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Posts posted by legnerschorsch

  1. 18 minutes ago, XaW said:

    You don't get why the devs won't interact here, when you specifically asked for changes to the staffing? You cannot both expect to say what you want, and still have the possibility of a nice dialog.

    The devs used to be here a lot and talk about features and changes on a regular basis, but when they get told to find something else to work on (which you eluded to in your deleted post), why would they? After all, they usually did so on their own time because they are invested in the game.

    Most of us would love for more devs to come back and chat, but honestly, I have no problem seeing why they don't. Posts like the one we deleted of yours, are an exact reason as to why.

    I stated that I would highly appreciate changes in top management. This could also be a change in attitude. So I still don´t see which line I crossed.


    In what world do you live?

    Considering the size of the community, receiving criticism and even insults is guaranteed. But, unfortunately, that´s life, and as long as you are in the business of selling games, that´s something you have to swallow.

    In my opinion, it´s exceptionally disrespectful not to involve the community in the long-term plans, especially considering the massive impact of community content on the overall quality of the game.

  2. 8 minutes ago, FrazT said:


    In the post 2 above your last one, I asked that while criticism and discussion was fine, to leave out the personal comments about the developers- as indicated therefore, your post will be removed and any more like this will get further action

    24 minutes ago, bluestillidie00 said:

    Football Manager has such a large user base that everyone is gonna want something different. This is isn’t a small indie game, features are planned years in advance.

    Besides, i don’t blame staff for not coming in the forum. It’s incredibly toxic and i know first hand what seeing constant criticism has on your mental health.

    On this forum, it’s probably 35:65 people who love the game vs people who complain about it. Imagine how horrible that is for people who busy their arse, trying to make people happy, just to get shat on because the ui looks a bit naff or animations aren’t great. At least i can down tools when i get annoyed with the community like i did with TCS, they can’t 

    Well, criticism and people who cross lines are part of the business, and while no one expects that every SI employee is active here, there should be a community manager.

    Sorry, I don´t get your point. So because features are planned years in advance, is why there is zero interaction with the community? Please take a look at SCS.

    I also don´t get why my post was deleted. I didn´t cross any of the mentioned lines. I´m out of here, way too much disrespect for long-time customers.

  3. 9 hours ago, destmez said:

    here are some things that may interest you ( go see the last comment If this is really implemented you will not see me here anymore ) 

    Thank you! I missed this.
    I just don´t get it why they don´t add the editor. This would add so much to the immersion, while the community would do the real work.


    But it seems there are already ways to edit stadiums.

  4. 3 minutes ago, forameuss said:

    Because no-one would listen anyway.  If you have to have it explained to you that the AI in a game like this is complex, then you're probably the same sort of person who would just ignore anything they said.

    And the point is proved by your final statement to be honest, so at least I'm not wrong there.


    The AI wasn´t brought up by me. This was another poster. But I would like to hear statements about the long-terms plans in regards of the graphic/match engine and if a stadium editor is something they look into or are even working on it.

    So this makes me an ignorant idiot?


  5. 4 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

    It's fair enough to be upset about something, but asking for people to lose their jobs because something which is extremely complex doesn't work exactly how you want it to is completely beyond what is acceptable.  

    Since the AI is often criticized, why don´t you make the effort and provide a one-time statement explaining the complexity of this issue? In the future, whenever this comes up again, the mods could refer to this.

    The same applies to other common issues like the state of the graphic and match engine and something like a stadium editor, which was heavily discussed prior the release. Sorry, but a lot of the frustration is caused by poor communication on your end. In my opinion, it shouldn´t be like this. In the end, you are expecting your customers to pay, more or less, for a yearly update. So at least they should know where are you heading.

  6. 1 hour ago, diddydaddydoddy said:

    But only individual features have been shown - so how can you comment on the whole game until its out, bought and played?

    Oh, I think i can about the direction they are heading. SI creates this huge merchandise drama and then the first new feature they celebrate is a new Skin. THEY set the emphasis. Sorry, this is no improvement! The community creates much better skins for already a decade. It´s a feature that gives uncritical buyers an illusion something has changed.

    Again,  as long as the world cup final still looks the same like a non-league game the match engine is  a failure. This is what they should be working on.

    I´m turned off by their communication and self-celebration. At least, they could be honest and switch to a system of yearly licenses. I would gladly pay the same price. But I would´t feel like they are trying to take me for an idiot any longer.

  7. 1 minute ago, Neil Brock said:

    So people could discuss the features individually - we'd like people to comment within the blogs and engage with other users about the specific features that are announced. There's no ulterior motive to shut anything down. As always on these forums if you want to criticise go for it, just please try and make it constructive. 

    I don´t buy individual features. I buy a game. Therefore, I would prefer discussing the game as a whole

  8. 17 minutes ago, armbi said:

    I meant without improving animations in 3D what is the difference if we got new tactics screen as we won't notice it on the pitch. Ok, you can draw, you can move sliders and that's it, you will never see the representation of this with old match engine.

    That´s exactly the point. The match engine is way too bad that it could display any sophisticated tactics. Again, it´s not mainly about the quality of the animations.

    So the tactical overhaul is completely pointless.

  9. Who cares about new looks, changes in training and tactics? They do this every year without any noticeable concept. Often it wasn´t even an improvement.

    But in regards of the the matchday experience - nothing! I wonder if this will ever look like a real football game. This doesn´t mean it has to look like Fifa.

    So these are the big new features? It´s preposterous calling this a new version of a game. It´s barely an update.

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