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Posts posted by phnompenhandy

  1. 8 minutes ago, Etebaer said:

    The best one to answer your question is the modder "Daveincid" himself and he has also a patreon where he often posts.

    He's a hard man to pin down - the only way you're likely to get an answer from the man himself is if you join his Patreon as a paid member (this is not a criticism - I'd be the same if I put that much work into a mod).

    As a mere user, I can't pin down exactly what improvements his files make. Could they be a placebo? I don't think so - all I can say is I and others who use his mods don't seem to experience the same level of frustration as those who don't.

  2. Just waiting on daveincid now. I want to include his latest 'realistic player development' file as it makes a heck of a difference to longterm saves.

    I've completed five years of holiday testing. I've discovered that even without loading "all players of nationality" or leagues from small nations, I can find enough regen 'asylum-seekers' every year - I have a list of 40 'at risk' nations that produce a regen often enough.

    I think the finances are a bit too healthy in Scotland and Rep. Ireland. Now I've got time to go back into the dreaded editor and tweak.

    A lot of amateur clubs go semi-pro way too early. Shetland went amateur > semi-pro > professional > amateur (after relegation back to tier 12) all in the space of 5 years.

    Promotions, relegations, play-offs all work as they ought. Shetland permanently bumbles around the bottom of the lowest tier, as it always did in my last save, so I'll need to be a tactical genius to rinse anything out of them!

    Come on Dave - one day? A few hours ....


    EDIT by an impatient teller of yarns

    Come to think of it, I left the lowest levels, tier 13 in Scotland, tier 9 in Ireland as amateur leagues with NO income, but 5 years in and they've got four-figure balances anyway. Higher up and it's 5-figures. No rhyme nor reason. AI doesn't appear to use the cash for upgrades - presumably they spend on wages when semi-pro. Human managers should have the edge there.

    I've just coughed up cash money to get Dave's latest. I'm going in ...

  3. musticologo.png.c8210ba309525ed9afe66df980bff4e4.png


    This one (with a few minor alterations, as I always faff around to get things just right for me).


    No attributes. Our staff are capable of classifying players into 4 level – excellent, good, poor and abysmal. Otherwise, the only way to judge players is by observing and analysing their performances. We do things old-fashioned here – play every game, pour over every stat. I don’t have the genius chops of _Ben_, but I’ll try in my own small way.

    A random tier 13 player profile



    A good ol' amateur club warhorse - you can see he's brave, determined, fit and strong - just devoid of any actual footballing talent. I don't think you need numbers to see that! As a defensive midfield destroyer, he can muscle his way to win a header, but only make short sideways passes.

    Match analyses



    My performance analyst and I will be scrutinising data like this to get the team playing as well as they can. Better meet him, actually


    We'll be moving around new locations in Ireland and Wales along with Northern Ireland and England if we ever get that far, but we have to start off at the lowest possibly point, and that's back in the 13th tier amateur world of the Scottish Highlands. This time I'm choosing the remotest populated outpost in the British Isles - a place that hardly considers itself part of Britain at all.



    The locals are friendly, though


    Hope to see you tomorrow for the start of this new adventure!



  4. A whimsical journey around the isles of Britain and Ireland allowing a maximum of two promotions at any club, only refreshing squads with whatever my loyal Head of Youth Development throws at me annually, and managing with all attributes hidden, using a slightly modified Mustermann Iconic 1.1 skin.

    There will no doubt be similarities to my last narrative – I will be continuing to post photos of attractive locations and grounds, and maybe thrown in the occasional potted local history, but there will be stylistic differences, too. The plan is to take it slowly, week-by-week, building up every match, showing screenshots of key moments in matches and analysing players and tactics.

    With the rule that on achieving a second promotion, I have to resign in order to further my career, I will be creative with certain elements of the game, namely ‘DNA’ and building up of facilities. Firstly, a cosmetic detail is that I will grant myself a salary, being double that of my assistant.



    Our ‘team’ – me as manager, the Director of Football, Head of Youth Development and Assistant Manager come with me to every job.






    I'll introduce you to the new skin later; here we can see Dougal and Astrid are great with Youngsters and, er, nothing else! But she's sensible and loyal, and that's important. Him I'm stuck with.


     It is known that we have a ‘DNA’ that chairmen must accept when employing us. Astrid and Karen have strong connections to a UNHRC programme that resettles asylum-seekers.  In narrative terms, that means any upgrades to junior coaching and youth recruitment apply to their relations with refugee camps as well as locally. Communities in Scotland (especially the Highlands), Ireland and to some extent Wales tend to be very positive about this; fans of an English club are more likely to accept it only if the incoming players really benefit the club, like any foreign player. In game terms, on intake day, I retain some local academy kids and switch the rest for asylum-seekers, using the IGE to give them the same CA and PA as the local kids being swapped [plus 2nd nationality and limited language skills].




    I thought I'd reveal the contents of my editor data folder



    I show these as I included an element of chaos here – I don’t actually know what a lot of these files do, if anything!


    I spent hundreds of frustrated hours in the editor to set this up right.



    These are my abandoned attempts to create this save!


    I eventually settled on using these files:

    SCOTLAND      adapted from williamnicol’s 13-tier Scottish Pyramid Fantasy 2024 from sortitoutsi. I fixed a few minor errors, rationalised finances and reputations to make them compatible with the other files, and changed the names of competitions to replace tacky brands with names of historical significance.

    IRELAND          adapted from hesht’s League of Ireland 9 Tier System from Steam Workshop. This league maintains the winter start (i.e. the Irish season starts in January). I made major changes as the creator had upped the finances and reputations to be equal to England. I restored the reputations to the same or similar to SI’s ratings, and made the finances similar to Scotland and Wales.

