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Wiggins Top Boys

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Posts posted by Wiggins Top Boys

  1. Classic leftie twitter bubble nonsense, people that are saying that are either making stupid jokes or mocking people who they think would say that sort of thing but actually aren't, which then in turn is picked up by other people taking the **** out of it which then gets reposted and everyone is lolling at the... Stupid racists that don't actually exist? Pats on the back everyone, Aren't you all marvellous!

  2. Really solid performance in a tight game. No threat from Croatia at all and even though after the strong start the game got very tentative we were clearly the better team.

    No complaints about the selection or the performance except a few shaky moments from Walker and the fact Kane doesn't look particularly fit or mobile.

    Phillips, Trippier and Sterling the standouts with the former MoM!

    Come on England & up yours the ABE brigade!!!!

  3. 2 minutes ago, BigV said:

    As a United fan and who just watches International football cause football, this is a very bad take :D 

    Every country backs their own, and sometimes they do go overboard and get cocky, why not? It's part of club football and will happen in any sport.

    Nothing wrong with wanting your team to win or go through the latter stages of euros... 

    I don't think there is anything cocky about it. Its not even confidence it's just passion and the fact you want your own team to do well. England fans are very self-deprecating towards the team's actual chances of winning and doing anything of note and nobody actually cares what the media have to say about it apart from the fans of the small time ABE brigade who seem to bring it up as an excuse every time

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