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Posts posted by Govnar1

  1. I have played less than one full season in this years FM so some or all observations written blow might be non-significant due to small sample size.

    Something seems wrong with in game morale. I understand that team being six goals up is losing focus, but shouldn't other team's morale be down? 

    It's far too easy to crowd midfield and dominate possession against much stronger opposition. Passing ball trough traffic in packed central areas is also far too easy even for technically deficient players.  

    Another issue is, in my opinion, poor implementation of pressing. Prolonged passing sequences completely destroy defensive shape. This is killing AI as it can't work around this issue.  

    Besides, players (especially central defenders) too frequently abandon key areas in front of goal to close down player in possession in wide area that poses no direct threat. It's not unusual to see one or both central defenders abandoning position to close down wing in possession even when their team is outnumbered on counter-attack and opposition forwards are rushing into the box.  

    It's easy to identify good prospects by checking which youngsters are being targeted by top AI teams. On top of that AI is passive outside of transfer windows so it's easy to sign great players and talented youngsters without any competition from AI teams. 


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