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Posts posted by Zdan77

  1. 24 minutes ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Apologies, I thought the players were spread out through multiple leagues. 

    You're still way over the recommended limit of players though, and you said if you start a new save there are no issues - it still points at the game size unfortunately.

    If you upload the save to the SI Cloud: https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/index.php/s/Kzvhd0MdU3v4Nv4 I'll still take a look, just let me know what it's called.

    Paulo Fino - Mjourney.fm

  2. 24 minutes ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Did removing all scouting assignments and clearing your shortlist help increase the speed at all?

    It's the only factor we've seen so far that sometimes affect game speed, so unfortunately if that hasn't helped it's likely down to your game running 3x the recommended limit of players. 

    I assume if you tried a brand new save the loading times aren't as bad?

    didnt help at all, all remais the same, new save now and processing times are perfect

  3. 4 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    The fact that another person has the slowdown too hints that it's an issue with the size of the save.

    As a test though, could I get you to manually remove all scouting assignments and see if that quickens the processing speed at all? 

    didnt, had actually 14, also removed everyone from shortlist

  4. im using custom size database with 371k players, english leagues, using badges and player pics, i do have a pretty decent computer, i have a fellow streamer using the exact same setup and is well on season 14, i, on the other hand cant go pass season 6.

    i have been contacted by SEGA and their solution gave no results, i also doubt that in 10 years the 125k player limit is advised the computers made no evolution to processing

  5. Just now, Harrison Modeste said:

    Hi @Zdan77,

    Like @Neil Brock said, if you are running over the recommended limit then unfortunately you may experience issues like the one above.

    A potential solution may be found in the troubleshooting thread below:


    no, tried that, thats not a solution , didnt solve anything, how has the limit been the same for over 5 years? how come nothing has been done about it?


  6. 3 minutes ago, Seb Wassell said:

    We have that under review. As you say, examples and saves where this does not act as expected are welcome, we'll get them investigated :thup:

    However, claiming that Benfica will only be satisfied by signing players like Mbappe is a little misleading and not correct.

    im sorry to tell you but i scouted a ton of players, david silva didnt not meet the requierement, Buffon, same, only 14 players out of 100 high top world players fitted

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