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Posts posted by R0ca

  1. 2 hours ago, JustHowie said:

    If you go into setting/just settings.xml line 5

        <colour name="justbg" value="rgb(0,0,0)"/>

    you can change the bolded to higher values 

    or replace value="rgb(0,0,0)"/> with value="grey 200"/> where the bolded here can be changed in increments of 100 so if 200 was too bright try 300 etc e.g


        <colour name="justbg" value="grey 200"/>


    Thank you kindly sir will take a look tomorrow. 

  2. 2 hours ago, CVass said:

    I will give it a shot. How long would it take for a player like Bruno Fernandes to learn the role? Is that something I could switch to and try out without fully retraining him for the role?

    A couple of things to be aware with the set up I have and the role selection. 

    1, I can get away with this set up because I’m the dominant team in the league, this set up was borne out of being inspired by other players and creators. I was fixed on having players holding width but in the wrong manner, (I’d always default to wingbacks and wingers which are fine but I wanted a most possession based approach.)

    2, We are set up to defend with the ball, I want possession it’s my first line of defence (I’m defending before I lose the ball by holding on to it) the second line of my defence is the counter press we want to regain the ball right away. 

    These things being said, if you want to try a roaming play maker by all means go ahead but you will need to consider your defensive structure and how it functions as he’s going to go where he likes and leave a hole. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Cloud9 said:

    I am no guru either, but thank you :thup: Cool to see you've got a RPM as the 6 in that tactic, it's a role I always mean to use more but never actually do. 

    It will play to the individual player's strengths a bit more. Mount is not that creative in FM and I usually look for a MEZ(s/a) who can carry the ball and break lines w/his passes (and Fernandes is the more creative 8 of the two). I think an industrious up and down runner will benefit you in and out of possession while providing a strong goal threat in the central spaces. 

    • I also prefer MEZ's who are played on the side of their strong foot and Mount is right footed I believe. 
    • Mount's big strengths are his off the ball and ability to run himself into the ground for the team, BBM (or SV) lets you get the best out of those imo and pairs well w/Fernandes.

    Maybe you could try Fernandes as a RPM next to him? That sounds fun, altho the CM(a) I'm sure is just fine anyways.

    It's not definitive, it's just a weakness of the IWB(s) in a 4-3-3 that doesn't exist w/ the double IFB(d) variant. 

    If your side is not built to transition the ball quickly or attack space then you won't be able to exploit that weakness as effectively. It doesn't mean you score every time the ball turns over against a 4-3-3 IWB(s) but it does mean there's a gap in their defensive structure you can get at consistently on turnovers. 

    Yea, the roaming playmaker is probably my favourite role in the system, he's the heart beat of the team, and the IFB CD LIB IFB set up really creates a platform for him to shine due to the central overloads the system naturally creates. You should give it a try when you get the chance. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Cloud9 said:

    It's so good, I hate playing against it when I'm counter attacking. Love going against an IWB setup in a 4-3-3 though :D 

    The difference is that the IWB(s) will be inside playing as a 6 when the ball is turned over. This will create a gap down his side of the pitch that can be exploited. In terms of playing against it..stick your quick, dribbly winger on that side and have a field day w/ a direct transition. 

    The double IFB(d) on the other hand, cover both sides of the pitch in and out of possession. In possession the Libero(d) will step into midfield as a 6, if the ball is turned there's a foundation of 3 defenders behind him without that clear weak point before he moves back into position. If you want a 4-3-3 IWB formation I'd recommend a CAR on the IWB(s)'s side to babysit him (I'd still go double IFB, see Man City's approach compared to Liverpool's with Trent).

    On my takes on a 4-3-3 like this:

    I would recommend running two traditional or off footed wingers to stretch the pitch. The stability the double IFB(d) gives the time and space to pull apart the opposition. Wide attackers can stretch the pitch for the inside overloading runners to exploit, while your midfield 4 controls the tempo of the match. 

    I like the DM(s) you've got on your 6. On roles for your two 8's...usually I prefer a bit of height on a CM(a), but it's not necessarily deal breaking if the rotation is working well for you. I'd prefer a BBM on Mount over the MEZ(s).

    On adjusting vs other shapes, I'd recommend trimming the TI's so you can use them as in match tweaks. In general your team is good enough (and the formation is stable enough) that I would focus on playing your own game as much as possible and dictating to the opponent what will happen.

    • Against teams parking the bus:
      • Utilize overloading central runs, wide width, low tempo and wide attackers pinning the fullbacks. I like to hit crosses early to catch them out before they get too settled. 
      • If a team is coming out to play against you, hitting the ball into space isn't a terrible idea with the pace on Rashford/Hojlund (particularly if his defender is slow). Moving the tempo up against higher quality teams will give you less control, but will have more fruitful returns than against a side who are happy to play out of possession and wait for the counter attack.
    • Biggest change for me would be pace to the backline (either of the IFB, you'd like one to be rapid vs counter attacking approaches) and different profile 8's who you can bring on to do different things. You need to find your Kyle Walker to really shore things up (watch Rodrygo run past Akanji for fun in the Champions League). 
    • You'll also want to adjust your width a bit to help you break down weaker opposition and scale it back a little bit against more challenging opposition. 

