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Posts posted by rschprs

  1. 45 minutes ago, GIMN said:

    100% intended, assuming you are managing a team who plays in white.  It both fits in thematically with the skin, and is far more adaptive to different resolutions


    I understand. Is there a way to change this and have the images shown? Could I just delete a panel?

    I tried deleting panels/widgets/match player bar.xml to restore the images during the match, but it didn't work. 

    I'm not trying to deminish your work here. I love the skin. I just find that, especially when managing lower league teams where you don't know anyone, an image of the player is very useful. 

  2. 30 minutes ago, GIMN said:

    All feedback is welcome.

    I considered a substitution button, but as quick substitution is already part of the base game bottom bar this feels redundant.


    I will reconsider this, but chances are I come to the same conclusion :lol:

    The matchday tablet otherwise is as it comes.  The only changes made are to add team and player analysis tabs at the end.  I am unlikely to change this for future releases, but you are more than welcome to try and make changes yourself.  The file you want is Mustermann Iconic/panels/match/touchline tablet panel.xml - you would probably want to consider splitting it in two with the stats static on one side and the tabs on the other side.  To do this, you'd want to try something like the attached file.  Depending on your resolution, this might make some of the information unreadable, so you adjustments might be needed in the corresponding files.  You can see which file controls which by looking inside the xml.  For example:

    <container id="poSE" hidden="true">
      <translation id="title" translation_id="296560" type="use" value="Teams[COMMENT: continent team count]" />
      <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />
      <container id="tttp" class="touchline_tablet_teams_panel" file="match/mustermann/tablet/teams"/>

    This is for the Teams tab.  The file you'd need to edit is match/mustermann/tablet/teams.xml

    If you want player images in the bottom, I would recommend finding a skin that has it as you desire, and copy over panels/widgets/match player bar.xml

    touchline tablet panel.xml 7.08 kB · 0 downloads

    Thank you. How about the white circles on the tactics screen instead of pictures? I suppose that's not intended.

  3. Amazing work. I love the idea. At first glance there are a few things, that don't seem to work for me. For instance, the player pictures on the tactics screen are all replaced with a white circle. Is that supposed to be?

    Some things I might get used to it, but I would prefer otherwise:

    - There's no substitution button during play. I hate to have to press pause first, then the tactics button and make substitutions, then unpause the game again.

    - The roster sorting in the tablet should be by position.

    - No player images in the bottom ribbon during the game

    - I would prefer the game stats to be visible at all times, no matter which other view is selected on the tablet.

    In no way do I mean to critizise. It's an amazing skin.

  4. Which factors determine the job-security of a manager? What do I have to set in the editor to make a manager's job less secure, and where? Can I adjust the patience of the chairperson, or are there other factors. 

    I'm testing to see how long it takes for a manager to get sacket at a high profile club by reloading the game and making them lose every single game. The manager is there after 10 losses (even against rivals) and his job is secure. 



  5. On 12/01/2019 at 00:53, davie77 said:


    If you use "Stadium 0", "Stadium 1" etc. the FM takes as many stadiums as needed. Means if you have "Stadium 15" somewhere in the group phase, the FM 15 will fetch the stadium, even if maybe 7 of them are not used.


    How does the editor know which one is Stadium0?

    I have the opposite problem. I want 1 tournament in 1 particular stadium, but end up by each team in their home stadium or sometimes neutral stadium.

  6. I'm trying to assign a fixed stadium to a tournament, but somehow the game ignores it. I want the tournament to be played in one stadium. Semi's both on the same day, 15:00 and 17:00 and the finals and 3rd place on the same day as well. 

    I tried to use Advanced Rules | Grounds For Match and set the stadium as host stadium.

    Then I changed in Stages | Rounds |General the stadium to Host. Sometimes there's an option to use specific stadium and I try to use that, but also that gets ignored.

  7. 32 minutes ago, phnompenhandy said:

    You don't - it's an occupational hazard. Bear in mind it happens to your rivals too. I'm used to a late surge when the clubs above me are weakened by defections.

    Where you can make a difference that the AI managers can't is to work at keeping your best players happy, loving the club and you. You can often persuade them to stay if the interested club is also amateur and not offering wages.

    Doesn't really make sense right? These are amateurs. Born and raised in the village, played for the club their whole lives. They have a job in the village. They don't just pack up and leave, do they? First window I have 7 first team players leaving. 

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