    WALES             I used Evoo's Builds - Full Welsh League Structure from Steam Workshop. I didn’t change anything, just added finances.

    More on the finances – England remains filthy rich and out of the league of the Celtic nations, but in this alternative universe new deals have been struck with media companies, including factoring in the boom in streaming football matches and highlights packages at all levels. The authorities cut through the potential mayhem by effectively taking a socialist approach and gave every team in a particular tier an equal sum, dished out at the beginning of every season. In addition, some leagues give out end of season prize money depending on final league placings, and extra TV money (but I couldn’t work out how to find that or change it in the editor, so it’ll be a surprise to me too).

    Finally, possibly the most revolutionary change to my previous story is the use of a new skin. I'd better make a new post for this...


  5. Moaners are always gonna moan. The rest of us acknowledge the limitations and find ways around them.

    daveincid's "increased realism" files do a great job, but if you want actual evidence of seasoned players enjoying FM24, have a gander at the Careers and Challenges forums for long-term saves that go well

    FM Career Updates

    Challenges, Sign-Ups & Experiments

    FWIW, here's mine:


    These are extremely popular forums as you can see from the rapid turnover in posts and likes.

  6. Oh, a fellow restarter! Were you finding the last one too easy so decided to go with more restrictions?

    I'm ba**s-deep in the editor preparing for a new save, adding Ireland and Wales to this Scottish db. I'll be starting in the 13th tier again as well, probably with Shetland.

    Limiting yourself to Gaelic speakers is genius! Best of luck with that :brock:

  7. A query that's been raised before, but I've failed to get my head around -

    I have a very limited old rig and want to keep processing times reasonable. I have a plan to start a new save with a core of 46 leagues from 12 nations, 7 nations of which are top-tier European nations on view-only, others being lower league Scottish, Welsh and Irish leagues. I load up a small database re players.


    The issue is I want to have many regens from about 50 very minor nations (we're talking your Vanuatus, Yemens, Zimbabwes etc) available every season.

    What is the effective way of going about it? Is it:

    a) load up all players from those nations

    b) load up leagues from those nations (from packs made by the likes of Timo, quert2 or Tenshi)

    c)  have to do both

    d) something else


    Thanks in advance

  8. 7 minutes ago, Stuniverse said:

    That's a shame, @phnompenhandy... but, if you're no longer feeling it and have lost the immersion then I understand. I've been there myself.

    Thanks for sharing, it's been a very enjoyable ride.

    Looking forward to it!

    I think I've survived the worst the editor can throw at me; I'm getting close now. Ideally, I'd wait a few days for a couple of upgrades to drop but I don't have the patience - this one's calling me. If you enjoyed Thorfinn, you should enjoy the next one.

  9. 6 minutes ago, NineCloudNine said:

    I believe there is a tickbox in a nation’s database entry which allows or forbids dual nationality. Might that help?

    This. I've been playing a career where I bring in asylum-seekers. For example, I'll bring in a 16-year-old Rohingya and use the editor to have him not represent Myanmar but have Scottish as a 2nd nationality so he has no work permit issues. But I use the option that he can't represent Scotland as an international player.

    Edit Staff/Personal Details/Nation

  10. Playing as a Director of Football has become an increasingly popular challenge, but I haven't found an associated but different restriction: I play as a lower league manager, usually in Academy-Only saves, but for my next save I intend to be a journeyman, staying a maximum of 2 years per club. Therefore, academy-only doesn't fit, but I want a similar restriction, and I'm looking into a journeyman career where all transfer activity is undergone by the clubs' Director of Football. It means I don't ask the DoF for specific requirements or block sales or anything; he does whatever he does, and I merely coach the team.

    I'd love to read a thread or watch a video series where someone has done that and see how they got on.



  11. 5 hours ago, Jamstock said:

    I understand your decision to can it @phnompenhandy, but you had a hell of a ride and I completely get what you mean. You step away from a save for a few days and all of a sudden you can't get back into it, its happened more times to me then I care to mention. Me? I'm still waiting on Mozza's final DB release (my guess being the xmas break has put that on hold sadly), so without losing this period of free time without playing some serious FM, I'm exploring alternative saves that I can keep on the back burner through the rest of the cycle. I have experimented with a Yorkshire independent nation database with its own footballing pyramid, but I think the fantasy element of the save is putting me off completely committing to a save in it. I would recommend anyone taking a look at it, its a fine piece of work and worth simming through a few years to see how they would get on. Its on the steam workshop. 

    Hope you've had a fab christmas!

    That's a thought. I'm excited about adding Ireland and Wales lower leagues to Scotland, and I'm intending to have England L1-6 as 'background noise' until maybe 15 years into the save when it becomes a nation to manage in, but Yorkshire - and a Cornwall db could work. I'll look into it.


    EDIT: Not Cornwall - that one takes teams from Wales and Ireland. Yorks looks good, but I'm with you on some element of realism, so I'll keep the Eng 1-6 as is. For me, the other nations are realistic in the sense that they have real leagues, but just add access to them from lower down. The one thing I am fiddling with is changing tournament names to ones that have historical and cultural significance rather than tacky modern brands.

    I'm currently going with the restriction of staying two years per club (or maybe two promotions). Then I have to resign to 'further my career'. But wherever I go, either I stick with academy-only, or maybe do a DoF-only gets involved in transfers. DoF's ought to be suitably awful at lower league, so I'll experiment in tests with that.

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