    Finally on your 9: I would say PF(a) is great against difficult opposition. He gives you a threat in behind and will run the channels while working hard for the team out of possession. However, against weak teams that sit in...I would prefer to utilize him as a Poacher. This will see him sit in the box and primarily finish off the moves the team produces (leading to less turnovers) which will help you break down the deep lying defense more efficiently. 

    This is a fantastic post and one I high recommend, I'm not tactical guru but cloud clearly is. 


    The point being, the set up he's described is very close to what I'm playing and it's producing both great football to watch but also dominates the ball (when set up to do so) and defends well.



  5. 1 hour ago, CVass said:

    Makes sense, but isn't it all the same if you are in a 3-2-5 build up? Just different people in different spots? I don't know about Lisandro Martinez or Antonio Silva playing Libero, what do you think?

    Do you play this shape? If so, how do you adjust it against different formations?

    I highly recommend you have a read of this thread which should contain a lot of info your looking for. 



  6. 1 hour ago, squirrel_plays_fm said:

    Hey man...very cool to see you using the scoring system tool on here

    The scoring system is great, the multitude of ways FM can be played is truly amazing and what has kept me coming back for over 20 years. 

    Your new sheet with the potential player progression is a fantastic scouting tool, we just need to twist your arm to do it for all roles in the game hah! Seriously though with scouting in a sub par state having innovate ways to still enjoy youth development is great, thanks for the work.

  7. 1 hour ago, szymunk said:

    I've got top players on wings and they never perform. I can't figure it out. I tried everything. I am about to give up on FM, please help me out.

    Zrzut ekranu 2024-03-29 o 10.04.02.png

    Zrzut ekranu 2024-03-29 o 10.07.57.png

    Your playing with inside forwards not wingers, the half space is also quite congested with players. 

    I would consider changing some of your roles and duties to balance your tactic. 

  8. I think it’s important to recognise a couple of points. 

    Even if your players have maxed attributes they will still make mistakes or switch off. One of the keys in this game which will help reduce frustration is to accept your players will make mistake and they will cost you goals. 

    If your playing with a team which dominates you can’t win every game -0, you will concede, it might be a throw in, it might a corner perhaps a long shot but you will concede. 

    Once you accept this you will enjoy the game a lot more. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Cloud9 said:

    Have you experimented with using the new Intermediary feature? You can see if there's interest without causing the player to throw his toys out the pram. Asking the agent about market interest first helps as well. 

    I've quite enjoyed the increased level of realism this feature has added to my own saves, the intermediary takes a fee and you aren't able to negotiate back and forth as much to get the maximum price. 

    I usually first ask the agent about any interest, then offer via transfer room and then ask an intermediary  


    have to fiddle about offering for loans as well as lower fees if no bites. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, Rashidi said:

    I think the 4231 can be an excellent low block system as well. Once you understand what to look out for you can easily build a system that can sit deep and hit teams on the counter. The next sections of this will be devoted to the the crafting of low block systems. High possession attacking systems are only vulnerable if you don't understand the vulnerabilities in your own rest defence.

    Absolutely, this thread and the companion videos have been eye openers and should be pinned imo, but you’ve broke me Daljit, now every day tactic I see I immediately look for the defensive wedge, if I don’t see it my first thought is the ai playing on the counter might punish. 

    This rings especially true for a 4231 with a box CM set up which is the way I always played it prior to your post, now I can’t get enough of IFB. 

  11. I’m really enjoying putting some of this into practice, and probably the best aspect of this post is how much help it gives when creating tactics. 

    if you are consistently getting hit with quicker counters it might just be your rest depth and control of space causing you issues. 

    I’m currently using a lop sided wedge that Rashidi has mentioned in his earlier posts. 



            SVS  DLPS

    WS         TQ      IFA


    The con is obviously I’m vulnerable on the flank of the wingback, the ai definitely does exploit it at times but the I’m willing to make the trade off as having a wingback provides the overall set up with good balance, I have width on both sides as I’m using a wingback and a winger, this also opens up lanes for the TQ and sv. 

    I also find a 4231to be very flexible in terms of both rest defence set ups and build out patterns. Anyone struggling decide on a shape should give it a go, you can even knock off Rashidi gambit and Morph it in to the 4231 if my team weren’t humming along so nicely I’d try myself. 

    Knock off gambit to test 



    ifb bpd lib s ifb

          Svs rpm

    W.       SS.     W


  12. 4 hours ago, Bahnzo said:

    I play primarily a 442 right now. I really like how positional play with the WB's changes how my team plays overall. Normally, my team plays down the wings, utilizing the WB's primarily to buildup play. But, if I change the WB's to a IFB and an IWB, then it completely changes everything and my team will play more centrally. It's a nice way to changup things if my attack isn't working as well as I'd hoped. 

