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Posts posted by Guv'nor

  1. 21 hours ago, witticism said:

    What's the one sentence summary of what fielding a 3-3-4 means? e.g. 442 is two banks of four equidistant protection and theat

    Would imagine it depends very much on the vantage point. The “two banks of 3” could be consider a central block, with the front four matching up the opposition’s back line. Or for want of another, “the central block could be considered bull and wide forwards, the horns“. The Bull and Horns perhaps. Brilliant pub of the same name not far from here.

  2. As was written above. Many of the team TIs are intended to be reactionary and thus situational attributes. That’s not to suggest they can’t be employed from the off, but many, if not cancelling each other out, come with a “what’s the point?” prefix at the start of a game.

    Run at defence for instance, why? What’s to suggest this will be any more effective than not, before the game’s started?

    Pass into space, why, what’s to suggest space will be available? 

    These are by and large TIs that require a bit of in-game observation prior to employment. 

    Tempo, passing style and focus are largely dependent on formation and tactical intention to me. I want the ball moved quickly to get it into areas of advantage and away from areas of disadvantage.

    That being said, to each eye it’s own view. There’s more than one way to play the game and the convoluted mess of one, is the art of another. 


  3. Tactical euthanasia, your team being put to sleep, need not be a surprise. As much as I admire the 3-3-4, having seen real world examples, albeit during a youth tournament, it’s AI translation aids and abets a good beating. Even a team of grey players would’ve exposed the flanks and dispatched a few. 

    For what it’s worth, during the youth tournament, it was a Swiss outfit who played it. The wingers were the furthest players forward and stayed chalk on boots. The strikers dropped deep and the midfield three were either well spread or compact, with the outer centrehalves defending the flanks. 

    Wrote a piece on the match years back and set about working a 3-3-4 in FM at the time. Crikey has time flown by.

    Imagined the 3-3-4 would become commonplace. It never did. 

  4. Watch the highlights on Comprehensive and you'll have all the answers desired. If the highlight show wave after wave of opposition attacks, with each reel starting your half, implies they're transitioning to attack with relative ease. The elixir in such instances lies in the line of engagement and pressing intensity. Of course adjustments in either will need reciprocal changes in player roles. 


  5. More TI than the noughties smash hit featuring Justin Timberlake. 

    Cautious implies swift breaks when the break comes, with the team holding shape, getting behind the ball, in the interim. 

    With that in mind, the overly aggressive pressing simply breaks shape, the reckless left flank treads on the shards of that broken shape and the No nonsense CB thumps any vestiges of hope into the Thames. 

    Not much caution in the high defensive line and much higher line of engagement, everyone buzzing around like the 5 year old who found the Irn Bru. The gaps between lines are Grand Canyons.

    How far into the season are you?



  6. 11 hours ago, Prolix said:

    this. I regularly receive messages in game from my assistant, advising me to switch to a Cautious mentality for an upcoming game where I am considered the underdog -- and recommended explicitly that "5-6 defend duties are suitable for a Cautious approach"

    Tactical knowledge, favoured formation and playing style of the Asst Manager come in to play here. I tend to sack, sorry agree mutual terminations, for the majority of staff...Asst Mgr especially, unless their attributes are well up there. Simply put, some are completely clueless and make recommendations from the viewpoint of a dullard. 

  7. At times Mourinhosaurus has decked Spurs out in a 4-4-2 and got tremendous defensive effort out of  the frontline. Kane's defensive statistics (regardless of formation) this season have been noteworthy. IRL, the 4-4-2 is as attacking, defensive or balanced as the team's strategy desires. In the FM universe, such defensive movement of forwards is a challenge, the DLF tries, the Defensive Pressing Forward is a paradox. 

    WIth a low or mid-block and compaction, the 4-4-2 is just fine. 

  8. Point being made was asymmetry is a useful tool and in many instances, may represent the best structuring of a team and deployment of players. 

    Much like Jorge Luis Sierra and Valdivia of CMs past, of centre works a treat. 

    Not quite King Leo, but had a mercurial talent at Orlando Pirates, Siphesihle Ndlovu. Wide right or AMRC. Position either of the two, role dependent on opposition. Cracker, Robbie Coltrane. Solid seasons back to back to back. 

  9. Top up his wages. 

    4 hours ago, denen123 said:

    Symmetrical tactics give "better results" than Asymmetrical ones

    Asymmetry is a useful tool if deployed with purpose and can activate certain traits and qualities. But what is asymmetry? Is a flat 4-4-2 with an inverted winger on one side and an orthodox winger on the other, not asymmetrical in effect? 

    From a purely schematic perspective, again asymmetry can be useful, but asymmetry for the point of being asymmetrical is pointless.  

  10. Absolutely. Think a line of five or three players across central zones, is a near must-have to play with extreme width. Its  a challenge. Currently trying to work Pep's once upon a time Bayern behemoth, 3-3-3-1, the shape looked straight out of a Roman military journal. Head scratcher. 

    14 minutes ago, RDF Tactics said:

    Possibly drop the DLP to DM?

    It should offer a bit more cover centrally and fill one of the gaps between the centre halves. 

  11. Have you tasted the pudding or still stirring the custard? Everything is theory till theory finds proof. Hopefully you’re staring at the tactics creator at the start of preseason, if so...perfect. Get a good dollop of fitness building sessions in the training schedule and get the friendlies going. 

    Watch the highlights in full or comprehensive, make no tactical changes, just substitutions...i.e. give the formation a chance to prove itself. Make a note of its weaknesses, flaws and fix them in prior to the next friendly. 

    Give the Mezzala his moment, see what he does with it...if it’s tactical suicide being paired with the WB, then no better proof than seeing your team in the noose and the chair kicked away. 

    Feedback on the attacking prowess with only one player on Attacking mentality and balanced TI...

  12. Play with no focus passing TIs, how does the team formulate attacks? Assuming a given formation uses fullbacks, wingers etc with no added PIs and basic roles, the most likely scenario will be the MEs interpretation of positions and how they play. Perfect example, the NN or Inverted FB, still being found going full Bobby Carlos on the flanks. Default. 

    Common-sense would assume the brains behind the game plugged in team width equating to play in the flanks. A wider attacking approach paired with focused passing in a particular flank or both might bring more emphasis in the wings.

    Haven't had any issues in this regard but haven’t focused on one particular side, unless situational ie. following opposition sending off. 

    Good luck. 

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