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Everything posted by Domoboy23

  1. Has anyone seen a clean sheet since the update? If so I'll happily pay for it
  2. You've made me want to give this a whirl, but managing the B Team! I bet you didn't think you were going to score in that game against Racing!
  3. In fairness, it looks fairly in line with real life and fairly in line pre patch. It just seems it's my division (champ) that's gone a bit crazy and even then not by a great deal. All the leagues below are full simulated and up to game week 6 of this season (post patch) and last season (pre patch). Aware it's a small sample size.
  4. Has anyone else seen an explosion of goals since the latest update? I'm scoring for fun currently and seeing a lot of shots in games and seems to be a lot more goals in games than before the patch, only seen one 0-0 in our league in the last 5 game weeks.
  5. It also wasn't there for me prior to the update! I've just checked a screenshot I took from last week to confirm. How weird!
  6. Yeah, I'm not sure if it's a case of accelration/pace has been... well made faster? Or if it's just the whole ME? It feels like even though my speed banner has stayed in the middle, it's like I've gone up a couple of notches to the 7/10ths bit, when I haven't.
  7. I was a big fan of the ME before the update. Somehow I've been blown away even more. Some of the play, the dribbling, the counter attacks, the last ditch tackles, the keeper save animations... incredible. Really well done. Only thing I would say is I'm not sure if the ME has been sped up a bit? Or if it's just me managing a team with pace and expected to win the league for the first time on FM23!
  8. @DaveincidI've been using your files for my long-term save before the update. I'm guessing they're still okay to use in that save file post update?
  9. Love some of the UI fixes. The fact I can now look at a recruitment focus list and: a) sort it by an order and the order be correct and b) click onto a player, go back and have the same list up again rather than it resetting or taking me out of it is an absolute sanity saver
  10. Disagree with this strongly. I'm seeing far too many wonderkids on my save (pre-patch, not had time to look post yet). There's a difference between newgen creation/ability and AI selection/development.
  11. Are the numbers used for squad average age from the stats/facts screen? I only ask as I notice a lot of AI sides keep players in the U21's but will insert them into the matchday squad and play them. Otherwise I think the numbers on that page are a club average age for the first team... If I run the numbers for a playing AI XI at various points in the season (usually an opposition) it's usually a lot closer to the 25 mark even for elite sides.
  12. Can I just say: A couple of peoples results from a couple of holiday sims are not an adequate sample size. Are leagues being run in full detail on these also? I'd imagine that would be beneficial for players rep and development and therefore international call ups and breaking into club first teams.
  13. Didn't notice this in the patch notes. Thanks for bringing it up. Disappointed as I personally always feel the injuries are far too low. I'll have to find my old db file to increase them
  14. Any CA/PA reveals should take place elsewhere for people who don't want spoilers.
  15. Fixed position sorting rules for the new 24/25 format UEFA Club Competitions What was the issue around this previously? Was it a huge problem that would vindicate a new save?
  16. Yeah I'm sure no-one else is able to write patch notes and create a thread on this forum.
  17. Of course every league is important. But releasing an update now, with gameplay fixes and windows closed from January means that people who aren't either bothered about transfer updates in general, transfer updates in those leagues, or people who already have long-term saves and simply want gameplay fixes means they can play and enjoy. Then the people who only want to play with the final and full transfer update... guess what? They can wait for the final update. Option A) Release an update now with a final one to follow, allowing the vast majoroty who want to play with this to do so. People who want to start after the final update wait 2/3 weeks for that then play themselves. Option B) Don't release an update now and make everyone wait for one or two leagues to be updated in 2/3 weeks time and make EVERYONE wait. lol Releasing an update now does not mean you have to start a save now. If you wanna wait and would ''prefer one BIG update all together'' just wait for the update to follow it.
  18. Which just inconveniences all of the people who either: - Aren't bothered about database updates as they start the game as it was at the time - People who aren't bothered about 2-3 leagues still with windows open - People who just want a patch for gameplay issues And also lessens the window in which people can test for gameplay/first update db changes for any issues. If an update is released today with gameplay fixes and an initial db update for closed windows... that doesn't force you into playing it. You can still wait another 2/3 weeks for the additional final tiny update before starting your save without impacting on others
  19. No need to panic. I think it just depends on who replies, as you can see they were giving the response without the late-feb, march bit last week and then went back again.
  20. Actually, he would probably post a teasing GIF. As he does on the beta speculation thread. He enjoys teasing, the little scamp.
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