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Everything posted by Domoboy23

  1. Actually, he would probably post a teasing GIF. As he does on the beta speculation thread. He enjoys teasing, the little scamp.
  2. Doubt he would do anything in a team even expected to be midtable. The quality and sheer amount of chances created for him in that PSG team take away the shine a bit see how he gets on at Brest
  3. As has been said in this thread countless times. Patches have been released up to 10pm at night before. Keep the faith
  4. Dude it's Wednesday. Its highly likely it will be out today or tomorrow.
  5. I see a lot of moaning/debate about business processes and not very much speculating about the patch drop time/day. Or most importantly GIFS
  6. They get to tailor their newgen. The newgen will go into the final, smaller db update in a few weeks time.
  7. I can only be sure it means one of two things. A) It's being released tonight. B) It's not being released tonight. eeeeeeeeeeeeek
  8. Changed User Tags (store_tags) – tags only switched places (hidden to reduce noise) ChangeNumber – 17897607 › 17903688
  9. We've had an update released after 10pm before. Where's the faith!!!
  10. I can see and agree with certain points, but in terms of managers getting repeatedly good jobs despite being unsuccessful again and again I would say only happens IRL once you hit a certain level for a period of time. Lampard as one example has had a few bites now but even IRL I reckon he won't see the premiership again until proving himself in the Champ. And even then, not everyone is immune from slipping down the ladder such as Phil Brown, Lee Clark, Paul Hart, Lawrie Sanchez, Dave Jones, Micky Adams, Steve Evans after repeated failings at consecutively lower levels. I don't think you'd see the Woking manager in the Conference being sacked for being in the relegation zone then offered the job at Bradford in the playoffs in League 2 or Barnsley in the relegation zone of League 1 yet it happens. This is even with much lower level leagues running than the one initially managing in are available to manage in, so it's not a case of the game always needing to have a job available for you and matching you.
  11. Can we all get back on topic please and refreshing steamdb every 20 seconds and updating each other? Thanks
  12. Thanks for this - but I was referring to the LQA-test update in steamdb as someone said the fact this was performed today indicates it won't be today. From looking no LQA test was performed or updated on either 20, 21 or 22 (regardless of on the day or prior) so I'm struggling to see their hypothesis
  13. I'd of thought if the researchers had a deadline of tomorrow then they'd need additional time to test any changes meaning Thursday at the very earliest? Hoping not thought. It would make more sense if the researchers deadline was for the final DB update which will follow in a cpuple of weeks for remaining windows...
  14. What was it like for FM20, 21 and 22? I've tried looking on Steamdb but the history doesn't go back that far
  15. I understand the example above will be subjective, as are most manager hires IRL. However, I'd suggest something like this for future FM's would be a potentially better options for realistic job offers/reputation than the current system. Coaching Badges - Only effects the managers training attributes and has zero impact/improvement to reputation score. (Which currently seems to have an incredibly exaggerated effect on reputation score) Reputation Score - Is formed and increases/decreases via manager performance, awards, promotions, sackings etc and is the only initial factor to generate potential invites to interview. Still using the current home, world and current values. Additional Step - After passing reputation score for job role, additional pre-screening check of players history in examples where a club is rooted to the bottom of the table in January and expecting to fight relegation. This could check the players most recent similar situations and how they did/if they exceeded reputations. Could help to add a dynamic of Neil Warnock/Sam Allardyce type managerial appointments. Not to be used as a definitive, but a potential additional screening tool which may decrease/increase chances slightly of interview invite. Manager Tendencies - Such as managing finances, domestic player bias etc form part of the interview process in terms of corelation to board culture/expectations. AOB - you should also be able to see chairman stats for example, business, interference, patience before taking a job. Let us feel a connection. - Currently when you delay a job offer you then can't see details of the contract offer, culture or expectations until it comes up again. Which means if you have multiple job offers on the table across a period of 1/2 weeks and you're trying to make an informed decision... Your only option is to print screen each one at the point of offer then put into a word document etc...
