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Posts posted by albanie.

  1. Love this. Keep up the good work.

    What's your plan for the continental competition? As when playing in North America will the vanilla database, continental competition was pretty dry. I always wondered whether a full Americas competition would be more fun and immersive (essentially consuming North America into the Copa Libertadores, etc.).

  2. 3 hours ago, gunnerfan said:

    I never praise a player's form. I praise game performances of 7.7 or higher. Same with training.

    I'll do 7.3 and above or 6.5 or lower. It's really annoying when I know a player has had a bad game but because the stats have somehow worked out they were a 6.8, I daren't speak to them about it.

    18 hours ago, Chooxen said:

    I just told my striker I thought his form was good after a big hattrick at the weekend. He was upset and told me we had different ideas of what good form was. Told him, okay, let's just leave it there. No. He can't let this go quietly. He's furious.


    Who coded this? It's not a one-off, it happens like maybe 1 in 5 times I congratulate an in-form player for being in-form. They get offended and there's no option that assuages them. What band of bizarre schizophrenics have I employed here?

    If they disagree with you, never continue the conversation and risk making it worse. Just click 'end chat' in the top right. Apparently, whoever coded it thinks that just legging it away from the individual is the best way to deescalate a situation.

    It's pretty horrendous that SI's only improvement to this feature over the last few years was adding in gestures that, as far as I've been able to tell, make literally no difference to the interaction. *Throws water bottle*

  3. 4 hours ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

    This is my current dilemma with a save going in MLS. The amount of time it takes to build a contender-level roster in the league under the cap that can play the style of football you want... but, then again, isn't that the fun of it all? 

    Easy! Two years, max. Year one: recruit young, foreign talent on DP or U22 contracts. In less than 12 months they'll be snatched from under your nose. Watch your GAM go through the roof and recruit with what feels like zero restrictions.

    The issue isn't building the squad, it's retaining the little buggers!

  4. Morning, all. Wondering if there is a qualified or official line on what you should consider when setting your database size for a network game.

    Specifically, should you only consider the host's system specs when setting up your database? Or do you need to consider the system specs of all other players?

    Had a search but couldn't seem to find anything. Thanks in advance!

  5. Sounds like you are trying to load several editor data files in-game and they are clashing. It happened to me too.

    Simple fix: in the editor, load the file that you edited. Then use the 'merge database' option to merge it with all the additional editor files you want to use in-game. Then, when starting your game, you only need to load the one file and everything should work as normal.

  6. Hello @Marachi. Long-term Apple fan boy here.


    • M1-powered machines are lightyears ahead of any other Apple product, and this is no different when running FM.
    • Graphics are fantastic, the speed is brilliant and I haven't heard the fan come on once.
    • Those using a MacBook have reported strong battery life compared to previous MBP versions too, although I cannot confirm personally.


    • Make sure it has at least 16GB unified memory. This won't have a huge affect your game, but more the longevity of the machine.
      (The M1 Pro/Max are fine in this regard, but the M1 chip needs to be personalised via Apple's website).
    • Intel versions are bobbins by comparison, unless you want your machine to sound like a light aircraft on take-off and for MBP's to run out of battery within the hour.
    • The increase in price far exceeds the increase in FM performance if you upgrade from M1 to M1 Pro/Max.

    Personally, I run FM on an M1 Mac Mini with 16GB unified memory. Internally, it's essentially the same machine as the 13" M1 MBP but without the screen, mobility or a significant chunk of the price. Would recommend to any readers passing through.

    Disclaimer: Windows fans, keep your hair on, any quantifications above are relative only to Apple's line of products. Yes, you can get "really, really powerful Windows machines at a fraction of the cost". Well done.

  7. @John Kendall-TorryNo problem. Happy to help as best as I can. Recognise that it's a pretty difficult one to recreate. If it happens again whilst you're still investigating, is there anything I could collect that would help?

    17 hours ago, John Kendall-Torry said:

    Hi @albanie.

    Thanks for the feedback. We need some more information to help with our investigation to the issue. so just to be sure on what happened. The client is playing a match against the Ai, the host is watching the match, come the 50th min everything is different for the host who is viewing the match? The client then continues the game and instead of seeing 2-2 they see 2-1? The host viewing the match is seeing a different version of the game. Sorry if i am making you repeat yourself we just need solid steps to try and reproduce the issue. The more steps we get the easier it is for us to find the issue. As there are so many different ways this can be triggered we need to know what is causing it and what actions are causing the issue to happen. 


