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Posts posted by Maaka

  1. 31 minutes ago, keysi said:

    Maybe it's possible, I'm not 100% sure. I didn't edit these popup boxes in the past because I don't trust these analytics pages. The most crash dumps I had in the past were within the match analytics when the game decides to load the already played match to load the match report and statistics. Even without skin edits or with the default skin. That's the main reason why I rather avoid editing these parts of the skin. 

    But if you will find the right popup, it will be probably possible to add the xG widget if it isn't hardcoded. 

    Ok, I haven't got the slightest clue of skinning, so don't think I'll try it, but thanks for the info.

  2. 12 hours ago, keysi said:

    Did you check how it looks in the default skin? If no, check things like these firstly in the default skin. I didn't edit these analytical pages/files so I assume it will look the same. If I would edit thing like this, I would surely make a note about it.

    No, haven't checked. Merely wondered if it was possible to do it?

  3. The ability to export data from the game to .csv files. There are "some" who likes to play around with data from the game in spread sheets, and it'd be easier to treat that data if we could export as .csv from the game rather than a text file.

  4. 1 hour ago, keysi said:


    If you click on "Staff Feedback", there will be buttons with the player statistics as always. The thing is that I have "Stats" tab set as the default one in this specific widget. That means every time I open the already played match, the first thing I see is the Stats tab. 

    If you would open the 'match full time review panel.xml' file in the panels/match and locate line 272, there's a note about were to change the default tab. 



    Ah, thanks, didn't think to click the Staff Feedback button. But, great, thanks, that changes a lot for me. :thup:

  5. Looks really good, I'm just wondering if it's by design, or if I'm missing something. I cannot seem to find player stats in the match report. Is it deliberate, or do you plan to add it? Or is it just me who cannot locate the right button?

    I'm talking about the full player stats, "attacking", "set pieces", "goalkeeping" etc., passes/tackles, fouls, interceptions etc.


  6. For better immersion, it'd be nice to have the weekly/bi-weekly (other frequencies) on a more "logical" day/date. I just noticed that as a EPL team, just now, I'm playing an away game in the UCL on a Tuesday. On the morning the day before (Monday), I have a pre-match press conference (at 08:00, in the morning, maybe a tad early, I don't know), scheduled at the stadium we're playing. Then, at 08:51 (so let's say 09:00), I have my weekly staff meeting. I get that in today's reality, we can have digital meetings etc., but I'd like to think that these meetings would be pushed forward, or postponed, to a more fitting day, maybe the day before the team leaves for the continental game (if we leave early), or the same day (if we leave late afternoon), or maybe the day we get back "home" (if home early) or the next day (if home late).

    Of course, this surely isn't a big deal, but would be one of those smaller details that helps with the immersion.

  7. 27 minutes ago, wkdsoul said:

    if you open the kit icon.xml panel in the panels/generic folder, you can adjust  the size of the number with the 2nd line in this bit


        <!-- player number  -->
        <widget class="picture" id="bNUM" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true">
            <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="27,0,8,0" />

    For one who has absolutely no experience with skinning, what does each number refer to? And I suppose lower numbers equals decreasing sizes?

  8. Sometimes you get a question in a press conference, and none of the answer options quite conveys what you'd like to say. One example, regarding a player that's rumored to leave or similar; "You left <player> out today, can we read anything into his <club> future as a result?". In this case, the reason for not including this player was squad rotation, it was an "easy" match and some second-string players got the start for this match, but the "best" option I could use as an answer was "I didn't pick him today but the door certainly isn't closed. As long as he's a <club> player, he's part of my plans." Although this answer isn't wrong per se, it does leave a bit of an impression that the question has some legimitacy. A better answer would something along the lines of "I didn't pick him today because I wanted to rotate the squad" or "He's certainly an important player, he was just being rested today".

    Other questions also has some less favorable answer options, meaning you can't convey your message the way you'd feel is the best (and using "No comment" too often isn't any better).

  9. Hi, just a "small" request (I have no idea as to the amount of work for it), in the attached pics you can see the top of the screen for (in this example) the player profile within the squad. In this skin (Mustermann), I "only" have the option to scroll through the players in the squad by clicking "up" or "down". In the other screenshot (taken from Andromeda), you can see that in addition to scrolling through with "up" or "down", there's a dropdown menu as well, to go straight to any player of choice. The upside of this option is that when you're on a specific sub screen for a player, i.e. "Form" or "Contract info", when you scroll through you go straight to the same sub screen for the next player. When you go "back" to the squad screen and click the next player you're looking for, you land on the default sub screen for this player, and then have to navigate to the desired sub screen.
    This option's also available in other screens where it's possible to scroll through other pages, i.e. when you're viewing a league/competition etc.