  16. Hello. I'm starting this thread to hopefully gauge some opinions and discussion around the current state of human manager reputation within the game and coaching badges having far too a prominent effect on reputation and therefore job offers. Around 90% of my saves start as an unemployed journeyman with a huge amount of nations and leagues loaded and zero playing experience and zero playing badges and try and work my way up. I really enjoy success and I equally enjoy the story and frustrations of failing and then having to try salvage your career and work back up. I have fond memories of overperforming with an average squad and reaching the Championship playoffs on FM21 for 4 seasons in a row and bottling it each time, almost getting them relegated the following season, and subsequently sacked. I strongly believe that downward spirals such as Phil Brown (Premiership with Hull to managing Southend in the Conference in the space of 11 years) should be part of the parcel, and entirely possible in FM. I remember (I can't recall if it was FM 20/21/22 or all of them) a bit of a reputation issue which I raised a bug about. It seemed incredibly easy for example, to be managing an Conference side and underperform and be sacked and then in the media be asked about the Arsenal job etc. I believe this is still the case now. It's annoying, but not a gamebreaker as I can just ignore this. However, you would then quite easily find a job in the Conference again (rather than dropping down like many would in real life as an unknown manager one or two seasons into managing and underperforming) and sometimes after time even be offered L2 and L1 jobs. Using the in-game editor at the time seemed to suggest that winning a Conference title would bump your rep by 500-600 pts but going from a National C to a National B would bumpy it by 1800. I think it should be a challenge to find a job. There's nothing worse than being offered a job and thinking... is this because I deserve this, or is this a bug?. Do I feel dirty for taking this job? One of the things that I quickly realised was that job offers seemed to take license into account more than reputation and history. Some simulations found that my manager with no badges and no experience, who was unemployed following poor performance would be offered Conference jobs. However, my manager with a Continental C and no experience, who was unemployed following poor performance would be offered Conference, L2, L1 and even the odd Championship job. This of course isn't realistic as clubs go more based on history and reputation within the game rather than badges alone. For my current save I started with no coaching badges and no exp and joined Huddersfield (yes, not realistic but I had a backstory in my head) :D. We went down, we then rebuilt and narrowly avoided admin and showed season on season progress before finally going up. When we went up it was a bit of a disaster and relegation prevailed after a 23 game winless streak. At that point I'd expect to get offers from L1 sides wanting slow stability and season on season improvement, as well as perhaps Champ sides relegated into L1 and not wanting to go into free fall. I then went abroad to Pogon (made sense to me, a similar rep to the Championship and budgets, player standard and attendances in line with L1) and lasted just 13 games before getting my P45. I have no idea why I would be offered the Fulham job. They were 20th and looking to avoid relegation. Which I've attempted and failed with twice in the Championship. I have a Continental C License. I really expected (and i guess hoped) that the sacking from Pogon would make me really have to rebuild either in L1 or a second/top tier in a more obscure country. Surely my reputation should've taken a hefty hit. Why would I be offered a Prem job? Does this seem right to people?
  17. I'd hoped the emoji I'd inserted at the end of the comment would've suggested it was a bit tongue in cheek. I'm not expecting minor legacy bugs to of been corrected in a final update patch for a specific version of the game. This is probably something I'd expect to be worked on and slowly chipped away at and improved between full releases. Also time isn't indicative of success. A host of changes could've been made which went through testing fine but when released to a wider scale things are noticed. That's the beauty and scary aspect of the final patch. The longer something remains before being released it get's the benefit of longer internal testing but which therefore means less external testing on a larger scale! - Probably something which is more pertinent and relevant to the more minor patches we see pre-christmas as any bugs noticed can then be noticed and hopefully rectified before the final patch in Feb/March. Whereas the final patch is usually a final patch and even if people were to find changes negatively affected development/AI/ME it wouldn't (I don't think) then be patched again. I'm not at all saying the update will be trash. I'm actually very excited about it which is odd as seen as I'm finding FM23 to be the version I've most enjoyed since FM13 and don't really have many complaints bar a few minor niggly bits (yes that includes UI) and traditionally the final gameplay update this time of year is usually very good and an improvement. If anything, I'm nervous an update may ruin the ME (I love the fact you can play defensive football) I'm really enjoying or cater to the people who like east wins and demand thousands of wonderkids in the game.
  18. If we can go and find UI legacy bugs (in some cases) up to 3 previous editions of the game old, that were reported years ago and responded back with ''yes it's a bug, its been noted, thanks for raising'', I'd manage those expectations
  19. I'd actually suggest the less updates we see the better. Whenever an update occurs that suggests a change which I'd of thought would mean more testing and checking. I may be wrong though. Also pointless looking at the nightly and release tests as these occur daily.
  20. I've just consulted the chance chart for the week and it's as follows. Today: 15% Tuesday: 30% Wednesday: 25% Thursday: 30% Friday 0% Sadly I still think the fact that the dev-ai updated was made only 5 days ago makes it more likely that a release may still be 2/3 weeks away... It suggests a new ME was updated for testing and I'd be surprised if they can sufficiently test it in that time.
  21. Hoping this might count as ''tactical'' Is it possible to assign a scout or build knowledge (without having to use a recruitment focus) for teams in my league? I'd expect from being a side that's been in the same top flight tier for 7 seasons to have a pretty good knowledge of each teams players, bar maybe youth prospects or new signings. However, most players look thoroughly unscouted and just a broad range of attributes and some not there at all. It makes it really difficult to prepare for the next match as I'd imagine 30 games into a season I should be able to click on the opposition striker and see pretty much 100% of his attributes!
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