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Posts posted by Josifovski

  1. Hi @aeightBee, I just saw that they are playing in 4. MFL this season. The team is ФК Партизан Добрушево from the village Dobrushevo in Mogila, Bitola. The original Partizan Dobrushevo is an old club but they restarted this season so in the official name they’ve added “2021” in real life. In football manager I think, I don’t have 2022 yet, they are called Mladost Dobrushevo, not sure.

    Maybe you could add them to third league and upload here as a file? or add 4th league or maybe it’s not worth adding the 4th league either? We could take this in DM if it’s easier? Real life players are not necessary as I want to play youth only and develop Dobrushevo and Macedonia.


  2. Hi @aeightBee! Would it be possible to expand this to 5.MFL? There was a big database for FM21 with 245 clubs and 5 league levels. Maybe you could check it out and see if you could add that into FM22? 
    There is a website called www.Macedonianfootball.com to see actual teams in the different leagues. I could probably help out with some research.

    The reason I would love to have this is to start a youth only with my village team. Would be epic on the new FM! 

    I hope this isn’t against any rules with these requests. Thanks!

  3. 11 hours ago, knap said:


    Demand More when we are winning by 1 goal.

    Show Some Passion when we are back at score.

    Praise when winning 2 or more goals.

    Hi Knap,

    I don’t understand what you mean with “back at score”. Is it if you are loosing 0-1 and just have tied the game? 

    What about when it’s a draw, 0-0? What shout do you use? How often do you use shouts? Is it whenever possible?

  4. Playing with Real Sociedad.

    First season, started with Annihilator but changed to Cerber 4 when it was released. Second place in league, out in semi final in the cup.

    Second season, won league, EURO League and Spanish cup!! Had a really good defensive record, think I let in around 20 goals in the league.

    Thirs season, my record in the league is 7-3-4. Lost last match 1-2 at home against Vigo. In CL I’m through to the next round. 

    Is it FM being FM or what is wrong? There is no new patch right? My team is not playing and pressing like last season. I have improved my squad slowely and with loans as the economy was not the best. I don’t know how many “open goals” we’ve missed so far this season. Almost “every” corner against us is a conceded goal etc etc. 

    I don’t know how to write a PM if you want my save... :)

    Appreciate your tactics as always and I still feel Cerber is a lovely tactic, I just don’t think FM want me dominate  ;)

  5. Hi, I put my set piece takers according to your OP but during the game my CB’s are taking the throw ins sometimes and corners are taken by MC for example. Is there any way to put the position as the set piece taker and not the actual player? 

    Example, right now I’ve chosen my first choice rb as first right throw-in taker on right side. Even if he is playing my CB takes the throw-in sometimes. Is it a bug or what am I doing wrong?

  6. Hi TFF, could you do a sim with Real Madrid? I know it’s maybe not the toughest test but fun to see what kind of results you get. Would be cool to see how Hazard plays on the left.

    I feel now you are in the right forum finally. Always followed you on FM Base but now I feel like you are “home”. The test above might inspire me to buy FM20. I liked 19 a lot, with your tactic of course, but 20 has not attracted me yet. Cheers

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