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Posts posted by Chilled111

  1. Might be a silly question , but here goes. I want to be able to play the same saved game between both my desktop PC and my laptop which I use when offline on a train or plane etc. So currently I always save as a file on my desktop and then make a copy of the save on a USB stick so I can then play on the laptop offline. If using both the PC and the laptop at home I can see it would be easier to use the cloud save function to cut out the USB saving all the time. However I assume if I do this then of course I wouldnt be able to play the same save when travelling with my laptop when no internet access. So the question is can I save the same game both as a file and also in the cloud which then gives me both options or is there an easier way? 

  2. Sorry if I have missed it in any other previous posts, but will there be a 'first look live stream' of FM 2022 on Twitch with Miles, Tom and Dominic as we had for FM20 and FM21? I found these videos a great way to see new / updated parts of the game as well of course as seeing the latest version of the match engine in action even though Miles explains if it often still being tweaked etc right up to the date of the Beta release!

    Any info greatly received on if this is going to happen again in the next 2 or 3 weeks?



  3. Is anyone else having an issue where some items / messages in the Inbox are in a white format against a white background? I had the same issue in the beta and assumed it would get fixed with the rollout last night. I would say its about 25% of the messages as the ones in black are fine. Has anyone else come across this and does anyone know how to fix this issue (I cant see anything in preferences?) Many thanks.

  4. Just finished my pre season games and played my first league game. All looks good to me match engine wise (great job as always guys!!!) Having trouble getting used to the widgets not being on the pitch / playing screen and have to pause at time to keep on top of things. Suspect it is just a case of getting used to it and being nearly 60 years old I suspect its me, but did use to like the widgets being shall I say more visable. 

    Not sure if I should report the following or if others have already done so. With my Inbox the text is often white, but against a white background so I cant read it so just hitting continue and hoping I am not missing anything important, but do understand this is a beta!!!

    Again great job guys, looking forward to really getting into it!!!

  5. I have said before I think it is budgets where I would expect to see the biggest impacts. For me where they could introduce realism without going too far down the Covid route is with starting budgets. I am working on the basis that most teams will have very reduced transfer and wages budgets at least for the first 12 months. It wouldn’t feel right to have say a £50m budget from the off given most teams spent what they had in the last few days of the transfer window so it would be more real to work with the squad you have and maybe have a few youngsters on the bench in season 1. Will make it more of a challenge also in the first year!

  6. Really pleased with the release date as was anticipating a longer delay if I am honest. Will be a really interesting period to see what is in this year’s game. I have said on a different thread that I wouldn’t want to see Covid included. However will be interested to see how the SI team choose to work out team budgets as in real world we can see the impacts on finances and transfer fees and player wages etc. Many clubs are looking at loaning in players rather than buying with maybe an option to buy 12 months down the line.


    Something else interesting to see will be things like handball and of course the dreaded VAR! Already we are seeing this season that the above is having a greater impact on games and results. I feel VAR in FM is something that needs to be improved albeit I do understand it can feel like a pain also, but like it or not its part of every goal in terms of some form of check taking place.


    Also hope this year there are the Twitch / You Tube feeds with the guys showing off any changes and the match engine etc as I have really enjoyed them the last couple of years. I find it helps build the anticipation and excitement as I know then the game is getting closer and closer! Hope that social distancing guidelines doesn’t rule that out as an option.


    Looking forward to another great FM as I know what a great job all the team at SI Games do to bring us such an enjoyable product each year, cant wait as always!!

  7. I am no expert on writing code, but my personal view is it would be quite a big undertaking to add in Covid when you consider finances, crowd attendance, player illness / fitness, player transfer fees / wages, team budgets etc.

    Likewise if a vaccine is developed and we start to see the end of this horrible virus then again the game (FM22?) would need to be coded once more to take Covid out.

    The guys at SI towers do an amazing job on a game which brings us such great enjoyment and I wouldn’t want to see Covid added in which then hopefully allows the guys to spend their time developing other aspects such as the match engine / graphics or whatever is next on their to do list!

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