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Issue Comments posted by guruhd

  1. 40 minutes ago, robterrace said:

    The transfer listing of players isn't controlled by the game really, its more a reputation type thing. Tweaks will be made by the relevant members of the research team.

    As for the last part of your comment @MasterFolke, give examples. Just throwing a generic 'they're overrated as always', doesn't give the research team any sort of clue what you're on about. There may be one researcher for each club, but, this season especially, its been a bit of a team effort from us all to get things sorted. 

    I suspect he just doesn’t like those teams. 🤣

  2. I’m potentially quite wrong here and I certainly have nothing evidential to back up what I’m saying but just wanted to mention it anyway. Bearing in mind I can’t really back it up I’m quite happy to be told I’m wrong. 🙂

    As a Liverpool fan, we’ve seen this season the deterioration of some of our midfielders. There’s probably other factors contributing to this around the team as a whole but that’s a different discussion.

    However, Jordan Henderson having stamina of 18 no longer seems realistic. Fabinho has pace and acceleration of 14. I presume he always had this but this seems too much. It may be he is that quick but if that is the case then I certainly think his agility should be lower than 14. He just doesn’t move very well, but makes up for this with the way he reads the game.

    Maybe they’re both just tired this season after last, who knows, but these stats don’t seem to be what the naked eye shows.


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