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Posts posted by dave_lufc

  1. 22 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

    Out of those 4, this is the one I'd personally go for:


    The other one at Box has a slightly better CPU, but this one also has the dedicated graphics card.  And a laptop with a 5th generation Ryzen CPU with a dedicated graphics card for under £600 is an amazing deal.

    However, any of the 4 would do the job.

    Brilliant i’ve gone ahead and ordered it. Thanks for the quick response and advice, really appreciate it! 

  2. Hi guys,

    Would really appreciate some help as it's quite a significant outlay for me so I want to get it right!

    My budget is 500-600 and it will only be used for playing football manager. 

    From reading back in this thread I've noted the following two were recommended: 



    I've had an acer aspire previously and liked it so was tempted by that. But any thoughts on which one of the two you would recommend? 

    Also, I had a look at Curry's and thought these two looked ok?



    I was leaning more towards Curry's as I already have an account and can buy now pay later - but if you think the ones from Box are better than I'd happily buy from there.

    If there is something else at Curry's/Box (or anywhere else!) that stands out at that price range which I've missed, then if you could point me in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you

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