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Posts posted by Aim_Less

  1. 6 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    The game UI is a literal fraction of the game, if you think you could judge what's under the hood from that, you'd be quite incorrect to be frank 

    its not just that its one example and this is a feedback thread so going on a lengthy rant that fall on death ears is useless  ( and fully understand your side i would not go and byte the hand that feeds).
    I know how to code C# and  F Sharp and python , it may fool people with no knowledge in this regard  its not fooling  me . 
    If that was the case has in the game is written from scratch each year? no way they can release yearly unless their swimming in cash to hire contractors  and crunching the devs to no end , writing the game from scratch is a multi year endeavour 

  2. 6 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    It's actually not always recycled code. This is very much incorrect 

    if i had access to the source code it would be easier to prove . but take a look how the game UI works and feels can you really tell me its "written from scratch " ? never , new code? maybe the very low number of additions , this is a patch not a full game 

  3. On 11/11/2022 at 18:38, Huey Lewis said:

    So just because they designed and built the game from nothing, because there's some bugs they should just hand over the game code to someone else so they can do a better job, even though they have no idea about any of the code base. And everyone else has been completely unable to produce a game even close to the level of FM. 

    How about EA or Ubisoft, so you can only add leagues as additional paid DLC? 

    Calling for people to lose their jobs is pretty low.  And not sure how that can't be personal? Maybe they can only sack people that don't take offence eh? 

    Nope they do not design the game from scratch it always has recycled code and FM on that is really really noticeable specially when last years bugs are still present 

  4. Some points
    Upon trying it  its clear that my initial assumption was right this is the year of the cash grab ( only therm i can think of that fits this year release and the silence from SI clearly indicates that and how Miles brags of records on twitter ).
    -Nothing this year is worthy of a full price  if there was an upgrade price for owners of the previous game for lets say 15£ sure i would not criticise so much . but small changes to the ME and database update + few animations and small tweaks nah . 
    -Don't know what got SI thinking this was the right path or this years budget was blown in licenses . But extremely disappointed ( and my expectations were quite low based on the marketing prior to launch , yet somehow it surpassed it 
    -Interface looks feels the same ( and in some areas really bad example: The UI for the new squad planner and recruitment meetings is hopelessly cluttered. You could click 15 different buttons on the screen - and still not get useful feedback from your actions.
    -International management still feels like a joke .
    -Graphics wise well it has not improved in years ( maybe get someone to make better models and you know stadiums?).
    -SI decided to follow the industry trend of calling a public beta what in fact is a demo of the game has there were no changes in regards to feedback ( if that does not show path SI decided to follow i don't know what does it  ) 

    Score:  Most disappointing FM and one i decided to skip ( first one i do) 


  5. 3 hours ago, Lempicka said:

    I’m seeing incremental improvements in the ME, but nothing like what we were promised in the ‘levelling-up’ spiel from the Headline Feature Reveal. Many of the same issues that have been discussed on these forums over the last few years have still not been addressed.

    I hate to say it, but it just looks and feels like an FM22 update. A slightly better ME with manager-timeline and squad planner bolted on.

    I'm still only halfway through my first season and it is only beta - hopefully things will look better once released and I've a good career save on the go,


    Been reading the feedback on this thread and i am glad i am skipping this year.
    All this could be done via patching 

  6. 27 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    It really wasn't what you said, and you know it, so take what FrazT said on board.

    I edited my post with more clarification but its clearly a battle cannot be won on my side . either way i am voting with my wallet this year and will be the first year i am not giving money to SI .
    Any criticism of the game so far has been met with silence on part of SI . And its all downhill from here .

  7. 18 minutes ago, FrazT said:

    @Aim_Less  I have hidden you last post- There are no issues with constructive criticism of the developers and the game, but your first sentence was uncalled for and disrespectful. 

    So me saying that SI actions so far are making people angry is worthy of censorship? because that was the first sentence . and comparing the actions from SI marketing decisions to other game devs.
    And when in regards to the use of "influencers"
    Oh well ...

  8. 10 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    It's clear you have a complete misunderstanding of the game's match engine. For there to even be the graphical representation of it that exists right now is something of a miracle. 

    The graphical improvements that CAN be made are more aesthetic, like improving the lighting, the stadiums, the pitch textures, the ball, etc, as these were arguably better in older versions. As for how the match plays out, I still find it surprising that they have even managed a 3d representation of it at all. Trying to marry that up with more modern graphics/animations would be an absolute nightmare, I reckon. 

    I do and calling representation a miracle? are you serious right now? has much has the match engine on fifa manager sucked ( well its EA so minimum effort is a thing ) representation can be made so much better . no one here is asking for real faces or and all that jazz .
    But something that actually looks like football playing and not toys on on the pitch would be nice.



    like improving the lighting, the stadiums, the pitch textures, the ball, etc, as these were arguably better in older versions.

    so if they were better in older versions wheres the improvement ?



    modern graphics/animations would be an absolute nightmare, I reckon. 

    SI is not a new studio they have been doing this for years . its not a  nightmare its not impossible its a matter of work being put into it. there's talent out there if no one  at SI has the know how .
    I work with Unity on a daily basis so i am  not pulling things out of were the sun does not shine.



    Lucky you to have played the game already. 

    Show me an instance where football manager differ so much in scale from the trailers and features when it was released .

