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Posts posted by mattalele

  1. Hi, I have noticed quite a lot of the time when clicking on any staff member (even ones who aren’t mine), their tactical style will say for example ‘gegenpress’, then the next time I load the save up and click on the same staff member, their tactical style has changed to something completely different. Is this a bug or normal?!


  2. Hi, I have a couple of ideas which I feel would add even more realism to the game so I hope this is the correct place to post them:

    1) When creating a manager profile, having the option to choose different outfits for different types of weather. So for example every time you play a match and it’s raining, you will see your manager wearing the coat you picked compared to a different outfit if it’s sunny etc.

    2) The option to add a bit more of a back story for your manager. For example, if you selected that you were previously a professional footballer, you could type in the team you played for, how many games you played, the years you played etc.


    Many thanks for reading,


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