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Posts posted by kidhander1983

  1. 18 minutes ago, Nino-33 said:

    So in EHM a player that's been drafted by an NHL team and a KHL team can't be signed by the KHL team? I realize there's no KHL Draft ingame, but still...are you sure it's not a database error, because you didn't give Rights to the KHL team in the database? Because I just checked TBL 8.2 and Ivan Barbashev has no KHL Rights assisgned (I would have thought you would have given KHL Rights to KHL draftees)



    Complete KHL rights information will be in next release. Unfortunately I didn't have time back then. I'm not even done, by the way, but I think I will on time.

  2. 2 hours ago, Nino-33 said:

    Because it's a simulation of the IRL hockey world, and not a fantasy world, and as far as I can tell based on the complete lack of examples of what's being asked for ever actually having happened (or likely to happen) it's something that shouldn't be part of the default simulation



    Maybe I wasn't clear. Watch these interviews. The title is enough: http://www.sport-express.ru/hockey/nhl/news/702112/ 

    ИВАН БАРБАШЕВ: "ДИНАМО" ПРЕДЛАГАЛО КОНТРАКТ, НО ХОЧУ ИГРАТЬ В НХЛ" - Ivan Barbashev: Dynamo (Moscow) offered me a contract, but I want to play in the NHL

    http://nhl-news.ru/khl-barbashev-otkazalsya-vernutsya-v-dinamo-iz-ahl «Динамо» предлагало контракт нападающему Ивану Барбашеву, который выступает в АХЛ за фарм-клуб «Сент-Луиса». - Dynamo (Moscow) offered a contract to forward Ivan Barbashev, who plays in the AHL for St. Louis' farm team

  3. On 2/11/2016 at 14:27, Nino-33 said:

    If I understand you correctly, you're saying (by not giving an example of it ever happening) that what you're asking for has never happened before.....that seems "realistic" to me and not "limiting" (I suspect that Riz/SI would get complaints if what you asked for happened by default, as far more people play the NA Leagues than the KHL and they likely wouldn't like losing players in a way that doesn't apparently ever happen in real life)


    Well, I agree with DonTirri. Most of the players whose rights are owned by KHL team mention in interviews that they were actually offered contracts by their respective KHL teams. It's true that at least for higher-caliber players usually such offers are rejected, but I also think, why shouldn't we get the chance to do so...?

    And having VHL and MHL playable I think it's a must. It's kind of frustrating to work your arse to develop a good pipeline of prospects and send them to dummy leagues without a true impact on their development.

    Btw, DonTirri, what happens with Finn juniors? With Russian clubs I can buy Russian juniors (well at least I can make offers, it's hard to buy good players, but it's just the way it should be).

  4. I have no idea what you're trying to say.....I tried to give the OP some facts - am I wrong in some way? If so, could you please explain.....if I'm not wrong, but there's "more" could you please explain

    I'm aware of things like Adaptability and Loyalty having an effect, but if one is trying to sign KHLers under contract and wondering why they won't sign things like Adaptability/Loyalty have nothing to do with it

    And I gave some IRL numbers because I thought perhaps there might already be an abundance of Russians in the NHL ingame

    No, you aren't wrong, techically speaking. And yes, there are too many Russkies (and generally speaking European players) in the NHL in the game.


    1) The huge number of Russian (European) players in the NHL is IMHO due to the fact that the NHL draft is too much Euro-heavy. Too many players are drafted out of nowhere in a way IRL they'd never get drafted (1st round picks playing in 5th Swedish division or Kazakhstan league)

    2) There isn't enough leagues-moving free agents. This afflicts mainly European play, but it also gets less free agents signing in NA. Look at IRL, there are good players moving in and out North American leagues every offseason, not so much in the game

    3) Very KHL specific. A player can't move if it's under contract, but he can buy out his contract and move, like Lehtera and Plotnikov did amongst others. http://thehockeywriters.com/sergei-plotnikov-ready-for-nhl-debut/

  5. It would be good in the KHL to ask players with dual nationality to renounce to the "other" national team so that he won't be a foreigner. Eg I just signed a dual nationality Russia/Kazakhstan. Now, I'm scared that the Kazakhs will call him for the national team and he'll be a foreigner for me. It would be good to ask him to renounce to play for the Kazakh national team... ideally even before he signs.

    • Veteran FAs are cheap: Usually it seems like the top free agent or two will ask for a realistic $7 to $8 mil, but after that there is a sharp drop off. Mike Green coming off of a 50 point year only asked for a 4 year deal worth like $2.7 or $2.8 annually. I signed him for $3 for 4 years. I signed both Kesler and Backes coming off of big years for under $5 million for modest contract lengths. Veterans should ask for more money on the FA market.

    Absolutely this. I wrote about it here: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/425203-Europe-Players-making-much-more-out-of-contract-renewal-than-through-free-agency

  6. Well, of course I would love a better KHL simulation and deeper tactics, but a thing that may be more doable is to have more history stored. More numbers, more records, more stats. I know that this will lead to a slower game, but I frankly don't care. I would be very happy to trade speed for numbers. Maybe to achieve this you could let the player decide if he prefers speed or data depth.

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