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Glenn Wakeford

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Posts posted by Glenn Wakeford

  1. 2 minutes ago, craiigman said:

    Apparently a laughing gif isn't allowed even with the bolded part being completely hypocritical when the bug was known before release, but was still released.

    Either way if you guys do manage to get a fix out same day, that's nothing short of incredible, fingers crossed!

    On to other things, the new responsibilities screen was overwhelming at first, but I like it a lot, the auto delegate to best staff is great!

    Yes it's not allowed as it's not constructive feedback, nor does it relate to the game itself. We'd like to keep the feedback thread on-topic of the game rather than reaction gifs. Thanks for your understanding.

  2. 1 minute ago, McGougan33 said:

    Also to touch on another Celtic player who needs just a single stat to be improved to more accurately reflect his ability.

    Ryan Christies work rate is exceptional, he deserves more than a 12 by some distance - Perhaps 15 would accurately reflect the work he does for the team when he doesn't have the ball.

    ryan christie work rate needs improved.jpg

    Please raise these data issues in the relevant Data thread - https://community.sigames.com/forum/708-database-and-research/

    Bear in mind a lot of what you're suggesting is subjective here though so you may be pressed to provide evidence to back up your claims. Thanks.

  3. 6 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Ive already disregarded the line up advice I get from my Ass Man before games. All he ever does is tell me to swap my CBs around, and sometimes drops in swapping CMs around.

    My left CB is best as a BPD and prefers the left side. My right CB is best as a CD and has no preferred side. That's how I play them, yet every game hes trying to get me to switch them around.

    Hes a fairly poor one in terms of attributes so is that the reason? Or is it a bug with how it works?

    Hi @RandomGuy.

    Could you please post here - https://community.sigames.com/forum/724-all-other-gameplay/ with your save game where you're seeing this behaviour please?

    It's something we're aware of but need more working examples of to look at in a deeper fashion. Thanks :thup:

  4. Just now, wazza said:

    Im getting red dots and marks over the tabs when I hover over them which are worse in the tactics induction and development induction.  I have checked the graphics and my system tells me Im on the latest drivers

    Tactics Induction.jpg

    Please post here - https://community.sigames.com/forum/709-crashes-technical-issues/

    We can help you in the Technical Issues, cheers.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Boss said:

    Game is REALLY juttery for me. FM19 was fine but general gameplay on '20 is struggling and the match day experience is unbearable atm. Players not moving freely at all, even 2D is a real struggle.

    Am playing on a 2010 MacBook Pro / 10.13.1 OS High Sierra.

    Anyone got any ideas?

    Please post in the technical issues of the forum where we'll able to help you better.

  6. On 25/11/2018 at 03:40, Deisler26 said:

    2022 all local team

    I just took to the field to play a game with this team. Afterwards there wasn't one mention of the fact that we played with an XI purely from the town that my team is in. Bearing in mind, this place has the same population as Maldon in Essex.

    Surely, the game should recognise this fact? I mean, it used to recognise that the AI teams were playing with an entirely homegrown side, so why not mentioned a player's team when an event like this happens. Maybe even a Steam achievement

    Please log this in the feature requests forum.

    I agree that the game should notice stuff like this, but this is incredibly niche. So much so I've never heard of this happening before in real life, or by anyone else playing the game! Please bear in mind that the more unusual a case is, the lower priority it is for the team to work on. So while we'd love to have the game recognise every little thing the user does, sometimes other things need to take priority. If it's popped in the feature request forums it'll make its way to our databases and we can try to look into getting this done for a future version. Cheers.

  7. 18 hours ago, RobertPage said:

    Newcastle here, haven not actually bid nothing for Tom Cleverley. They've actually proposed a swap deal (player for player). Its incredible how little effort has gone into the News section. Not only is it just one line but it also gives incorrect information. Honestly, this is a pathetic effort and is just plain lazy on SI's behalf. Also, genuine question, how do i even find out who the player is that they've offered?


    This isn't pathetic and lazy, it's a bug. Could you please post this in the bugs forum and upload your save game? There's plenty of stuff it should be calling there and it isn't for some reason, so we'd like to find out why. Please try to be a little more polite in future. Thanks!

  8. 12 hours ago, Per Annum said:

    "The" Testimonal. Great - but whose? If I click on the "Testimonial" hyperlink it takes me to the next global round of unrelated testimonials, not actually the match in question itself. Only by flicking along the dates do I find out whose it is. (

    Clicking on my own schedule also shows it, but surely hyperlink / news item would be better. Obviously I presume there will be other better news items about the match, and this one about TV scheduling just fell through the gaps for insertion of the name.



    Could you post this in the bugs forum and upload a save game showing the news item please? Thanks.

  9. 33 minutes ago, haffaz77 said:

    Constantly patching the game, til the next one comes out, that's what should be normal . Not like, a winter patch , who cares if has become better or not . See you on FM 19 . This is btw what i am saying . Totally lost the interest in FM 18 . The Match Engine is a Joke imo . 

    How on Earth could we make the next game if all we did was patch the previous one?! :D

  10. 43 minutes ago, Olivierlandman said:

    Just saw a very weird situation..

    I conceded a penalty with Bilbao against Kopenhagen.. my DC got a second yellow and it should be penalty for Kopenhagen.

    In stead my Raul Garcia was ready to take the penaly with my goalkeeper in goal.. he didn't shoot, he passed the ball back into the field and we started with the buildup ??




    Please post this as a bug in the match engine forum and upload the PKM. Thanks.

  11. 28 minutes ago, penza said:

    yes but holiday is flawed as if one of your players want to talk to you, on holiday they will be ignored and then the whole squad will be unhappy, there has been many threads about this 

    The level of interaction at national level is significantly lower than club level and this is far, far less likely to happen.

    It wouldn't be possible to skip the game forward without other things happening, as that would go against the linear nature of time.

  12. On 11/10/2017 at 20:44, martplfc1 said:


    Joined Atalanta 11/04/21

    Second game in charge, 7 days later:


    We have LGBT awareness and Brexit but can't even try to address one of the most important aspects of the modern football.

    Please log a thread in the bugs forum and upload a save game either before you join the club or before the question is asked. Also, please be more polite.

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