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James T

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Posts posted by James T

  1. 20 hours ago, themodelcitizen said:

    To expand on this. In real life the amateur teams play a play-in group (or two-legged game) and the winners go on to play the nearest NISA team. In my DB I haven't actually enabled that early round (just imagine it's happening like the very early FA Cup rounds that aren't reflected in-game). There's an argument to be made that it should be playable because there are a couple of USL2 clubs who have teams in NISA Nation (like Capo FC) but it seems like they're using a different team (lots of these clubs have youth programs and use their USL2 team as the highest rung)

    That makes a lot more sense now - forgive my ignorance!  Also just seen on the Independent Cup wiki page that each NISA team won their own regional section in 2023.  Feels a bit like a participation trophy, but if that's how it is, then so be it.

    Thanks again for all you've done, it's clearly a tremendous effort that's gone into the file and it's hugely appreciated!

  2. Hi @themodelcitizen (and others!) - this is fantastic work, I love it.

    I've just simmed through a couple of seasons as I wanted to see how things went, and I noticed that the NISA Independent Cup only appears to play a first round in each of the 2023 and 2024 seasons.  Should there be extra rounds to this?  Just having one game seemed a little odd.

    I tried to have a look at the real life competition, and the rules for it are... well... weird.  I wouldn't blame you for not attempting to recreate it as per real life (or if it would even be possible!).

  3. 13 hours ago, kevhamster said:


    I'd actually go for the cheapest one.


    That shows based on the benchmarks, the cheapest one actually has the strongest CPU.  I've disregarded the second link out of the four as that has a 10th gen Intel, which aren't that great in laptops, and the others are all 11th gen which are a vast improvement and have much better intrgrated graphics capabilities.

    There's not a huge amount between all of them all told, but given the cheapest one is scoring highest based on the CPU, that's the one I'd go for.

    That’s great, thank you!

    Looking again at the remaining disk space on my current laptop, I’m now wondering if I should go for a 1TB SSD instead of 512GB.

    If that was the case, is there a lot of difference between these?

    https://store.acer.com/en-gb/acer-swift-3-ultra-thin-laptop-sf314-59-silver-nx-a0mek-005 - (same as before - £764.99 after discount)

    https://www.dell.com/en-uk/shop/laptops/inspiron-14-7000/spd/inspiron-14-7400-laptop/cn74005sc - (£809.99 after discount)

    https://www.box.co.uk/S413EA-AM617T-ASUS-VivoBook-14-Intel-Core-i7-16GB-RAM-_3555492.html - (£799.97)

    The Dell obviously has the discrete graphics card over the others, is the extra £10/£50 worth it to opt for that one?

    Thanks again!!

  4. Hi guys, I’ve been a long-time follower of this thread and the time has finally come to replace my five-year-old laptop. I’m rather clueless when it comes to processors so would appreciate some help!

    In the past I’ve usually played FM with 3-4 leagues (6-10 divisions) and a medium database. Would prefer to play with 3D graphics but happy to take a hit on this as FM would be the only game I play. Otherwise I’d mostly be using it for the usual - web browsing, Word/Excel, listening to Spotify and perhaps some light audio and photo editing. Unlikely that I’d be streaming anything off Netflix etc.

    Budget-wise I’m probably looking in the region of £600-£800. Obviously I don’t want to pay more if I don’t need to, but I’d like something that will last a few years before needing another upgrade.

    Would prefer a 14” screen.

    If you could give me any thoughts on the laptops below then it’d be hugely appreciated. I can get 15% discount with Acer and 10% with Dell, hence favouring these, but if you think there’s something else better in the price range then do let me know!

    https://store.acer.com/en-gb/acer-swift-3-ultra-thin-laptop-sf314-59-silver-nx-a0mek-005 - (£764.99 after discount)

    https://store.acer.com/en-gb/acer-swift-3-ultra-thin-laptop-sf314-57g-grey-2 - (£764.99 after discount)

    https://www.dell.com/en-uk/shop/laptops/inspiron-14-7000/spd/inspiron-14-7400-laptop/cn74003sc - (£764.99 after discount)

    https://www.dell.com/en-uk/shop/laptops/new-inspiron-14/spd/inspiron-14-5410-laptop/cn51008sc - (£647.09 after discount)

    Thank you very much in advance!!

  5. Outstanding work, Uncle Sam - this is brilliant.

    One thing I've noticed - and I don't know if it's an issue or not - I seem to get a lot of AI managers leaving jobs in the NPSL to take up USSDA posts.  On a couple of occasions I've even seen managers leave an NPSL club for their own Academy side (specifically Cleveland SC and Aguiluchos USA), which seems a little unrealistic.

    I could understand someone leaving NPSL for USSDA to perhaps join one of the MLS Academy sides, and so I presume the USSDA's league reputation is higher for that reason.  I'm no expert in the US game however, so if you don't think this is an issue then I'll get back in my box.  Likewise, I appreciate it's difficult to get the right balance when it comes to league/club reputation, so I can live with the occasional oddity if it's not possible or too much work to fix it.

    Other than that one minor thing, I am loving this update!  Thank you!

  6. 4 hours ago, Uncle_Sam said:

    Yes, the Real Names Fix will have to be edited when using my file. I just remove entirely the sections on the USA and Canada, and some of the other extinct competitions that are still named by the file as well. I use a lot of extinct competitions to recreate mine in order to avoid a lot of graphic conflicts.

    This looks great and I can’t wait to get started with this update. Any chance you could advise which extinct competitions you remove from the Real Names Fix to clear up the remaining discrepancies?

    Also, do you recommend not using any other graphics packs with this? I typically use the Metallic Logos Megapack but it seems to result in a number of incorrect logos, particularly in the CPL.

    One other (very minor) thing, the Halifax CPL team appears to be spelt Hallifax. Easy enough to change myself, but thought I’d flag it.


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