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Posts posted by Denther

  1. My only reservation is the extra editing, I'll consider it though. (Need to either add a 6th choice for everything, or allow people to choose 2 at the same level.

    In that case why not make it something like

    1. Manager, Ass Man, Physio, Scout, Youth Coach, Coach

    2. Manager, Ass Man, Physio, Scout, Youth Coach

    3. Manager, Ass Man, Physio, Scout

    4. Manager, Ass Man, Physio

    5. Manager, Ass Man

    6. Manager

    Less editing and you can just make them all the same CA and PA :thup:

    Edit - actually, yeah I see what you mean about the extra 6th choice editing, like you say you could have two 5th place choices or something.

  2. Any ideas for grading the staff?

    Same as the players to be honest.

    So For Example

    Current Ability / Potential Ability

    (Manager, Ass Man, Physio x2, Scout x3, Youth Coach, Fitness Coach, GK Coach, Attacking Coach.)

    Staff will all be 40yrs old. They will have all random attributes with the exception of CA & PA and Position.

    1/ 130 / 150

    2/ 120 / 140

    3/ 110 / 130

    4/ 105 / 125

    5/ 100 / 120

  3. Hello, me again.

    As some of you may have seen am going to be doing a new-sign up based on Dwarves and Elves.

    Now I have been messing about with the editor and am slowly forming the database. (The dwarves are nearly done now, just have to have a go at messing with the graphics and finish what I am about to ask about).

    I have put the Dwarves in place of the Faeroe Islands. The League is non-playable. I have put one Dwarf team in the French 2nd Division and am in the process of re-naming the teams in the Faeroe Islands league. Now, do people think it is ok to leave them unplayable, or should I try and swap it with, say the Indian League to make them playable? At the moment I am simply upping the cash and rep of around three of the teams so that some youngsters come through and they get into Europe, do people think that is enough, too much etc?

    Also do you think all the Dwarf players should start at the Dwarf team in the French League, mix them between the French team and home teams, or just let them start anywhere?



  4. Ok, I have been running my Anything you can do sign up for a while now and I have begun to think about what I would like to do next. I have a few days off next week and so am going to edit the database in preparation so that when the time does come I can crack straight on and get people to sign up.

    The reason I am posting now is so that before I edit the database I can get some feedback and see if anything needs changing.

    As we know DodgeeD is running STI v NTI, my idea is based along the same lines but has a completely different story. (I've spoken to DodgeeD about this and he has ok'd the idea :thup:)

    It will be called Never Trust an Elf and will be based on the Lord of the Rings.

    Basically somehow a group of Dwarves and a group of Elves have found there way from Middle Earth to our world. (I have already started writing the back story which will help explain this very random occurrence.) They end up forming two separate international football teams (again don't worry, all will be explained).

    Now, obviously you can see the similarity between this and STI v NTI, but both I and DodgeeD believe the fantasy element will help distinguish it. Also, unlike STI v NTI they will not be rivals, they will be 'uneasy allies' (thanks DodgeeD :thup:) due to another third 'race' (no prizes for guessing, but will be slightly different to the Elf and Dwarf teams). I will ask certain signees to not be a dwarf or an elf and instead be a secret evil character (this needs fleshing out).

    I will be attempting to focus a lot on the story element as that's what interests me, you will have to use Kosher Dwarf and Elf names (assistance provided :)) and I will be giving a background to why things are happening in a story sense as well as a footballing sense.

    As I said this won't be going for a while, but want to do the database next week whilst I have the spare time.

    All comments welcome :thup:

  5. I have created a manager sign-up because we have not had many this year.

    If you want to sign-up, here is the link:

    So, you think that you can do a better job?

    The one thing that I would like some advise on is on how I will award bonuses (increased rep, PA etc.).

    I am planning on giving them for matches managed, trophys won etc.

    But, I would like some obscure unexpected bonuses that I could give but I can't think of any.

    Can anyone help me with an idea here?

    Hey pnefc22,

    You could give an award for best head to head record. In my manager sign up I don't give stat increases etc, but after every season I do an head to head table based on average points per game v other users.

    Top of this could get some award :thup:

  6. Launch of premier league

    Go back to 1992 when the premiership launched and teddy got the first goal in front of the cameras. re-create database and even put in todays players i.e. a 6 year old wayne rooney and basically acheive better than sir Alex at man u i.e. win 12+ prem titles, at least 3 european cups (maybe 4) etc etc.

    Staying incharge will be some acheivement aswell.

    That will take a hell of a lotta work, how will you decide on players' stats? Also I don't believe that the game will let you put Wayne Rooney as being 6, and will increase his age to around 14, or so I believe.

    But if you can pull it off fair play :thup:

  7. Hello all. Been a while since I've been here. :D

    Being quite the car nut, I was thinking about a challenge, probably a fun one, that involves teams where they have car factories nearby.

    Meaning that, folks can take some of these teams and see how far they go. Not a serious challenge, but perhaps it could be a competition to see which is the 'best' car maker. :D

    So far I've got:

    The very obvious one, Vuaxhall Motors in Conference North

    Sunderland, Premiership (Nissan)

    Coventry, Championship (Jaguar)

    Crewe, League One (Rolls Royce)

    Swindon, League One (Toyota)

    Solihull, Conference North (Land Rover)

    Overseas I've got:

    Wolfsburg, Bundesliga (Volkswagen)

    Stuttgart, Bundesliga (Mercedes, Porsche)

    Ingolstadt, 2.Bundesliga (Audi)

    Modena, Serie B (Ferrari)

    Bolgona, Serie A (Lamborghini)

    I probably sound like an idiot, but what do you guys think?

    Hi Ben, good idea but Toyota aren't in Swindon :confused:

    Swindon has two manufacturers - Honda and Mini BMW :thup:

  8. Thanks for the feedback Blowcrapup and pnefc22.

    I do like the idea of father and son!

    It's between that or putting the story as the FA are fed up with fans complaining and so invite 10 fans to be managers. I will be adding a bit of story in the form of newspaper articles etc just to give it a bit more depth.

    I have more ideas for the fans idea, but will people prefer the father son idea? With the father son I was thinking of asking users to band together to make the father son, eg blowcrapup is dad (manager) pnefc22 is son (player).

    I will be messing about with the editor and finalising my idea hopefully tonight so if anyone has a preference between the two please let me know.

    BTW, Blowcrapup I like your Star Wars idea :thup:

  9. Hi all,

    As I keep invading everyone else's sign ups I thought I should have a go at repaying the debt and make one myself.

    Now, as it will be my first go I don't want to do anything fancy. I was thinking about doing a basic manager sign up, where say 10 people start in the BSS or BSN, pick your own club. To make things a little different CA would be 80 and PA 160. I thought it would be nice if some lower teams were involved in the sign up rather than the normal premiership etc.

    Obviously, eventually some may get there, but it would take a while and some lower teams should be involved along the way.

    You would be given a certain amount of points for attributes at the start. Also as a bit of fun you can create a member of staff, player or non player, who will also be CA 80 PA 160 who would be set to have you as favoured personnel and vice versa. You would then get to spend points etc on that member of staff, who and what that member is will be up to you.

    I do have a fairly busy RL but should be able to do an update a week, is that ok?

    Also I wanted to make sure that this isn't stepping on anybodies toes, so please say if I'm stealing ideas, it's been done etc. Suggestions are welcomed and encouraged.

    At the end of the day it's just meant to be a thank you to the CSE'ers for letting me settle here in the month since I have joined.

    Many thanks


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