million, until now only way to get anything worth was if his club has enough money to sell you the clause. To me only realistic way looks to be to pray someone buys one of them which should most likely boost you to professional. Because up until now I didn't see much activity. I'm afraid they're just overvalued & foreign clubs won't ever pay the 10+ million for them. E.g. Morrison, Cunningham, Arthurs, Banner, Hogarth -> are they playing in the first team at all? Or just stuck in U21/reserves squad? On another note, love you're top 4 again (finally), also looks like the league got a bit more weaker with Livingston & Queens Park.
  21. I don't remember what foreign leagues you have loaded, but a lot more transfer market activity happens when the league is fully active. I'd suggest loading at least those where you have ex-players (so just Serie A more or less). Curious what ever happened to that guy you sold to Bolton, then deactivated English Championship? Did he disappear? Its obvious now you need the pro status for stability. In order to do that, you also need a stable income, which is impossible right now unfortunately. I'd maybe suggest triggering ALL of your sell-on clauses at once, near end of season, and once you get the full TV money, placement and Scottish cup award money, hope you have enough to get a professional status? For sure I'd try that at the end of this season. You should be at or above 2-3 million at that point, and would use whatever you can from the dialogue options to get it. Doubt you'll ever see those inflated clause values just because...well, they never actually go for that amount. Even historically, I never saw you get any solid income from a transfer, they're always you buying out the clause. Good luck in the league too of course but honestly I don't see anything changing until you have a proper golden generation that doesn't get insta-sold...
  22. I would 1000000% reload the save when the chairman accepted that. Its just plain stupid coding in the game. Sad to see just 300 ticket holders, I expected above 500 for sure.
  23. I never knew manager personality existed. You made fair points regarding HoYD and staff - with almost zero effort from yourself, results from intakes are very good indeed. And don't get me started on how little official information exists on some game mechanics, not specifics but basics even... 100k from one match meaning you should be at 40-50k per match with a 2500 average, so almost a million without any cup competitions should be minimal income from gate receipts. Nice and welcome surprise. Hope that Irish striker goes for 2m + sell on. This year I found the market much more active - when you accept one offer, other clubs start bidding at least that much and more.
  24. Sorry I have to say I don't understand. Why would you play a youth-only save, and then do a 12 year run using a HoYD with 5 WWY and just 11/12 in JPA/JPP? I found in few places official SI replies on how the three attributes matter more if HoYD will actually lead the team in games, help with training etc., but they very much impact any freak players in each intake, meaning WWY+JPP should boost their attributes greatly. Of course game importance, facilities etc. are still much more important. Do you play 5-2-3 WB (what he has for preffered), I don't think so? Never saw any tactic stuff here but I don't recall you had wingbacks ever, most likely some 4-4-2 diamond or similar? Same goes for rest of your staff, as far as I know it has been proven that other staff personalities also impact newgen personalities. Why not at least get rid of the negative ones (if you have them)? Since its a youth only save, I would do as much as I can to maximize it. Especially with the debt situation, why wait until Prem which can potentially be a long way off? Also curious to what will your attendance jump next season - when are you moving?
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