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Posts posted by scouser_efc

  1. how come there is not an option for the assistant to take control of default focus training ? next to MATCH TRAINING it says in control by assistant but default focus training is always set to balanced, so now and then when i remember because i thought my assistant took care of training in 1 week i change it to say attack 2 weeks defend and 3 fitness i just keep changing it now and then, so it looks like i have to take control of default focus training myself so i was thinking would it harm my team if i choose the default focus training to fitness for 1 month then the next month change it to something else and so on will this be ok for my team or will it be bad?

    also when i get opposition reports back from my scouts etc they tell me what i should have as match training where as my assistant doesnt have it set to what the scouts want it to its always on defend set pieces so i have to change that myself, so the whole training thing seems to be useless with wanting your assistant to control it when he actually doesnt ??

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