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Posts posted by Sloken

  1. 2 hours ago, DavyDepuydt1 said:

    To add some extra to the analysis of my DavyTweakFuss_VNext2 tactic for FM21

    I've did some 'regression' testing with this tactic on FM19 & FM20 and it was succesfull on those as well (both in competition, best in GF & GA, and in championsleague)

    This makes me confident that this is no exploit tactic, as it worked on previous versions, and means that more than likely it will work on next patches of FM21 as well, which is important to me that you don't have to look for another tactic and change your whole way of playing each time SI comes with a new patch.

    Something else to notice from the fm-arena testing that I haven't mentioned before, if you look it has the least Goals from corners of all tested tactics, so it doesn't use any corner-exploit, so goals are from how the tactic plays out, and if you would subtract the goals from corners from the total goals scored the tactic comes out as one of the best scoring-wise


    here a screenshot (FM19) attached from my tweak that proofs it also worked perfectly on FM19 (and so is probably a very future-patch-proof tactic)
    18/18 with only 1 goal against in this mad CL group with PSG & Dortmund


    Download (it's the same tac as attached in both posts above, it's just added for the ease of people who want to download it)

    DavyTweakFuss_Vnext2.fmf 46.14 kB · 9 downloads

    Can you please upload a picture of the tactic? 🙏

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