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jim morrow

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Posts posted by jim morrow

  1. il y a 52 minutes, Akasha a dit :

    Si tu vas à la fin de ton contrat actuel, tu te retrouves sans club non ? Pourquoi mettre un bouton ? 

    Par ailleurs, IRL, quand tu pars d'un club à un autre ou d'une entreprise à une autre, tu dois forcément démissionner.

    Non justement, on reste dans le club quand même. Faut démissionner pour se retrouver au chômage. Je ne comprends pas non plus ce choix.

  2. Le 24/12/2022 à 14:01, _Ben_ a dit :

    I removed the pre match briefing panel from the match folder, if I recall! Not sure if I did anything else, so start there. 


    i confirm. I removed pre match briefing panel from the match folder, and it works now. thanks.

    do you think to put more stats information during match ? players stats from both teams can be useful during match, not only at half time. keep your great work.

  3. No, all coaches will train both player full and 1/2 time. The only difference it's the total volume available. For half time player, it will be very lower than full time player.

    For dispatching coaches, you need to boost star rating so the must is to have one coach for each workshop. Don't hesitate to ask to your boss, each 6 months for example to extend number of coaches if you don't have enough.

  4. Don't think only about training schedule.........Match is the key, the engine for player improvement. That's why lot of people think that their training schedule by position is the best because players are increased a lot, but the progress don't came 100% from their training schedule but because players play match at their natural position.

    Put a player into a Full back training and look at his attributes improvement if you play him in a Striker position during match.

    Playing match is the engine, training is the fuel.

  5. I have made my own schedule for one of my young strikers. He plays every 1st team game and is the leagues top scorer. How long does it generally take before im likely to see an improvement if i have set up the schedule correctly? Or see his stats decline if i have set it up incorrectly? He's been on the same schedule for nearly 3 months and i have only seen one stat go up.

    Check his workrate, determination and if you can, find his professionalism attribute.

  6. I copy what you can found in Vaughan Tips, that's remain available in FM2010 as training is the same since :

    "The graphs represent the current training levels of the player, not the training improvement. If a bar is at the highest point, it means that he has reached his maximum limit in that category. If the bar is at the lowest point, it means that he cannot get any worse from training.

    Between the highest and lowest limits, there is a range of 4-6 ability points depending on which player you are looking at. Players with high professionalism and work rate will keep themselves in shape more than other players so will have a lower range of possible attribute values.

    The values in the Training Levels graph map roughly on to the Attributes graph. His attributes for that training category do not change at the same rate as each other - for example, if the Attacking bar increases by 10% on the Training Levels graph, it might mean that his Creativity increases by 12% and his Passing by 8%."

  7. I don't fight with you but I don't understand sorry ????

    you said : "The graphs seem to be influenced a lot by PA and training intensity."

    I said, yes i'm agree with you and explain why.....But you reply that i'm wrong on things that I didn't say in my post...

    so what evidence you want ? and on what subject....

    You want to see a screen of my graph and training intensity ? you want to see a screen of young player of mine with a lot of green arrow on each attributes....and everybody will applaud me ? but where will be the evidence ???

    I have respect with SFraser training theory and with tons of very good posts he made on FM2010 so I decide not to argue with my methods against its..but now when I see things that it's okay with my method, I post some comment to said " I'm okay with that."

    That's all.

  8. Stefaan, you don't read well my post......

    1) Did you see somewhere in my text that I said that low graph means no gain in attributes ? I just said that low graph despite high intensity in the training area mean that the player has no capacity to train more this area...... I never said that he can't gain.

    2) you said : "If you post any evidence that proves a correlation between high training graphs and attribute gain on the long term, I will change my mind however. "

    did you really read my post ? I said that high graph can mean two things differents !!!!!

  9. The graphs seem to be influenced a lot by PA and training intensity.

    Yes because each graph is linked with the capacity of the player to train each training area....

    High graph with high training intensity can mean two things :

    1) Player have a big capacity in this training area and will improve and gain CA in the next months. So you can try to increase intensity to see next month if graph increase too. If not, so you can come back to last intensity cause it's the maximum the player can train.

    OR (and that is the difficult things of the graph)

    2) Player has reached the maximum in this training area, cannot improve any more but need this big intensity to maintain...