    One thing I'm noticing, is how narrow the rest defense is playing what I describe above, vs one where you use a Libero with both the WB's set as IFB's. I can't get them to play as wide with a IFB-BDP-CD-IWB backline vs the libero one as IFB-Lib-BPD-IFB. They play narrower and don't seem to provide cover on the wings as well as the Libero and 2 IFB's does.

    Absolutely, what you’ve spoken about is the trade off rashidi mentioned in his posts and videos. 

    The positive thing is your aware of the potential issue and can mitigate it, especially if you see the Ai breaking into those spaces. 

  13. 6 minutes ago, Rashidi said:

    Not on FM24. They are defensively strong but in using an extra man in defence they give up something going forward.  In its simplest terms, a back four doing a 3-2 build out is using less players to control space in the build out phase than a back 5. The 3 central defenders won't be as wide as the two IFBs in a back 4. Plus when it comes to ball recycling the way the libero drops back creates a four during the recycling phase. 

    Yeah I haven’t had chance to try a back 3 it sounded great in theory. But as your images demonstrate those 3 are very narrow with plenty of space on the flank to be exploited during a fast transition. 

    Would love to read/watch more about how you would design a tactic to incorporate these elements into tactic design from the ground up and the kind of considerations you make for the roles and duties in front of the backline. 

  14. 1 minute ago, wazzaflow10 said:

    yeah you'll need an athletic left CB and DLPd to make it work for sure. I haven't had to play any of the big clubs yet. For that I have a 3-4-2-1 I think I'll employ to sit and frustrate them and hope for some counters.

    I think 3 at the back system can be very strong. Especially if you want to build out with 3-2. Your wing backs can both hold the attacking width and actually defend the flanks. 

    if you play with 2ams you also have the opportunity for central overloads with a box midfield. I’m not really a 3 at the back person but bloody hell I think they can be very effective. 

  15. 15 minutes ago, wazzaflow10 said:

    It's probably one of the issues with the IFB/LIB set up that your wide players almost have to be wingers or inverted wingers so you don't make your attack so narrow.

    I've had some success going about it in a slightly different manner using this


    IFs         AMs        Wa

              DLPd   DMs

    CWBa CB   BDP    IFB

    I'm sure it's lacking a bit of solidarity down the left flank but hasn't cost me yet.

    This looks similar in nature to my current set up with the lob sided wedge Daljit described. 

    it is solid on the whole but i do feel at risk for faster counters behind my WB. 

    Having wide players staying wide does have its benefits though, it certainly does open up the middle hence me thinking of the last system basically playing 3-1 with the Libero being the 1. 

    Hopefully I can have a tinker after work and see how it plays.


    Ive barely played FM these last few years but these positional plays are are huge, the ai uses the hell out of them and loves to try and dominate the middle. 

  16. Watching the video made me also want to try something like this but it will need a lot of work as the attack is a bit predictable  




            DM.  SV

    WS.        T.        W


    We create a wedge with the lib and the dm forming the two as the SV goes forward to support the attacks. 

     In really not keen on two wingers though but I do believe I need width on both sides to create space and open up channels. I haven’t had chance to try this and it needs a lot of work, I dislike all the duties in front of the wedge but I like the general idea. 

    The more I think about it, the more I want to try the following 



            SV.   RPM

    WS.      TBD.     WA


  17. 2 minutes ago, Rashidi said:

    That was a really long time ago, tactical fluidity in as far as the creator is concerned, shouldn’t be a concern anymore. Rest Defence, rest attack are merely concepts that have been around for ages but with the new positional play feature understanding them clearly can provide a solid foundation for making tactics.

    Thank you for the video version too Daljit, I read this and watched the video guide (bustthenet) on you tube for those that don’t know. 

    The written post is obviously great but the video with the in game examples were fantastic. As someone who can’t indulge this hobby like I used to creators like yourself are essential for enhancing our understanding thanks for all of your efforts over the years. 

  18. 12 hours ago, Single Pivot said:

    Hello everyone,

    I recently purchased Football Manager 24 after taking a hiatus from the series since FM 2018. It's been quite a journey from the early days in 1993, but I'm excited to dive back into the game.

    Having been away for a while, I've noticed that the game has evolved significantly, particularly in terms of tactics. As I'm eager to get up to speed with the latest tactical strategies and approaches, I've joined this forum to seek guidance from the community.

    Since I'm approaching FM24 as a complete novice, I'm looking for recommendations on where to find the best tactical guides, tutorials, and reads to help me grasp the intricacies of the game. I'm willing to forget everything I used to know and start from scratch, so any resources tailored for beginners would be greatly appreciated.

    Whether it's articles, videos, forum threads, or specific sections of the game itself that offer valuable insights into tactics, I'm open to exploring any suggestions you might have.

    Thank you all in advance for your help and guidance. I'm looking forward to embarking on this new journey in Football Manager 24!

    Have a look here to start with. 


  19. Thanks for posting this Rashidi, great insight as always. 

    Im really enjoying the IFB role this year as well to riff on what your saying. 

    I'm using the following back 4 settings and really happy with how it’s working out. 




    toying with the idea of giving the bdp dribble more when the dlp is right marked by the oppositions CF. 


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