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Posts posted by Stevicus


    This looks bad doesn't it :D


    Penalty given, and apparantly it's such a blatant penalty that I don't think VAR even got involved. But it clearly looks like a dive doesn't it :D


    Maybe in my head I can rationalise it that it's somehow a bit of a dive and there's enough to fool VAR and the entire stadium but the game could at least back that up by making it vaguely look like he was fouled rather some Olympic level diving well before the defender gets anywhere near him. 

  2. Scouting seems broken? 


    Left scouting to my backroom staff and I'm not getting many reports back at all. I investigate further and I must have 17 scouts without an assignment and 1 scout doing 10 assignments. 


    I'd assume my chief scout in charge or setting up assignments is just poor but even then surely even the worst chief scout would have the sense to send everyone out on at least one assignment? :D


    But of course not, no. He's just set up some recruitment focuses in the USA, Portugal, Spain and France and assigned 1 scout to do the lot. 

  3. Also I remember when the 40 minute headline reveal came out and that lad was getting excited over being able to use competition patches on the players sleeves, which is honestly the most ridiculous thing to be excited about unless you can actually see them properly. I fear a lot of hard work has gone in to something that can't even properly be appreciated for another few years. 

  4. 23 hours ago, BrightLad5 said:

    This type of thing would add a lot. I think it will come as AI improves. Increased AI awareness and the AI of individual players/staff having individual needs and issues that are tailored to the situation they are in.

    I can only imagine the level of AI depth this would require so I can see why it maybe isn't as detailed right now but I too would love to see this kind of thing more in the future!

    This is kind of in the game already, it just only goes the other way currently. If you sign a player in a position where there's already plenty of competition, those players with 'first team' and 'squad player' status will kick up a fuss and demand to be made clearer about their role and playing time. 


    It's been in there for a couple of years now and I'm surprised it hasn't quite gotten to the potential signings coming in yet. Would certainly add a lot more realism when I'm trying to sign a 4th striker who seemingly has no qualms joining a team that plays with one up top 

  5. My main take from the game is just too many long shots being pelted in. Had a few 40 yard screamers. Lovely to look at but takes away some of the awe when it happens too much. 


    Aside from that one on one chances are dismal. Nobody rounds the keeper, and more often than not the shot is fired straight at him. 


    Amazingly the only successful  one on one chances I've seen have all been called back for offside :D

  6. 3 hours ago, janrzm said:

    Just a personal observation.

    I've watched all the footage from the various YouTuber's, I do think it works as a media strategy, to a point. In terms of FM content creators I feel they are almost all fairly niche, one had just a few hundred subs from memory. Are we expecting anything from Loki-Doki or BusttheNet? Their absence so far is noticeable.  Personally I'd have preferred to see more SI produced media releases run in conjunction, much as we saw with FM19. Maybe these will still come and there will be a flurry of releases in the final build up. 


    Doubt there'd be much from Loki, he lives in NI and going through a breakup currently. I doubt he'd have made it to London to do anything. 


  7. 42 minutes ago, DementedHammer said:

    I second that. I strongly recommend watching two or three of his episodes back to back to see if you catch the bug. It's great viewing, and the one thing you can never accuse him of is using standard or overpowered tactics. One of the things he likes to do is completely change his tactics every season or so, because he gets bored of constantly using the same system. 

    Also with the added benefit of him turning any player into a full back, regardless of positions they naturally play. :D


    but hes great for experimental tactics, will often just create something a bit odd and then somehow jam his players into it rather than just buy someone specifically for a position. Sometimes it works,  a lot of the time it doesn't but its compelling viewing and you find yourself gaining affinity towards some of his players 

  8. 1 hour ago, HUNT3R said:

    Are there any YouTubers who are just 'average' players? Not using downloading tactics and winning everything in sight, but rather creating their own stuff and sometimes even failing or getting fired? That's the type of thing I would watch, just not sure it's out there.

    That's Loki Doki to a tee, imo. Just plays it how your average Joe would. Will develop a tactic that works somehow and go with it. When he can't  pronounce a foreign players name he'll just give them an amusing nickname. In Journeyman saves he'll blunder his way into a job without reading the rules of the league. I think it was his 17 save where he took a job in italy and spunked his budget on a couple of Non EU players before realising he couldn't register them :D


    he doesn't get sacked too often really though, has a habit of overacheiving wherever he goes, but not in a way that's boring or winning everything in sight. 

  9. Loki Doki is just the best for me. Doesn't really try to be a YouTuber at all despite it becoming his job, you really do feel like (as others say) you're round a mates house watching FM. Doesn't take himself too seriously and tries to stumble on a tactic that works, however bizarre, without attempting to game the ME. 

    No fancy graphics, just the same intro and his amusing annotations on screen when he realises in editing that he's missing something glaringly obvious. 


    I wish he'd do more skits like he did in 17's journeyman though, I know time constraints of running two series alongside each other have taken over but he's at his best. 


    Fort William has been an amazing save on this version, unfortunately I lost interest in the Journeyman around July and couldn't be bothered to get back into it. Really is my favourite fm youtuber and tbh, the only one I'd watch apart from @docklanders

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