    In the other hand, low graph with high training intensity means that the player has not capacity to train this area. So you can lowered training intensity and see next month if graph has lowered again or remain the same. If graph decrease, come back to last intensity, if remain the same, you can decrease it one more time and wait for next month.

  10. The idea that graphs reflect training intensity itself is incorrect.

    A more likely structure: [training intensity + player traits + coach traits + environmental conditions = bar graph]

    That's right 50-cent, it's what I explained in this post...And it came from Vaughan who explained that to make things more simple for everyone, SI mixed a lot of parameters to produce the graph.

    But I don't want to explain again and again.

  11. Lastly, no matter how good your training schedules are, you will not get wonderous results if you have only 2 or 3 training staff.

    That's right. Don't forget that training will depend from the training facilities, training staff and reputation of the club.

    That's why in the training levels graph, to simplify things, SI has included all those parameters added to your training schedule. For example, if you see a low graph who never increase in a specific training area even if your training schedule is on heavy load since lot of months, you can conclude that two things has happened :

    - Player has not the possibility to increase more cause he reach his maximum. OR

    - Club can not offer more on this training to the player due to staff or club facilities limitation.

  12. Strength isn't really that useful for keepers, it only trains Workrate, Strength, Stamina, Natural Fitness. Keepers don't need Workrate, Natural Fitness or Stamina, and the importance of Strength for a keeper is questionable.

    Strength training is important for all players !!!!! and it increase lots of thing more important than the attributes you list....Put a low workload in Strength and player will be injured more often....Strength deal with player condition, player match exercise, player activities during training and his future career...........

  13. Like I wrote in the other post :

    For Youth, I think that you can concentrate training on Strength and Aerobic area..Cause technical attributes will be gained later when they got older and have difficulty to increase if the player is too young.

    And when the player increase his strength and aerobic area, he increase in the same time the load of training work he can accept, he get better condition recovery, can do better things during match with more pace, more activity etc...etc..

    Strength and aerobic are like an "engine" for the future career of the young player.

  14. Perhaps Strength training is not only focussed on player attributes but with other player things, like we can see that strength training can react with match condition and match exercise of the player.

    IF you push hard strength training during pre-season, you will see that the player will get his match exercise more sooner than with a lower strength training (bad thing is that he will tired more quicly)...So there is a chance that Strength training deal with attributes but with other things too.........

  15. Once again for training :

    The graphs represent the current training levels of the player, not the training improvement. That's why is useful to put all players to the same notch for all training area. (like the general schedule in FM2010 but with more notches)....

    So after two or three months, the training levels graph will show how player training activity is in each area. In a perfect world, you would see all training graph very high and training graph increase month by month to reach maximum after one season.

    For the area where the graph is low, it means that the player can't train any more on it...So you don't need to put heavy load on it just a maintain level.

    What's a maintain level, is a level where the graph doesn't decrease month by month.

    That's why you need each month to adjust training sliders following increase or decrease of training level graph...it's the only solution to know if your player has reached his maximum on a specific training area....

    Like Marc said, it's so simple.....Don"t try to know which attributes will increase or decrease in the same training area, it's pure illusion....too much complex for us and with tools in FM2010 we have (sliders for a training area) can't do that.

  16. It's working perhaps with Rooney because Rooney is a great player with lot of space to increase his attributes, and he is trained by a lot of very good coach in a very good training structure in a very good club and play big match in england and Europe...

    But all player are not Rooney.

    And even Rooney when he will reach his potiental in attacking will not increase any more even if you put shooting in heavy load...and all those informations, you get from the graph and not the attributes.....

    so you lost load for other area...As it's a striker, there is a big chance that he will have capacity to increase perhaps in ball control or tactic and less chance to see capacity in defense.....

    But to know where training area have capacity to increase and other less, you need to put the training sliders at the same position during 2 or 3 months. After you can study training level graph and adapt the training shedule to the graphs (with some variant according to age of the player). And you will see that for example a striker, have space to train in ball control, or attack or shooting but not in defense, because he is a natural striker....

    Don't worry, you will never need to train in heavy load defense for a striker or attacking for a defender, cause naturally he will not have the capacity to train a lot in area that he doesn't used on the field.

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