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Posts posted by needtolearncrashdumperror

  1. Hello fellas,

    First of all, I would like to salute all of you struggling right now due to COVID. StayHome, StayStrong.

    I would like to mention a thing I have faced while playing. In news screen, loan offers are listed in such message. Using quick response buttons, (Accept,delay,reject) I can quickly manage my responses for bunch of offers thanks to that. But the problem starts when I scroll down and quick response. Scroll always goes back to top and it can be annoying now and then when I have a dozen offers to response. It seems a simple thing to me, hopefully we can manage something out of it.


  2. Hello sweet people of FM,

    I don't know if this is still a feature but I couldn't find it. I remember that one of the previous games there was this mail notification if a player on your shortlist comes end of his contract. Been a while since I started to play FM19 but I don't get any notifications of sort.  

    I might be missing something if so please let me know. Otherwise, this could be a good feature for further versions.


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