    Pretty much exactly that. The only thing is that I can't say it whether it was the 50th minute, the 60th minute or the 77th minute... all I can say is that somewhere between the 50th and 78th minute the host and the client starting viewing different games. We know it was somewhere between the 50th and 78th minute by comparing the 'notable events' in the client's version of the game (image 2) compared to the host's version of the game (image 1).

    When it happened to me in FM20, the client was playing the host rather than the AI. But all other descriptions of the fault are exactly the same as described above.

  8. On 18/01/2021 at 12:36, Jack Joyce said:

    Sorry but you're completely misrepresenting what I said:

    "Stats discrepencies between FME and QME - We will look at ways to improve this to bring them closer together, but in reality there will always be some difference between the two as a fully played match will always be at least slightly different to a quick ME simulated match. If you want stats that are 100% directly comparable you can use the detail level menu from within your save game to set your desired leagues to be played in full detail (obviously this does use extra processing so be aware of that). This will ensure that the selected matches are fully played as opposed to being simulated."

    I clearly stated that we are looking at ways to bring the stats closer together, so there's no need for exaggerated (and inaccurate) accusations like "you mean to tell me you're satisfied with this end product?" or "to dismissively consider these differences as mere "statistic discrepancies" is an insult to your customer base". It's needlessly antagonistic which doesn't help anybody.

    "however, you send people on here to explain away all these legitimate issues as if there's something we the players are doing wrong 'If you want stats that are 100% directly comparable you can use the detail level menu from within your save game to set your desired leagues to be played in full detail'"

    Again, we've not dismissed these complaints at all and have already said we're looking into it. But regardless of any potential changes, my statement is true. Even if we were to use FME generated data to simulate the QME stats, those stats are still being 'spoofed' and if you're comparing those stats directly against FME generated data, then it's always going to be less reliable than directly comparing two sets of data generated in the FME. That was the point I was making.



    I'm surprised that the FME vs QME has generated so much debate! They are two different MEs designed to do two different things and so will never be directly comparable. Not sure what is so controversial about this? Also not sure what was controversial about explaining how to essentially just use one ME if you are really keen to have directly comparable stats and are willing to sacrifice performance / have the computer set up to handle it.

    Recognise that you'll want to play it safe, @Jack Joyce... but how confident are you guys that a fix for registering the missing match stats in the FME isn't too far away?

  9. I'm surprised that some are still finding this game breaking post-hotfix? In my opinion, there is still a ratings issue. I'm not sure how you can assess a central defender's performance, for instance, without knowing how many key tackles he's made or even how many tackles he's attempted.

    The only position I cannot seem to get a good rating out of at any point is anyone playing in the DM strata. For the time being I can live with that, as I can live with ratings that I don't truly believe in, as it isn't damaging morale, transfer value, etc. at the same time.

    I am praying for another hotfix that deals with match stats very soon though.

  10. 1 hour ago, John Kendall-Torry said:

    Hi @albanie.

    Firstly we are very sorry for the time its taken to reply. Secondly we are sorry for the inconvenience  this is causing you.  Thank you for the saves that you have provided. We are looking into this as we have had a few reports on results not appearing as they should. As soon as we have an update on this issue we will post it here for you. You say the host is seeing it play out differently with the players absence, did the player get disconnected then re join? A bit more info on this will help us try and reproduce this issue. 


    Hi @John Kendall-Torry, thanks for the response.

    At no point were we aware of any disconnection - we've made a rather large assumption that he has been disconnected because every time the issue has occurred, the host and the player's game have the exact same events up until a random point of the match. Then, at this point, they veer off in different directions.

    For example, the second image I posted was what the player actually played 'live' on his PC. Williams scored in the 19th minute and Glendon equalised in the 50th minute. This was exactly as it played out for the host, as shown in the first image.

    But in the player's 'live' version of the game, he went down 2-1 to an 81st minute goal by Williams before getting a 92nd minute equaliser (jammy get!). Only he got jammier, because what the host saw was neither of those goals but, instead, a 78th minute winner by Joel Lynch. Despite drawing his game 2-2, once he continued beyond the match screen his result changed to 2-1 just as the host saw it.

    So both host and player were clearly seeing the same game up until at least the 50th minute, but at some point between the 50th minute and the 78th minute they veered off on different courses. As mentioned, the player wasn't aware of being disconnected nor had he done anything where he thinks it may have contributed to a disconnection.

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