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Posts posted by Flukey

  1. Stupid question......What does CA stand for and what is it?

    CA = Current ability, a hidden attribute in the game, between 1 and 200, giving an overall level as to how good the player is.

    However, a player A with 170 CA may play better than player B with a CA of say 180, if player A's spedific attributes that he uses are higher (For example, if you use him just for crossing and player A's crossing is better).

  2. Ok. This has been bugging me for a while.

    What is the relation between team instructions and the player instructions? I would have thought that if you put in specific player instructions, then it overwrites any team instructions, ignoring the team instruction? Otherwise, what it the point in having the option to follow the overall team instruction or have a specific player instruction?

    Or is it the case that the team instructions merely influence the "level" of the instruction.

    Example, if I had my attacker with mentallity high up on attacking, and the team mentality set to defensive, does the fact I have set the individual players mentality means that that player ignores the team instruction, keeping with his original mentality level or does it just influence his set mentality, and have a slightly more defensive mentality (ie set mentaility is combination of both).

    Anyone know?

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