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Troels Jensen

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Posts posted by Troels Jensen

  1. On 11/04/2023 at 10:47, tajj7 said:

    3. Sometimes the player gets unsettled, despite me having the highest reputation club in the whole game, winning everything going, the players loving the club, me as manager and most of their teammates.  I repeatedly get the 'unsettled would need some serious convincing to stay at the club', even sometimes with mid table PL clubs.  I can pretty much always get out of it through my relationship with the player, often using the 'influential player' thing but I shouldn't have to do it. If IRL like Porto or Benfica were winning multiple champs leagues, dominating Europe and paying huge wages, their players wouldn't be agitating for moves to the PL or PSG. In fact PSG is a good example, PSG players aren't agitating for PL moves, even though they are 'only' in the French league. 

    Overall it just makes long term saves, where you become successful, build up a club and nation tiresome when it comes to transfers. Constantly batting away low ball AI transfer offers, over and over again, that unsettle your players in illogical ways. 

    This so much. I can't count the amount of times my star players have been unsettled by continous scouting from PSG/Man City etc. only to end up wanting to leave for some weird reason. I'm managing Real Madrid, highest rep club and everybody's happy in general. I've raised the issue in the bug tracker.

  2. 4 minutes ago, zindrinho said:

    pressing is done on the man with the ball, that and man marking are 2 different things. The defence is perfectly lined up for a left footed cross, seems like the wide man is an IW, and with no defenders marking the striker he scores. makes perfect sense IMO.

    Perfect sense from what perspective? Coding or real football (which FM23 is not, I know)? It still doesn't matter. There are four defenders just looking at the only player from the opposing team close to goal - one of them should be right on top of him, regardless of man marking instructions or not. What is shown in the example has no resemblance to real football.

    Anyway, I don't think we'll come to an agreement, so let's not clutter this forum up more than necessary.

  3. 8 minutes ago, zindrinho said:

    what Rules? it's because of your setup, something I'd love to see more of in FM, that the choices we make have more impact both positive and negative.

    PS: Man marking is a PI, not opposition instruction.

    If I have OI's on the forward set to tight marking and always press and I have four defenders close-ish to him, then I expect one of said defenders to be close to that forward. Having a back line as shown in my example is not realistic and you will never, dare I say, see it in the real world. Fair enough you want puppets but I would like a certain amount of common sense among the players to apply in this case.

    I wouldn't care if the defenders had lost their marking or something like that but in this case they try to keep a straight line 12 feet from the byline for no reason at all. It's more bad AI and less wrong instructions. They literally had one job.

  4. 15 minutes ago, zindrinho said:

    you're not showing the first contract screen, with playing time and promises. Contracts are a package deal, have to look at everything combined, not just weekly wage.

    True. I couldn't change the original offer in that regard because I had my sporting director initialise the bidding. So you are correct - I don't actually know what he was offered regarding playing time and promises. I suspect he would have been offered first team regular considering the lack of defensive depth in my squad but no - I can't say for sure.

  5. 14 minutes ago, zindrinho said:


    Have you tried man marking him? Seems like the obvious solution. I'm really happy to see this, seems like the players just do exactly what you ask of them which could make the game harder. The game has been way too forgiving in the past, players doing things I havent asked them to because its smart, I dont want smart players I want puppets, that's how I win! :D 

    The defensive positioning in this example is pure stupidity. Four defenders keeping a straight back line leaving a lone forward to himself because what? Rules? A certain amount of AI has to be involved for the human player as well.

    Edit: I always choose tight marking, trigger press and weaker foot instructions for the opposing forwards.

  6. 9 hours ago, michaeltmurrayuk said:

    They have given him an extra year, a yearly rise and a percentage of next sale (and with a lower release clause which is more likely to be activated) which may have changed the overall package, and depending on who you are managing might have just tipped it in their favour, as I'm not sure if the financially benefit is refering to why they rejected you or just that it is the reason they moved from their original club.

    Though if you have a save from before he made his final decision you can raise the issue in the bugs forum so it can be looked at.

    I'm managing Real Madrid and have just won the UCL as well as the league. I tried reloading several times upping the salary and bonuses each time - still he decided to go back to Newcastle to renegotiate a deal - in the news item he even "admitted" that there were better offers on the table but decided to go with Newcastle anyway.

    I know people have different tastes and all but choosing, well, Newcastle over Madrid AND getting a much worse deal on top of that is something I don't really get ..

  7. 18 hours ago, KamyKaze said:

    Really?? Press conference before the match against the biggest rival while fighting them for the top. 2 questions??
    Guess press in this game goes all to the Premier league


    If I go to a press conference as Real Madrid manager before a game against Barcelona or Atl. Madrid, the questions never stop. There. Are. So. Many. It's dreadful.

  8. Small question: A very good newgen has just appeared at my rival club - he refuses to join my club because he loves his club and doesn't want to join their rivals. Is it possible through declaring interest and scouting etc. to make him change his mind?

    That said, I don't find it particularly realistic that a 16 year old refuses to join one of the biggest clubs in the world, just because it's a rival club. Maybe it's just me. I would understand if he was older, but not as a fresh regen.


    - T

  9. 1 hour ago, angelo994 said:

    Honestly I have to disagree with regards to the Beta excuse. This is not some minor bug. This is a fundamental, huge & gamebreaking bug. How can we as consumers & fans of the game be okay with spending £30 (a fair price I must admit for the hours we put into the game), while SI seemingly sell us a game with such a massive issue. It just seems so unethical to me. Do SI even have QA testers, or is that our job??

    It doesn't matter if you agree or not - what you've bought is not the final product and SI never claimed it was. Be happy that they're aware of the issue and most likely are working on a fix. As others have said, it's a BETA version - bugs are to be expected, both small and big. If you don't like that, don't buy/play the BETA. If the problem isn't fixed in the "final" release (later patches *will* come, like always I guess), then you have every right to complain.

  10. 2 hours ago, Meraklija Vujevic said:

    There is no purpose for report!

    Example in fm 22 how long passed from latest update with match engine changes.

    Instead of releasing small updates and fixing match engine issues through entire year they dont do nothing for few months

    So you're basically here to complain? Report the bugs or play something else. What you're doing now isn't helping anyone.

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