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Posts posted by EdL

  1. Generally being able to use a CPU flat out is considered good coding and we often have complaints more about not using enough resources! As usual with FM we tend to be damned if we do, and damned if we don't.

    But we could certainly consider an in game option to reduce the number of cores we use, the default would remain as-is though.

  2. Using all CPU power to improve processing speed is very much intentional, it is playing matches using as many cores as it can.

    If you are doing other things on your PC at the same time and don't want FM to takee such priroity you can either do what you did, but persoanlly I'd recommend lower the priority of the process slightly, that way if you aren't doing anything else FM can run as fast as possible, but if you are it will take secondary prioirty and should allow other apps to proceed without a hitch.

  3. 13 hours ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    They have said that, in theory, save files that have used an edited DB 'should' work, but they haven't tested it. 

    Its more that we can't exactly test every custom data/league file out there, as ever with custom edits its not under official support, but yeah as others have said it should work fine, if not, log an issue, hopefully it would be minor enoguh to easily be fixed.

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