  9. 1 minute ago, santy001 said:

    I think even if SI came out and said today they were moving to Unreal Engine 5 and had some amazing looking snippets from the visual side it would still take years to go live on the game. The Witcher 4 is being built in Unreal Engine is it not and CDProjektRed have said that is going to take a long time to transition when they can build from the ground up with it in mind. Moving an existing code for the ME into a new graphical engine will have a lot of challenges. 

    that is absolutely true , but something needs too be done on the visual side , animations can be imported for other engines , Unreal is overkill  ( and not exactly easy to work with ) but something more manageable would be Unity for example. 
    No need to reinvent the wheel but clearly no substancial effort is being made here 

  10. 7 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    Awful comment. 

    Your free to disagree , awful? i am sorry but i calling things has they are clear for everyone to see.
    Compare this pre release season to previous ones. the number of new features , improvements , communication from SI and participation on discussion threads . 
    I have been playing FM since 2005 every year non stop and CM before that , accepting an inferior product for sake of tradition is not on my list of fun stuff to do .

  11. Summarizing the discussion so far  many of us are not happy with lack of new features and the lack of visual improvements .a handful of new animations are not worthwhile improvements .
    A small improvement to scouting is not good enough
    It seems SI decided to just not care this year and so far everything being conveyed by SI wise shows lack of care in providing a good game , you want news on  the game better sign up for FMC .
    Its not like we have anything to show but better signup for that mailing list so sega can sell more of our data ....
    Priorities are clearly not in the right place 

  12. 17 minutes ago, davehanson said:

    PS4 to PS4 Pro is not a 'generation' it is an update on the machine, nothing more.


    PS3 release date: November 2006

    PS4 release date: November 2013

    PS5 release date: November 2020


    See a pattern? A lot of people who got new hardware to work from home won't have bought a top end gaming PC will they?

    the fact that pro versions exist means that consoles cant keep up . you can find a 300£ laptop that can handle this game , you don't need an high end pc to enjoy gaming and certainly not FM 

  13. 7 minutes ago, aj6658 said:
    • Not all FM players are gamers. Some just play football manager 
    • They're not catering to a minority. There a large % who people have weaker machines
    • Consoles are completely different as they come every 7-10 years otherwise you're fine for that time 

    Calling some cheapskate cos they have a weaker laptop is arrogant and you're sounding like a twit. 

    I agree that we should be pushing the game further and that having such a low spec benchmark holds it back but really F off with this arrogance  


    7-10 years? nah

    PS4 - 2013
    PS4 pro - 2016
    PS5 -2020

    And i have my doubts that the large portion is using old machines , has the pandemic shown lots and lots of people had to get new hardware to work from home 

  14. 3 hours ago, CFuller said:

    I have a laptop from 2010. It was a high-end 21st-century gaming laptop at the time, but it cannot run FM22, let alone modern games (I now only use it for non-gaming stuff).

    Anyway... I think your comment just smells of snobbery and entitlement.

    You might have an ultra-modern gaming PC - or at least be in a position where you can upgrade to one - but not all of us are as fortunate. Not all of us can afford to invest in new hardware or PCs on an annual or even biennial basis.

    Also, I'm pretty sure a sizeable chunk of the community bought their laptop just to play FM. Even if they could afford to upgrade, they likely wouldn't want or need to. You might be happy to freeze out those customers so the game can look prettier for you, but SI will look at the bigger picture, and they may not want to take that risk until they feel the investment is worth it.

    Calling those customers "cheap skates" or selfish or calling SI's decision to cater to them a "scam" is totally uncalled for. They are not the problem.


    Technology moves forward , 10 years is  a lot in the computer world . Only someone completely oblivious to the world would think a piece of hardware bought that long would be up to task 12 years latter 
    there's  a thing called graphics settings that can reduce load on the graphics hardware  , and to be honest the ME visually is 20 years behind technology  wise .


  15.  This year they took the fifa route and its basically a rooster update with some tweaks on features . this is not worth the full price .
    And a clear example that SI takes its fans for granted has there's no competition to speak off .
    Has a long time fan this is by far the most disappointing FM i have seen so far , no feature roulette this year  like previous FMs had , because there's nothing to show .

    ME visually still looks horrendous 
    Set Piece creator looks like there's no improvements 
    International Management untouched 
    UI and UX still look like Excel on steroids 
    All that money paying off influencers should had been spent on you know actually improving the game 

  16. basically you locked touch to switch and for people who want it on other plataforms  need to pay for a third party service , this is just wrong .

    streaming is still on early stages, internet infrastructure is still bad in many places including the UK, forcing people to spend more on already expensive game , and spend more on data caps because streaming is heavy on bandwidth. SI management needs to take a look in the mirror  

  17. Very underwhelming this year , they went the EA route and barely any tangible  improvements .
    @Bradley21 is absolutely on point there are parts of the game that need massive overhauls and year after year is nothing but disappointment. part of this can be blamed on lack of competition  , nothing to force them to actually innovate has this is literally a monopoly on the genre  

  18. Competitions and Rule Groups*
    - Various rule updates for Croatia, Serbia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Brazil, Uruguay, Romania, Russia and Scotland
    - Spanish and Portuguese B-Team promotion fixes
    - Fix for B teams incorrectly appearing in the Italian Cup

    Hope the this is a mistake and they fixed in Portugal aswell

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