    Is it possible to get this in this skin as well?

    And a great job on the skin nonetheless. (y)



  10. On 06/12/2022 at 04:42, Jellico73 said:

    Just wanted to let you know you can safely add the Instant Result button to your skin, because I've been using it since day 1.

    Download the Wannachup Instant result skin, it will have 2 folders in it, graphics and panels, copy the panels folder over, overwrite the one file, reload the skin.

    It might error out, but if you close FM and open it up again it runs fine.


    Don't have to make any button adjustments either.


    Quick question, I got the Wannachup IR skin, but it doesn't have any folders, it's just an .fmf-file.. Where'd you get it from? 

  11. An option to export match stats/data in the match report (or even better, in the fixtures overview), to quickly export the match data to csv for spreadsheet use.

  12. Great read!

    This is how a feature request should be like, most of us (myself included) normally just writes "Feature X should be in the game", and that's it. Here you've stated what you'd like to see, and then described in detail how it should work, and how it would enhance the playing experience. Superb work, @seabas3. I wish I could upvote it twice, once for the idea, and another for how well-written it is.

    And, of course, I'd love for this to be implemented, this would greatly improve the "personal feeling" of the in-game character we create. I wholeheartedly second this.


  13. 12 hours ago, MasterKano said:

    No player would agree to that though considering a team would get the fee he'd get for signing after January, Simple.

    Happens "quite" often. Player and new club agree on a contract starting in the summer, then, if new club needs player right away, they sometimes negotiate with old club about a fee for letting the player go right away, if they agree, player transfers immidiately. The player's contract has already been agreed on, so it won't be affected (other than adding a few months to the length).

  14. AFAIK, a generated player named "John Smith" has "John Smith" as his full name (viewable under personal information in the overview tab of the player info). What I'd like to see is for generated players to have more "realistic" names. In countries where it's common for people to have more names than they're know for, it should be reflected in-game. English players tend to sometimes have more names, and sometimes not, a player named "Jack" could actually be named "John" (or "John Patrick" or other combinations of "John" and another name), "Bill" or "Will" should be named "William", there should be an approximate percentage of players with double (or even triple) first names, maybe even with several surnames that are just shown under "full name".
    Another example, Swedish players often have multiple given names (Emil Peter Forsberg, Victor Jörgen Nilsson Lindelöf, John Alberto Fernando Andres Luigi Olof Guidetti).
    There's different traditions in different countries, and some places it even differs between regions, and people of foreign/immigrant origin often keep their naming traditions in a new country, so a player of spanish origin born and raised in Norway would most likely follow spanish naming customs even though (s)he's eligible for Norway, and all these factors should also be taken into account.

    But the main point is, to create more immersion and realism in the little details, newgens should (to some extent) have longer names shown under "full name" than what we see today. I actually use the IGE to modify some (newgen) player's names.

  15. Similar to Shots, Shots on Target, xG, Possession, Passes Completed etc., I'd like xPts (expected points) added to the match stats.

    Expected points can be calculated by assigning a random number (between 0 and 1) to each shot taken, and if the random number is smaller than the xG of said shot, it's counted as a goal. This calculation is made for each shot taken by each team, then added up as goals, so you get a result (home win, draw or away win), then the same calculation, or simulation, is done over and over again, say 10.000 times. Then the number of home wins, draws and away wins from the simulations are added up, and divided by the number of simulations, and calculated as points for each team. If there's a home win in 5.000 of the simulations, and 3.000 draws, the xPts is 1,8 for the home team, and 0,9 for the away team.

    If this already is in the game, please forgive me (and I'd be glad to get a pointer to find it), but all I've been able to find is a total xPts for each team in a league table view, which I can't seem to relocate right now (it might have been specific to the skin I was using at the time).

  16. On 21/11/2021 at 19:40, Footix said:

    I noticed a "Google translate" translation in the match UI. When the assistant gives you suggestions you have three buttons; "do it", "I'll sort' and "ignore". The option "I'll sort" has been translated to "jeg vil sortere" in Norwegian. Sort can be 'sortere', but then you are talking about sorting in terms of sorting things by color, sorting columns etc. "Sortere" is not the right word in this context. 

    I think you would need to think of it in terms of "I'll take care of it" instead, and then a suggested translation could be "Jeg ordner det".

    Tipper det er oversatt uten at man nødvendigvis hadde kontekst, da kan det skje slikt :)


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