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Posts posted by ragan

  1. Thanks for the extremely detailed answer.

    Mainly I believe I was just looking for a better answer on how this game works, which you most definitely provided! :D I am from the states and follow world football, my knowledge on how things work however are sub-par. There are plenty of rules and whatnot that I did not know existed before FM. Making sure I'm not doing something stupid that would have had a benefit to me instead of hindering me.

    Also thank you SF for your other threads on insite into FM, have learned a ton and have redone my entire scouting network (among other things) to yield better results, which they have. Already have landed some awesome talent due to your techniques and suggestions.

  2. While playing in England, can you send players you bought from other countries on loan? To say Belgium (to get EU-nationality &work permit)?

    Keep in mind, they are U18 as well and join my club on their 18th birthday/next transfer window. I find it really annoying receiving a kid when he's 18, cannot get a work permit, send them on loan to my feeder in Belgium (which sucks btw) for 3 years to finally get them into my club, and those 3 years are more or less wasted and they still have a low CA but huge PA.

    Cuz when I buy youth, I like to buy 14, 15 and 16 year olds (17 or 18 very rarely, and only because they regened at age 17 or I just totally missed them while scouting). If I could send them to Belgium (or wherever) to gain nationality THAT young would be IDEAL. Then I can get them into my system as young as possible.

    I'll tell you something - nothing is more freaking frustrating then finding a wonderkid, only having to wait until he is 18 before he joins me. THEN, instead of learning my system and having me and my club become apart of his favorite personnel, he learns some backwards system, learns to love a club and manager, and it always bites my ass 5 years later when that club is declaring interest in him, or his old boss gets a better job and has buying power. It rattles my players and disrupts my form, so just avoiding it completely is the best.

    so anyways tl;dr, can I loan players that I have bought but aren't in my team yet? Also is there a work around sending players with a youth contract out on loan? Or do I have to wait until their 17th birthday before they sign a professional contract?

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