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Posts posted by Ryknow

  1. Is that a three man midfield triangle? (Two CMs and one DM)

    I use that trio with:

    AP(a) - DLP(s)


    The DLP isn't vital to my side and often gets changed depending on the opposition or player, eg. BBM, or CM (s)/(d). If you had similar he could always play in that changeable CM role and see how he goes. But in all honesty if he's playing well as an anchorman then there's no need to change. Just focus on his marking, imo.

    My anchormen are all fairly short. I think it's an added bonus if they can win the ball in the air, but not vital.

  2. Depends how you play and/or how the opposition plays. If you want him as a half back for instance then jumping reach would be handy, but I wouldn't use him in that role. I don't think it's much to worry about and a waste of time to try and improve it as you might only get 1-2 points. I'd focus on his marking then tackling. One of the few DMs with very high bravery. Nice find, he's developed pretty well.

  3. Model Professional isn't a great rare/precious personality type at all, I think you might be confused with Model Citizen. Model Pro doesn't mean a player will develop because it still lacks the ambition part that is needed.

    What does ambition relate too? Does it make them more ambitious in reaching their potential AND want to play at the highest level possible? Or just one. If you have a very ambitious player will they want a new challenge after 2-3 seasons?

    If you build a team full of highly professional and high loyalty players would you have a team that stay for the long haul and get the job done? I normally just build a team of professionals but I think I might do some more study into what each hidden attribute really do.

  4. Two questions I've wondered about:

    1. Pre-season length: When given the option for when the players return is it best to pick the soonest option. So you make more money and the players have longer to get used to the tactics and get match fit before the season. Does the length of a holiday do any good for a player in game? I guess too long and their attributes would decline. I guess the benefit of being able to relax and switch off isn't in the game, which would be a disadvantage IRL if you declare pre-season is early especially during a WC/EURO year.

    2. If you have a youngster who's a Model Professional is there any point in tutoring them? Unless you have a stand out tutor, eg. Model Pro with good PPM, high determination etc, but that rarely happens.

  5. Shame he can't run or jump though. That will take some time but he could get up to the 14/15 range due to his potential.

    His mental atts are pretty good, despite the obvious ones for his role like off the ball and composure, but those technical atts are crazy for a 15 year old.

    Post screenies of his development when he hits 18 or 21 if you can. Looks class.

  6. Lets hope he has 5 star potential.. :cool:

    Just read the description. If it says has the potential to be a Premier League star, then you're onto something. Sometimes it just says has a lot of potential to improve, but you can find some that state the level he can achieve even in lower leagues.

  7. can anyone tell me if this could be a good choice?

    they ask me 10M and i don't know what to do :/

    how many leagues do you have selected?

    No way in he'll is he worth £10mil, imo. He might have huge PA but he doesn't have any good weighting in the key areas for a forward. Terrible composure, can't jump, can't run, can't finish. You could find far better.

    I have around 20 leagues loaded I think, maybe more.

    Are my scouts on drugs? I just don't see 5* potential in this guy! I know he's only 15, but I don't see it

    Remember he's rated 5* PA, it has nothing to do with whether the key attributes will be high. I think his CA star ratings would suffer if you selected different roles, as he fails to have a good weighting in the key technical areas for most forward roles. However, he's only 15 and those can easily be increased. He's got really good composure, off the ball, and teamwork/work rate for a youngster. Plus he's quick.

  8. I wouldn't like all the hidden attributes listed. I feel coach reports should simply have much more information. Once a coach has full knowledge of the playing staff and maybe high man management, thn he starts giving some feedback in his report.

    You wouldn't be able to see everything no matter how good he is, but a coach telling you that one of your players is quite tempremental and cannot handle pressure, would be good. They all ready do it for consistency so why not.

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