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Posts posted by BossPenguin

  1. On 24/02/2021 at 11:33, BossPenguin said:

    I'm looking to get myself a laptop, primarily for Football Manager, but would also like some potential to play other AAA games adequately (I don't need super incredible graphics etc), and some browsing and streaming.

    I'd love to be able to run a large number of leagues at a reasonable speed (the dream has been able to load every available league without each day taking a painfully long time to process, but I know this may not be feasible) and have matches run on high graphical settings. 

    I also like to download facepacks and logo's etc, not sure if this needs to be taken into account.

    My budget would between £1000 - £1200

    Hi, apologies to @kevhamster he gave me a really good suggestion for a custom built laptop that fits the above description a couple of weeks ago, but the quote has now expired and I wasn't quick enough to make my order. Could you possibly give me another suggestion that fits the bill? I promise this time I won't let things expire!

  2. I'm looking to get myself a laptop, primarily for Football Manager, but would also like some potential to play other AAA games adequately (I don't need super incredible graphics etc), and some browsing and streaming.

    I'd love to be able to run a large number of leagues at a reasonable speed (the dream has been able to load every available league without each day taking a painfully long time to process, but I know this may not be feasible) and have matches run on high graphical settings. 

    I also like to download facepacks and logo's etc, not sure if this needs to be taken into account.

    My budget would between £1000 - £1200

  3. I've had a dream for a long time to be able to play FM while running as many leagues as possible and running the graphics at their highest. 

    I'm now in a position where I can get myself a decent laptop and was wondering what the best options in the approx £900-£1100 range?

    FM is the main priority, but I also often like to have Netflix or a downloaded movie playing in the background, and the ability to browse the Web.

    I also wouldn't mind the ability to be able to play other more graphically intense games (not necessarily at their highest specs) , they are not a priority but it would be nice to be able to take advantage of Steam sales once in a while to pick up the occasional game I would usually consider just getting on a console to avoid performance issues. 

    I'd like it to be relatively future proof in terms of being able to get decent performance from the next half a decade of FM or so, but I know we can't predict the specifications of future games. 

    Sidenote while scrolling through the thread I am predisposed to going through Box as they have the option to use PayPal credit. 

    Thanks in advance, and thank you for providing and maintaining this thread every year. It's a great resource for the community and it is greatly appreciated by the less tech savvy like myself. 

  4. Have been really enjoying the Dynamics feature but |I always had a concern that it wouldn't have a 'memory', and unfortunately that has been proven to be the case.

    I had a young midfielder in my recent save with FC United, he attracted interest from Partick Thistle and indicated he wanted to discuss terms with them. After selling him I approached Thistle to loan him back (as I'd forgotten to include that in the actual sale negotiations), they happily accept the offer and the player rejoins my team without even missing a match.

    The problem is his partnership with the other two players in my midfield has been reset and my tactical familiarity has fallen a few notches as it would if I had bought a player who had no knowledge of the club. Apparently less than a week in Scotland completely destroyed his memory.

    I have to say this is a pretty large disappointment as I had wondered if in long term saves I'd be able to reunite past players who had formed strong bonds in previous teams and have some nice continuity, but apparently that's not the case.

    It does, potentially, highlight one of my issues with the franchise as a whole. Every year new features are added with a great deal of potential, but then in following years little progress is made to fulfil that promise. The Media Interactions is a great example, it has remained relatively static since it was introduced, as have the majority of the news items (there is relatively little difference in winning the Premier League with Rotherham United for the first time in their history as their is winning it for the 23rd time for Manchester United). 

    So I fear while the Dynamics module has plenty of potential we may never see it due to focus being shifted towards whatever is next years new shiny feature.




  5. Since the last beta patch my games have been lagging after highlights, mostly after goals, and this has continued with the full release. I've lowered graphical quality and it makes no difference, after the highlight finishes playing the screen just processes with the match stats for about a minute before the team information displays and the game gets underway again. It's taking me quite a long time to get through matches.

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