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Posts posted by johangod

  1. I'll echo other people sentiments, since I stopped creating my own tactics just purely from not having the time to look into all the details of it I always loved using your tactics, they had a solid reasoning and never seemed overpowered or unbelievable.


    I'd love you to post whatever you've been using on FM22 and have a look at it, definitely my favorite tactics creator.

  2. 32 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

    As far as I know. that's not a "mid-block". But apart from that, I would assume that the cause of your problem with the CBs is exactly the combination of extremely urgent pressing and Much Higher DL.

    Yeah, I might have the mid block part wrong - presumed the combination of high dl / low loi was a mid block.

    But I guess that makes sense, also could be my fullbacks on WB/s bombing forwards as this came from a deep throw-in for me - still I've seen that exact thing happen more than once so figured I'd ask.

  3. How do I stop this from happening ? 

    Both are just normal CD/d, no special PIs - tactic is a 442 with a mid-block, meaning I have an Offside trap, tight marking, extremely urgent pressing and prevent GK with a Much Higher DL and Much Lower LOI

    What PIs for the CD do I need to pop in for them to not do something this dumb.

    If the screenshots are not easy to see what happens, it's a counter on me - my CD loses the aerial duel on the wing but I still don't think it's right for my other CD to just CHARGE towards them and leave someone THAT free.






  4. idk if this is a thread for just random people posting info on their games, if there's another one let me know, tried searching it and nothing really looked like it - I used to love those threads.


    But I just had to let someone see this, this hurts


    I've gotten the most rotten luck with CL Group draws, seeded at best 3rd for the last two seasons or so and 4th between that I've literally gotten

    Barca, Inter this season

    Real Madrid and City last season

    Man Utd, Leverkusen AND Inter three seasons ago

    Real Madrid and Marseille our first season - probably our easiest draw but our team wasn't really at the level to put up any fight.


    Inter beat me in Italy with a 87th minute winner, Barca humbled me at Nou Camp but I won both of them at home with a blitzing counter attacking football and thrashed Zagreb in both games - Worst part is I've had this happen before and know that despite all the ****ing rules - when 3 teams end up even, they just make a mini group and only account for results within those teams and my loss to Barca was to big.


    S H I * E


  5. Yeah makes sense, there's enough time and I remember last time around you did a tactic after the final ME update and kept it updated with tweaks you did and such.

    On that note, has there been a trend when SI usually updates to a final ME version ? I've been playing the game far less religiously in recent years and it's usually final update when I start playing them game 

  6. Super interesting as always from you, I love the guides you do.


    I would like to request that you share some of your tactics over in the sharing section - I've used your tactics pretty much religiously in the last couple of games because I really find them both good but also realistic and I love the guide you give with what player attributes to look for in each position, really makes recruitment for lesser teams easy. Hope you find the will to post at least one or two of your tactics like in the past !

  7. Yeah that's a really good answer - like I said I know things are going well I just want to know what to tinker with if things start to go worse or when I get promoted and maybe start to struggle and such.

    I haven't played with this type of team since 2009 and just wanted to know what things I should be looking for in players and stuff. I'll keep playing and giving input here.

  8. Okay I have some questions about managing inferior teams. At the moment I'm playing in the Czech 2. league and doing all right, I was predicted 6th and am sitting pretty at 2nd but I don't want to loose the grip of it and also want to continue to improve, as well as improve my knowledge.

    What types of tactics should I be using with less gifted players ? Should I be going Balanced/Standard or maybe leaning more towards Rigid and a mentality more focused on if I'm favorite playing at home or what.

    At the moment I'm using a 4231-wide with a Rigid/Standard and everything on default except Creative Freedom as "More Disciplined" - now it has been working all good, but is there any types of settings I should try and stay away from whilst trying to build my team with maybe one or two more technically gifted players and the rest just having the odd good attribute ?

    Is Rigid better for that or just Standard ? Basically just any hints and tips about managing lower and less talented teams, also any hints to assigning roles. Just ANY hints regarding the tactics aspect when trying to build a good team from the lower league in a country that isn't really good in Europe either. Know this might be repetitive but just trying to get some help

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