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Posts posted by JLJ27

  1. I've been wondering about this for a while, and I still have a few questions:

    • If you keep a player on his regular training schedule while he's injured, could that do much harm?

    • Let's say one of my regular players gets injured for 2-3 weeks. I always put him on "long term injury" during that time, and then back on his normal schedule when my physio says he's back in training. But you are suggesting he should stay on the injury schedule for some more time, right?

    He should still be quite fit if he plays on a regular basis, so that's why I put him back on his normal schedule so soon. Is that wrong you mean?

    Cheers for excellent Q&A btw!

    Hey SFraser, I understand you get a lot of questions and probably don't have time to answer them all, but I'll just bump this in case you get a couple of mins, cheers.

  2. The injury routines are kind of "added-on-extras" that have not been fully developed, but there is a point to them.

    Short Term Injury is for players that get knocks or bumps and bruises and is intended to recover condition quickly when a player returns to Light Training without distriburing much of his current attribute shape. Players should be on it untill they recover a high level of condition.

    Long Term Injury is for players that have been out long enough to have 0 match practice. Because their match practice is so low they will lose CA. This CA will often come out of Physical Attributes and those attributes are hard to improve, impossible to improve if the player is at a certain age. This Schedule is designed to hugely bias physical attributes in Training to make sure the CA loss is primarilly coming for other attributes that can be recovered. Players should be on this schedule after a long period out untill they recover a high level of Match Experience, and so gain CA or at least no longer lose CA.

    I've been wondering about this for a while, and I still have a few questions:

    • If you keep a player on his regular training schedule while he's injured, could that do much harm?

    • Let's say one of my regular players gets injured for 2-3 weeks. I always put him on "long term injury" during that time, and then back on his normal schedule when my physio says he's back in training. But you are suggesting he should stay on the injury schedule for some more time, right?

    He should still be quite fit if he plays on a regular basis, so that's why I put him back on his normal schedule so soon. Is that wrong you mean?

    Cheers for excellent Q&A btw!

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